’WJOIWOIILOID I “UP-dd} Ill ‘Thuhstmmis mum-mm Why-t mmlfln’l mum-u than-Imam unplde Mm Poumlual (masum am! durum of fimma {or Ihc 12mm 0/ Whitman h - Smulfliflr Only Markham has lower tax rate than VVlï¬tchurch-Stouï¬Rrille: town ipated lax-raw lower than Whitehuxch Stou‘flvifle. “When you look at a you want to hefn'ntoafl pamvl‘airmthc lawn. fair to the future and fair to the taxpayers." Councillor Rob llargmve told The Suh-‘lï¬buue. Marumxx,at2.9;x1tL1|l.lmd anamk In order to drop 1.5 [’01 cent from the town punion of the tax levy. a planning dopanmvnt commercial polity study was Men“! tn ZOIZ. as was the ï¬ne protection contract with Markham Hu- and Emergency Set. vices. which wuukl have wired the (Bunnlcy arm. '11!» hiring of a perm" In handle wuiorsl community programming was not approved and pushed In at least 2012, according to Mr. l'humr hidi. One hin: that was appmved Was the purpogatc communications ofï¬cer. . “We med {.0 ï¬nd out how we'r? going to gel the information out that (midents) think we're hiding†said Mayor Wayne Emmetson. ' ’nu- mayor noted residents are mnl‘using ptivato websites for "w lOwn's and some of the information on lhosv sites is inaccurate. ' "'lhcy seem to think we're hiding things and we're not.’ Mr. Emmemm The position is expected to be ï¬lled ()0. 1. Its impau to the 2011 budget is $ 1619(1); I‘l'he corporate communications ufl'lccr will “help the mwn become "an pmactive in its dissemindlbn of information.‘ not reactive. which it currently is. according to Dave (Lash. (LAO for the Town of Whitchurch- Sluuffville. What also helped to keep the hike mlutivcly low. was the town’s high er than anticipated increase in new sand ‘We don't have the mum to go beyond the reaction mode right Mr. (lash said. “It's a much more chal~ lenging role fog us to gea out in from." 'Wcudhï¬ndouthowwe’n mount-5mm M(nï¬dmh)m“'rahiting. MmhMu'nming Mum’nmt' Mayor Wayne Emmcrson on 1):: hvrmg a! u corporatc mmmunn alum: affirm In Mr (mm: The 2010 ï¬scal impact Stud) M'- ummended an annual tax hike of 2.8 per cent (mm 2010 to 201-1. Just to keep status quo'. ‘lha! increase did not include the additional l-pcrâ€"ccm conuibution to capital How ever. the 201 l hike of 3 per (“1141005. ‘Whigh is by far loading the mgij more than doubling anyone." Mr. Pourvahidi. [he 3-pcrccm hike includes Iâ€"pcpccm being dt‘pt'hlfl‘d intocapital “The best pan is the rt-sidems will continue to gel sen/ices and we'll be able to meet the demands of the NM population." Mr [hurvahldi said homes being aha-55w by M PM L. whu‘h was about 6.2 per cent