wane Fm (Gameâ€"l). Markham mansmmsmm 2 Sunday" (Game 2): Spa! 5 vs. Mamham ms 3. MummlmolikmnMLBn' mam 2 (MLM Oead beau! seven seam lound series two .mmone " Mt! Yoda, {Game 4) a! Stouflwlle Am. 7:30 p.m‘.Wh-$ue Reap rude, [Game 5) at Madman! Centennial, 730 pm“ Sunday (sun game [rt necessary) m3mmueNena.2 100m March 4 (seventh pme n necessary) at Markham CBMGMIIOL 7:30 pm wmwmmswmuesm WWWWMMONI amrfnmammbtseasonmm‘_ nmmmmawmmm mummmmmmmwwm League's Mm D‘Msm stamina. Spun headmammrgoamnemecmnom «mammadoseiyconwsmdsenes mummmmmmw round bead-swan aflmflakngm test FM‘sopenenmcnmmstm-sm mummy slams momma. uooappoarsmbonmontamaflevme SpflbatflodbacktomflnsenesMa 5% warns Stow“ Anna Retumng to mum Cedenniai Am fot the third game Mendy tat-00m a Wang SPORTS: Markth leads Jr. playoffscries 2‘1 Spirit hopes bounces go their way at home tonight SYORES - FLYEIS - ULALS ' COUPONS - BROCHURLS - CAYALOGUES - LONYLSTS - MODUCTS otmc 150 minutes on Femainwa maubsbamedmtoovemmbemme mmazmmamms tooneleadmmescnesï¬nemscomlcss ï¬rst pododMoMcssandmewne's WNW-MMMMW smï¬mm‘mawbyflaam mannammmvsmpmr wmapaljtstï¬lseoondswwmm mewpahandenmmgmemmwnoa, Wmmmwmrdumsmeï¬nal MmmUmspaquocmeSpth‘en Deuanmwmmmummm mmminum mungh Inflation tummuemmandsecmestapiov WAWbyMevKnmyustm ï¬veminmcsmmeanmsessiodwonMc munmhesmnaam edgemshos4334‘ In rmsmr,mmmeamm memnuma IOIeadMughIZO mnumstâ€"lmwmwnods. Gm.ma mus/enunmd Paul CognachscovedmfovmeSpmme Sporllheidmemmshots3833 InSuMay‘sseoondgmemawaswn mmsnmmcsmmesammne AmmflteSpflmcemdabigmhun 1mmmu.mmuodmw muss Mumatyevmedmescnes. Afluasoovebssfï¬pemdflacbmw scored the game's ï¬rst two pats that put the Sum up 2 ~0-near the MIME}! mark at the second perm! Alter the Winters scared mat Bast the May pomt to cut thew deï¬at, the Spam cwntere‘d wrth a goal by Chrlsuan Finch and me late m the frame tram Tyter tonEnptbrechten to take a 4-1teadenneringmeï¬natpenod The Waxersthmgbatttodhadtmthapawot unanswered ants tow back no withm one‘ late at the game Debra MacDonatd Iced mymemanemptynetpatWt ,. 12 seconds remaining tn the tit. The outshot the Waxes 35324 UNDER: After bemg named the Omaha rumor Hockey League's Hagar of the Month to: January and chosen to the Nam-West Contrarence‘s ï¬rst Alt-star mam, Matt Neal was named the team's mom rmpmd playet Manama Barrie who also semasanaltnrmcaptainwtmme Spun, has seen a study umpmmom smce jommg the Spit! three years 83). Asa 17-yearoldrmkietn2mmme ‘ recorded 31 points tnjntsh ï¬fth in crab scon'ng. Last season. he led the Spirtt wrth 219615 and 4.7 pom Ihis season. Neat Wued to :2th process as he mprovedhrspuinttntalby53aher- compuhngwpatswmmststolead the dub m agahNot Only dud-hi5 WI 2191913 â€"--c -a- gflyerlandsa’ totals lead the club. he ï¬nished bunh overél m league scomd“, mule fmshmg Wungoalsoomandbedlovsecond m assistanloloeonspecmmamsï¬oal notched 10 mm; aim we recod- mg the Iowa's mad-beam! of 25 muons/mm!!!» W‘s bum bestch an the man wanna. OI has mam.emnwemw\nnnne¢s.ned tormo‘m'ud besuowlmthe manhun- mgme dub to a .720Mpememaae and mmplace m meWast Divisionï¬eal hasaooepteda ï¬lm-WWW to Rensselaelmriclmne,playhgfov me [name's begm‘mwlmlhe 2011-12 ECAC was omductcd bythe league's metal manages. ‘rou'vegotm teamsmaeachhad 72 pomssoyou wectmemmamsto mummy matched." DomsaiaOfmesoflesmus far. ‘¢ moume myuhmom' trailed me eamm mummy/same. batman useth mesacmd nan and Wm (Mammmmeuzooeqm fekmmtovmtennwemadeonemstam atmebtuehnehauenmeandig/ostusf‘ Donovan W '36 dub‘ippeaaed to be a lime W in last Fflday's open- ean nowqddhcfedhischbwasover- conï¬dent awe! ham; defeated-“mam n 0 "(WM WatsonO.T.haofotCIppets hopenorofOMHAsamlflnalsedes Nathan Watson's, goal at the SULLmark of rwvmmv pmpelled the Stouflville minor bamam (lhppors m a 3-2 overtime win over the Uxbridge Stars in the ï¬rst game of their best-ofâ€"ï¬vc or ï¬rst-ursix-pmm Ontario Minor} lockcy Association Aï¬lcwl semiï¬nal serum at thv Stouflville Arena 'lhesday. After a ï¬rs-t period. the Stars scum! lht’ game’s ï¬rst goal just past the midway point. With the Stats adding another goal In pad their advantage to 2â€"0. theClippel's whinled their dvï¬vil (m a goal bylordan Briflinger late in the Helping to keep the Clippers m wmémiun was some outstanding work by goalkepcr Andre Ward ' The series will resume in Uxbn‘dgc Saturday. The minor bamams are one of three Smuï¬u‘lk- waxm in the ()MHA semiï¬nals. Trailing 2-1 in the [hind period. the Clippers battled back to tie the game near the midway mark on a goal by Duncan Allen. That set the stage for Watson’s heroics m the extra scs 5km that handed the Stars their ï¬rst loss since Nov. 28. [elemy Hugles collected two assists whim laylor Peterson. Nick Rabito and Mitch \Mlhersrxmn had one the stack; he said. Donovan doesn‘t expect to make an, changs 10mg!“ 'Wa had a nice run to ï¬nish the yea! and we've played the way we wanted to play. Inch indudad a ooupte of mus against Wm. We won‘t Mme much We ms! hope lo: a few better bounces of the puck and we're coming home. We (3:an apecttfissenestobeeasfrmsaad F0: mom on the Spirit. go to: stow/me- spiritoom m on may at @Spir‘rum 80! m Sunda/s seeondg‘bme he ten his dub melted to ptaying the way may did during the stretch run of the negular season. me hey. be tea. was the†abm tomoflencemmmoremanlust one Inc. In pamcular. the Ime Mum Donaldwas on. He helped seq the tone 1» scam: the game's ï¬rst two mats netbng an empty-net msurance meme: 'We have "we lines that can score and I'm conionabte mm am; 01 the three that I put out me": that one oltllem (.de pmk up m then last mice manna! season meeUngs ‘l thong?! we 1051 played a We nervous and made some uncharactensm mistakes' an; Mr - N‘s-unnamed; Michael Hayakawa