Apeddmislkhgmï¬Ã©mufltqmamdngmmudnmmï¬mmh. Mayor wants GO to help with MainSt. station crossing 2|!!! (:5? if: 103.17; 11.35.: .10? £538.. it? $311.! 5.98.52- 3 311-33,!!! til..." .5“!!! uuting fill; €33.51: .1311 3' fix!!! $3.53!... 2.! at}. {055g ’33... “no EPIC: fl!‘ .3913. (as, '3 {is ,3... )3}!i; 427...; III-II 55:3,?!- Amman-y ISIOSYongSt no: 1mm '05-’17-2577 lithe-Hall MSSYongtSl “Ola-HM» ans-scams swam locum-ma 905-722-3170 W W: Web: Trustéé in Bankruptcy Pat Robim HUI-561W: Cad,“ aï¬wpcwonaltlmm: oHdp will: (minor problem ‘oh'uposzl to cmï¬tom A owns 8: 8% Bankruptcy sun-.mwut nu W070 1-877-727-2577 Tolllmiorny Mayur Wayne hnmerson wants a meeting betweenflflhnsigcotmdlandd‘epubï¬clo takrplaceinanemn tosdvemepedesuim W . 0n nudaymoumflappmd $50M for curb muons adjacent to the Main Sane! dhtame and pmdde inptmed viability in donnnymtbedntdmph. 'lwammï¬emmhmnhcouldbeabng W0." Mr. ï¬rm said. addhg GO Whambeapanofdxesohmonm Winofomermunnpamesnmm dumpmblem' ‘ mmuammï¬msmmm- “A: mid! and mayor. you're womb ï¬rflwnï¬yofomdflwm'memdm Msmabomamdeapeddm duthadlï¬ï¬smtumsonitfmmmsidum ridersmdmbusinesses mfmwrofasig. 'fopmaliametliguonMainSueetlflbe whoadedmnohwn.â€MLEmmexsonsaig1 ‘As a 610mm solution. Mr. meennn tmsedmnuwflaofudngmgmds “IMit‘saymtidca'mmndlorRob Hargnve said. ‘1ka! what grownups wmï¬d mink of beinganssedbyacmssimM'Mrfmmer- 67 Automall Boulevard (Millard 8: Hwy. - 905838-7777 ' stouffvillehyundai.com I: ballots-“ï¬lm IV “ND†IOLAN sbufanï¬i‘yvmmg mm mm «mun 1W“ pm 03.3253m . 2.9.? a, 0“ . V. 9.. oil It a. {k _: .3 0.5.... I. “It, 32...: v. I." :1! «II»: in, 9 1.§,.I§\Fulagifalc .5619 .93. r . .héf. a:§,,£$ri ..ԤI.!-.I:’I3I!p 36‘? i 3.11.. 0:14 iAgig.!.§nb;§g. I! 39...? i I. ,r- 3.103.... '56 a; :1. .IE 3‘ ‘1. :3 5.3! 61.3.,21; .fc 0.53.15... vol-l (E 5 in, 9.3.: If. {Wermaossingguard 15 nm an npnon. accord‘mgto PamWhiQeMme. director of pub- hcworbfmmevan Mnaddedflwyamonlyalbnuimtwmed m WWW “We would'be leading edge." Mr» Emmer- son joked. nmmmmmw Wionmeinimdhefonmstmmn mayhmtovgailtoggï¬ideMMure WWW. anisaproposalbyPACESaMgsand MUM,MmmdeMishm mwmthomumhm- mmmasix-umstmycondo Wmmmmmnme mainfloocxmummjmmmon. In2012.flrtownisa|50piumhgto resurmeahSueabetwemNmLine mmm; mmmsmoubdmon Mummwcettoknm mm mm pamasopmmd for NIBBbmkeniMotwopamEdwam mmmrmsmm (hutch Street HYUHDHI' PACE HOPES T0 ERECT SIX-STOREY BUIUMNG