a ' _ x E . _. ., Lude the my to human independent Mum†'Nxmu-unmwmuuWamu-tnmnwumunuo “mun-nu her-Iran 2mm “autumn-gallant“ ‘ STOUFFVILLE SAYS: Should the mum replace the outdoor pool in Memorial Park with a splash pad complex? “M'I'mmapmpet guycotudpltd'amopoolmlhe 909! is I pod opponunit'y to: smmmpom Ithinkwe Theymflhobywconm!wnh mt mmamdpvoqum‘mmd'CMhmeuWqu mtwmtmwmmmvmwummm Conth newcomers and human“ m the sank†they need. 0m Outreach 1am will be running with newcomm and Immigrants at: Markham Village Community Centre (Lobby) 6041 Highway 7,Markham chnuday, FebruaryaS. 9:30 am » 11:30 am Millikan Mills Community Centre " 7600 Kennedy Rd., Markham Wednesday, February 23. 5.00 pm - 890 pm Trustee 'in Bankruptcy mmm9 I‘olmmfl 92m tllhnh" “727-2577 Mm mumps: Miuluhh' 999-909-9093 1 mo my» a .. nun 905-722-5170 Emil: HOMobimmmm Web “wi'mllobimonmm Pat Roblï¬on ...In your community put M be arm b] a nu mm‘flm.Mam mmdmmmmam asrumofuswomtaelt' C Oom‘mdhdpmmkdmcmv . Wouldyou the «Hum Enolnh’ O Domnudhdpï¬ndmg waft? 6 Do you want to new mom abom mm somcs wobble no you: WWW? 1-877-727-2577 Tourneth mm ‘I would like to MMmMompoolbecauseme muflhmbcuaodfukids. the pool accmmmdates mow the oldetones.‘ | “mum MASTERCARD a new 0 smunano @ suvsns PREMIUM APPLIES TWO of the team's topâ€"three scorers. 27- yeax-oldM' ' Grabovskiandleflwinger Nikolai Kule .24. will beat the restaurant from? tospm. Boston Finn's hosting two members of the NHL team for a fuse autogaph session again tomorrow. v Calling all Leafs fans Grab your posters. pictums and WK“WS’»‘€‘.‘W Grabovski, Kulemin sign for Leaf fans .HARDWOOD AND LAMINATE FLOORING LOCATION: "III ICCO'II Iflll, IIIKIII, II SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26" 2011 at 11:00AM \bulovedmelastohesotopqmmymmmï¬oodngfalessmback TmsAuctnon wflttaam Top Ouauty 3/4'Pra Finished nafldownhardwoodfbodng and win be soldmgardIossotCostaLnss. , Ybu can expect to see beeutuul Oaks. Hades, Chemes. Black Walnut. Japanese Exotics. Bamboo. Bach. Gonean sna lamavanetyofï¬nhshes including Hand ScmpedaMWideHmksupm5â€ine_ ThorawiualsobeaniceselechmduminatasandEhgimemdhamwoodmat can belaidï¬gmovermwuatajomFeaNreanaasycï¬cktogemmmaflaï¬onThe EnosmeredhatmooOMasoï¬dhamwoodmpU'tatcanbereflmshed upmanmes. MmmodowFlooflnoAucuonammebmest andttmbest.Wahaveso§doverszionsmmfeet olfloorhginmepasdayaars.0ubuyemrammtim and time again tor excelem products and value mmwummmv mum N mmmmmmmmm mummmmmmmm Aflfloodngwllbeaotdbyusqmmmmow manomrmrvou NEED! mmmmmommc Tammumkmmflmamgebuyer‘saves mammotdolasoverflemflMeselbymesqmtootsoyou - oniyhavetommmm! Fans are advised to arriw: eariy. Lineups sptasnpadsmmmemm beamteohnuwyflmwww put lmWw don't havekame Eire were long and lines wem an of! earlier this seasonwhencaptain Dion Phaneufandlead- ing-scomr Clam MacArthur wen: in town. Othey [ads to take pan in autograph sions at 11:: restaurant have included Duke Schenn. lay Roach“! andIylet Bonk. laisassimm coach Keith Acton anth fanlflywndIeBostonPizzafranchlsem Boston Fina Stouï¬ville is at 1060 Hoover Park 01., just wt of Hwy. 48. m HM: ‘It's a 50-year oldpooland Mllcostdoubie the mmmrnmannwouldbe mptamm‘.,swcmleneeds toleammlivewimmnsmans.‘ 3v STEPHANIE WES!