thrflm inhum- m-h mun wm I1 u-n \H uflnnmrm "mm hr Irv. man «lb mi‘h ‘l" 9mm mflmir an .IM Wm!†Irluhmr numb": monu- md «MW 1hr Sim Tull-mt (Mu-x 1hr "flu In pubic»; m mu nuth and so min Sm « Lu m and an: t' W. W m WWIW. ham Mlmem. WLM‘JM WOW.M 'Mmh‘ndbnflyd mum 01mm Imm- mmm WRMW WNW. El and Mil. W En. Anton 8am. m when. Mouth-m [norm Thu Sunâ€"M. mm even/M ‘5; ï¬,. ME /‘ . {Wham ‘ WH-MU 'H 9‘“ M0 3773 H’HURLU NH P-RT'NM.‘ ‘Klf‘ Moltâ€: lguv’u‘l ‘ Ԥ\ In W5 M1) 8778 Carrie Mat-W mbauulbO-mq‘mm Mam muontyuu com smuthkuï¬'rm‘ mm xtan (WWW Badman [ETIERS POlICY gmnwm‘. mm “I5 I'RIBUTION 90‘ M" 36 I 2 Mite Baum“? hm Mama Thom would bt‘ few in town who haw better mmnurios of the outdoor pool tha'n me. I spent my youth leamlng to swim in the nmrnlngs and swimming with friends most afternoons. eventually working four summers as a lifeguard. swim instrunor and manager arthcpool. v lETTERS TO THE EDITOR VX'::;Â¥:III ()lllle)! 000' I Re: New pool ï¬n Memorial Park; Feb. 24. ‘lhis at a time when there mmfewprivam backyatd pools and numbers'of mm averaged in the hundreds eachday. ' r Personality, or lack thereoï¬ may hold key to power Hmvewr. to mpalr a facility that is more than 50 years old at a cost of approximately $1 million would have been im- sptmsible. This ls especially so when a new pool built adjacent to the indoor pool and able to areas some of the existing moms could probably be mmtructed for considerably less cost and with substantially less Iong-trrm maintenance M'll have to wait eight months for the answer to that politically charged question. but odds are some other '5th will amt) up and the hopefuls would be guessing if they told you now what that issue will be, Such as (m- leaders hairstyks or what thry Ionk like m a hat. Elections am funny cxcn‘iscs in storm fmu‘mting: you m'vt'r quite knuw when will cloud the m win-re a lightning bolt will strike and knock nut tht- power tn an otherwise pmmising campaign Important stuff like that that will n‘alty mattct in our lives. that their handlers are no doubt pmrupt’ed with and axsemlï¬ing focus groups tn pmbc at this very moment ing m-olemon this fall? The Big lxsm' nnw new: stems that imponam by Ihv time the (.‘k‘fâ€" tiun rulls‘ Mound. mgwa because we've - been gi'wn MmeIy jolts with the same [In-usage that pm hymns gm fried, so we look fm some "the! valid mason m vote 0! nm vmv. (IX)?! Dulum look truer with Hus hail a) parted in the middle? [1) in a ill me rising cost of power be enough to up Dalton Mdiuinty's chances of leading the liberals to an electrify- x-x'txrnsv. Yes. an outdoor pool pro~ vides an enjoyable venue [or several weeks of the year and may well he a facility that the taxpayrrs (lmlw 0f thus-v in the small band of locals deter- mined to blindly overspend our tax dollars on a tired and nut-of-datc facility. how many can actually say they have used the outdoor pool on'a regular basis? Council was wise ‘to review plans for the water feature in the park and. include a new pool. but to throw tax dollarslat a facility that is beyond repair been foolish. » Councillor Rob Hargrave might better spend his time doing a little research and responsibky managing our tax dollars 'rathet than wandstand- mg, mielection was only a few months ago and I believe his campaign stressed commuted spending. Has he 'forgottcn already? (Docs the fact Tum Hudak's name a mid hr ahbn-viau-d to 'I'Im H. mean people mmId a) like to roll up the rim to win with him? 1)) mlï¬et do their mt mg in a drwe-thru? or c) pledge eternal loyalty m exchange for a SID gift card?) playoff mohawk? m c) in a mullet-a. as in "business in the fmnt. at the back'?) (I low many people in this province a) knmv the name at the leader of the NDP? b) can pmnuum‘e it [)flfllfdy? or C) are going to confuse .it with the last name of the leader of the Conservative party?) It would be hand for the liberals to differentiate themselves from the (hu- servattvas and their leader because. frankly. not many people seem to have WAYNE FEASBY m It 1M (1.“: Bernie O'Neill Sï¬W'ï¬'ibune As winter drags on and hills mount. I'm sum some of us are thinking, I can just stop buying food I could stand to lose a couple of pounds. (His- toryw'ul recallhowyou stop eatingand grow weak. but In a State of hallucina' tinn pen the modem children‘s dame. Chilly. Shaky. and Shivery. the Three J‘yl‘r yvuu of like yum kids' fawmnu' mu: artists. I'm sum hv (la. b mu'u k1 more about mesa political lm. than you had vwr hupg‘d m \w wyuuuuv \lll|\("1 F SW msmn! Heme WWI! a Wmomup ewe! heard of the (buservative leader or NDP leader. Andrea Horwalh (pronounced Ilorvath) fat that matter. Remember lohn Tory and lkmrd Hampton? long gone at this point. replaced by Hudak and Namath in leadership conventions to which few if any of as paid any attention. In a province once knmvnwfnr low rust hydm. as won as nuclear output that was a boon to the jubobtxming- manufacturing sectnt, they aim pmhahiy on to mmething. ()bviousiy. as the election nears we'll hear more about both party leadm Indeed. yuur awn disinlelested kids might even learn something about the people who aspire to run this province. instead of the latest news on pop idol lustin Beibc-l or some rapper. past or present. whose exploits they can "tell you about in detail. It‘s pretty clear the (nnsen'atives led by hm Who-dat? (his rapper name) would like m make the high cost of cloc- tricin the N0, 1 issue. Puausuan Ian Proudfool 62% Main St mum MA 167 It's kind oflike the [hm lmle Pigs. oniy the wolf is from lm'mï¬tmam‘s gdlecflon agency.) Lillie Rappers Who Forgot to I’d)“ the Heating Bill. That being said. I just can't see this high-voltage Issue holding Its charge as we grow used tn the higher (‘0st 'z I think it‘s all going In tame dawn to what we think of the leak-rs per- which is what it always unst down to. even If we gay n's Issues ()r platform. don‘t ynu think? Read-up nn Mr» lludak and you'll hear him described as unnpotom but dull (mum once used to dcscnlx' Mummy. allhough sumc mm um use the wnrd dull)‘ llnrwalhl mu might we described, lams as unguardul and wpxmtam-nus (il than what ynll'n' looking for in a pn-mim) lt's our own little Gnumm A“ (mix- style political popularilv mmw Kind of like your kids' favuumc "lUMCdl artists. I'm sure h\' (M. b vnu‘ll know more about those [mllllffll loadem than you had cwr hupul m Especiafly when we haw two new 4m lhv M‘CXH‘ and a pn'nm‘r who savs this will b0 hm hm (‘lm‘tlon Emma m (Sum Debom Kelly Bowman Mam:- Robrn lax-auto Duncan. P3000411 us lurk“? \mar: lhucml. AIM-TIN!!!†Dunnumn. Nu‘ulc' Hm hr: lhumun. (hmrlons Hal! v ï¬lm A