Residents to pay for New Year’s ï¬reworks BY SANDRA BOLAN _5bnlan@vrmx. cam Since l994. Whilchuruh- Smuï¬ville families have been descending upon Memorial Part to celebrate New Year’s Eve with hm chocolate. hotdogs. tobog- ganing, ice skating and fire- unwise. The event was cancelled last year becaust- the park was under constmction. 1119 even: has always been {me to attend and did not ms: the taxpayers anything .to host because it was all paid for by dnnations from developers. which were solicited by Mayor Waynclimmcrson. The mayor said the mason why he will no longer solicit develop ers {or the event is because he is tired of residents accusing him of But come 2012. “10 event. which exists about $10,000 to put on. will be'paid for out of dcntia] tax money. Mr. Emmorson made the announcemem during last week's budget meeting. Developers’ money no longer wanted: Mayor (Siï¬'ibune w m {mgr m SHARE THAT OPINION, STOUFFVILLE. E-MAII. LETTERS TO THEEDITOR T0 JMASONGYRMG£0M mmmuon I WMWNWWW I 24m1mawusasv ; Added cash not enough at busy library Fat life insurance, 90 with someone you know. The Whil’chuyth ~Stuuflvilk' Pub- lic Library's request to hit? its ï¬ts: new employee in nine years was granted by town council last week. but in order (age: um staff. the materials budget had to remain the same as it was in 2010. Stouflville dcfmccnn‘n Paul Geiger bracts an oilidal as Mammal: Chï¬s Porter collides with Markham Waxcr Tyler McCarthy dur‘ ing ILA blayoflaction at the Stouï¬vilk Arena Sunday. The Spirit won 10-5 totals: the series. They Wen with Nemnarkn tonight. See page lb. (MACMW’I BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolauéi’wmgxom SPIRIT TAKES OIIT MABKIIAM - NEWMABKET NEXT STAT! IAIN i-S nun: “'lhc materials spending is going in the wmng direction.†Carolyn Nordhcimcr km. the library’s CEO said in an htcn'iew. “It shouldn’t hawt- lo be a choice between staï¬ng and materials.“ In 2010. the number of items available per resident was 2.69. Due to an hmased population and the The new hire is a‘fï¬â€˜hnk‘al so]- vims assistant. who will help mah- the library's onllne presence as sgunless as possible. flatlining (“materials buying in the budget. the numbet of items pct resident has put that number at 2,54 for 2011. Which is good news because the #hum mmw m Mu“ "‘43 .IMNM ï¬shy-Mummy.» Call me and fl] hdp you get the mm M: Hiram-r for mu and mm famfly, number of electmnk mus 1s um- nf the hiflmst in the am; 9h? per capita in m. The pruvmual avenge was 5.08. awarding lo the Ontario Minisuy of 'luunsm and Cultum. which oversaw public libraries LOOK INSIDE for our full page of specials! S'MV'HOTMKK {mgr 'WAN VSHV N