Not a public 1 speaker. Sumlcan carry pn a convemation about issues of peréonal interest like hockey and baseball. even pulili-cs. but when it comes to expressing myself in from of a live audiemte. I grow weak at the knees. This diIcmma could possibly be solved by joining Stouffv‘ifle’s Toast- npster's Club. I'm told this organization has pro- duced many outstanding matures. Might be worth a uy. Strange isn't it how some individuals can debate topics ofprOfound intensity around a‘tablc at 'l'tm Honons. yet wilt like violets when placed behind a podium. In all honesty. I envy speakers with the abil~ try to stand up. even at a moment's notice and deliver addresses without notes We’ve all heard mlu: tions to this dilemma - convince ynurself you know more than your listeners. luok out over everyone's head or pre~ tend those in the audi- encv’ are all in the nude. So far. none of these has worked for me. ' World leaders like Winston Churchill and lohn "Kennedy could do it. President Harack Obama can do it. So could John [)icfcnbakcr. So can Ste- phen Harper. Including me. It was with this men- acing shadow hanging over my head that thesi- tatingly responded to an invitation last month from former town coun- cilor Margot Marshall. “We'd like you to come to Lemonville and speak at a meeting of our Unit- ed Church Women.†she said. “The date is Feb. 9 and the time is 1:30 p.m.. or! whenever you can make it.†"I'm a school crowing guard." l spluncrcd. ‘my mumâ€"hour shift ends at 1:05 and begins again a! 2:40. (Innsidcring thc drive «wcr and back. this The request caught mp off guard. so much so. I smuggled to think at excuses ' However. the additive "whenever you can make it.“ left me little wigglcv mum. Far from speechless in Lemonville It's a Skill few people don't pmfess to be a speaker. doesn‘t give me much time. I can't be late.†Margot. having heaul all the tall tales in her stint behind the bench. mï¬lsed to let me off the hook. “We're flexible.†she said. "we’ll stop our meet- ing whcn'you'm ready :0 start. You can speak as tong as you like. as short as you like and leave whenever you'wish." "It's an honour." I replied. perspiration dripping off the end of my nose.- "thanks for ask- ing." This. in itself. was quite amazing. Here in a little country hamlet of 250. were 25 people. onc~tenth of the com- munity's population. gathered together on a Wednesday afternoon to heat someone who. two weeks previous. had no idea what he was going to say. But what should I talk about? My growing up years? My ï¬rst job 3! Eaton's? My second job in a can wash? 1 ï¬nally settled on the only thing I know anything about * journalism. It was a risk lhadiolake. ' hm 1710mm 1'5 a m who has un'mmï¬omm muspapvrs for morr than 60mm On this day of destiny, the weight of responsi- bility rested heavily on my head. This condition wasn't lessened by the numbers of cars parked outside the church and the large contingent of women, seated inside. They weren't. But the warm welcome did include a presidential hug that nqt even out prime minister could ha‘vc anticipated. ‘T’lus generous applause at the end. “They're smime expect- ing Stephen Harper." I said I!) myself. I may who me on the road! with [im Thomas BLUEBERRIES w .-CHEDDAR- AU SAG-BS h muwumwmm Maw TUMZBMQCUWMMWI‘ It's ‘ mm «Wm pwPa Tm Ii? 35-99!" Somvs 01v! up» $19.95 1 Utah: Ia‘ $7.†an. 900.1“ m“.â€::. Prob the flue- setting, we'll Inâ€... 'F S‘- " Am; 0 I: i? It’- a WHAT’S FOR tlolnlfllfl OIOCII ZIALS IN UNTIL CLOSING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 "' Hm Moo. 10:00.7.00 ~ “sauna-'0. 95:01:00 ~ m. 6:007:00 30:. 9:000:00 ~ Sun. 1000500 548 Carlton Road; Unionville ' Whï¬:hdw¢kdwum gum-haf'uhwllud'hï¬pmndm I‘M-lknmddmobxmc , ' “ufluowhrmmbwmy. , 'b-mw-palhqmmma ' In adhmmgivcdcpth ' V loan, with _ pd the: in out octagon _ , .» “(Wkdï¬ï¬‚vflflh‘8l95conuim Och - 1* 'HB uh laycrd viii ban and and lemon butter cream. moo-Im- had M, onduoutpidc,soft ma Ina: («£22, :7“ «and crew and diccd mum-qummmm ad whit: uh, Inppcd MadodofMHtluouuou-u.hgflz.95 > L.- M - My dI-cb: famï¬u. Smooth and delicate. thncu of Itmun inï¬tkmofl-m cud. In “hatched mm. topped with kmon shun “magnum Maintaining-nus; mvmndpru'umnt‘ !)l¢g.$12.95(larg¢ 2 ‘34) = W? I .55: " a t l I 5 1' 3 3 H 940- 1 770 www.lhevillagegrocer.eom A“ with crumbs flatten the. am 'A dc Provence). thcmabino men THIS WEEK- pr- BREADED 3 ORKCUTLETS â€"- SINGAPORE â€"- OODLESALAD MmMIihankcmnbccfsmdvich. nadthhmkitvfllpdowniustabit \‘cuicn‘Wc mu with in“: round: of .OAST BEBE slow roui than till nrc oh the nu lidé. 1 OFF “$2.99 ms ll 00: . WEEK 3UNDRIED â€"TOMATO .UMUS