bpmm Heidi Wallis and Melissa Winchester will represent Siouï¬ville Toastmasters in the speech portion and Alex 'lhomson will compete in the evaluation event of the organization's area competitipn in New- marluel next mtmlh. They were tops at the local qualify- ing event at Slouffvflle District Secondary School eaflier this month. ( “am an! gal learn chm“ in program your local m0 club It‘s to "ï¬n. Registration payout»! ran ht and: by rah or rhoqur. RWM [as ("crust ma Mar. [/2011 Ul’hN [LAULLS MEN “()MPN HOUSF I FAGâ€!- [W VFl HPMFNT‘ SFI. Ff‘T k RFP ‘FAMQ HKW\ (ulRl K WHITOI‘IURCH-S‘I‘OUFFVILLE soccm CLUB - SATU RDAY I- EBRU A RY 20th 2011. OUTDOOR soccm mrsm'rlon I l nun-me Smuffville 'l‘oaslmaslcrs Inn-ts a! m:- high school every Monday at 7 pm. Since 1924. more thuufour million pen pic around the wurld have [icon Imus! masters. Members ("an improve lht‘il mm: munication and leadership skills and ï¬nd the courage to change. 10ciay, Toast mum-rs has more than 260,000 mcmhem around the globe. To learn more aboul the Club and wait!) the contest. visit stoufMlleIruWasIhmI hi1 FOR THOSE BORN 2007 OR EARLIER STOUPFVILI} ARI-IVA LOBBY hm Wu Mu 1mm F01, DU'J'b-M) «‘2 V'.» hm.“ «mm m! W06 "w m um, 1348.1 er‘lh Lune N am 1412' L‘A 8A 5 Eartha“: U'Iln' « 905-727-0930 18(0263â€"2231 mmuwgn Eliminate women abuse in our community Vglgntï¬ r “HOW I I I C K HOUSE