Peanuts, Blancheq, Roasted Worm «Mano £3199 Wines Honey Fitted Dates 20v Dried Blueberries 0 or Dried Cherries off Pistachios Pure Chocolate Bridge Mix 1151.9 93? 32? for children and seniors. A {amfly of two aduhs Ind two children can go for 540. Tickets are available at Stoufl‘vilk Florist. 6343 Main St., andbycallingthcchurchatWS- 64044“. ‘ ' Richard Urmmd and Jim Hutchi- son rehearse for this weekend’s Eng- lish pantomime version of Snow White and Seven Vertically Chal- lenged Individuals of Less Than Average Height. The show takes place at Christ Churdt Anglican. 254 Suglsct Blvd. Performances are tomorrow at 7:30 pm., Saturday at 2 and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2' pin. Tickets an $14 for adults. $l0 lan Proudloot. Vice PreSrdent and Regronal Publisher ol Yom Region Media Group is pteased to announce the appointment ol Jackie Smart to the position of Director of ProductiOn fer York Region Media Group Jackie is a long time member at the York Region Media Group team and brings a wealth ol experience to her new role' She‘s held posrtrons in the real estate and retail sales department belore movmg to the pro ductron department in 1992 Jackie became the production team leader tor the Richmond Hill Liberal in 2001 and later the Newmarket Era. Aurora Banner, Bradtord Topic and Georgina Advocate papers She was promoted to Production Manager for the Era. Banner. topic and Advocatein 2007b In her new role. she will be in charge of all at promch'on tor York Region Media Group and a member ot the senior leadership team N0 SMALL HOLES IN WEEKEND PANTOMIME Jackie Smart Director of Production Announcement STAFF PHOTOISUSK KOCI f R$C Hflf)’