I! > 3' ,_ COuple has no insurance “N to cover $50,000 break-in 1 h J I I P L: But (hell ï¬rst and Ian month's rvnl. along withxtheir muving wen' stolen last week when their.wa on Kemwdy Road in WhitchuthquIe was broken into. SloIcn wem tools Mr. Basnicld used for plumun'g drywall. cupcn- "try and mm as well as lunhcapim; equipment. None off! was inmmd. The thief or thieves also stole about 350.000 worth of tools from their garage and an A'IV the couple used to clear snow from their driveway. which was parked In their yard. It. “lawns out and out I think it was mtgettcd for the tools and the ATV." Mr. Bank“ said “\Ms know it's somebody we knew because (our three cats) wean"! lnMayZOO9.Mr.Basnickiwassevetely injmedinacaracddenlalMdmanand Auromr’nads ‘They destroyed everyflmlg of mine. but they took anything of his.†Ms Mchry “We cam afford it w the only one working is-my wife." Mr. said. Onthcdlyofd'lcbrenk-inJhc-htm waslefluxnccupiedbetwéen7a.mami noon as Mr. W drove Ns'wife towmk. CRIME: ' Large vehicle needed for haul; police say skuluntfl‘yrmgxum Anthony Basnicki and his wife. Barb Mdlmry. saved for months so they could move to a home with heat ' “Become of the accident. I'm not‘sup~ posed to be working,†he said. on W D. um. um 12 snow-an 0416-077†All WM Guarantood Qudity Product: Great Sonic. Aflordabb F'ch IV SANDRA IOIAN Due to the nvcnvhclmmg msptmw hum mlr custummx and {ï¬ends mgardmg nuns-89 9‘ Wmtcr Spu‘lal. vu- are extendtng thts into Febnmnt Thts tnspectmn. urc lot-lion. test batten ‘l charging systems . tmspect tirrs for wcar. Inspect spark plugs and uxygcn wnsurx. inspect [mm and and all brakes for wrar Now for the month of Fcbntan' only after mu mspmtinn Int the Winter Special weï¬nd areas that mqtmrd attentiu In vu- will further diununt uut' labour b\ an .Kldihundl 2V4 This WI" SAVE YOU MONEY' Mon, and mnu- mra mutun‘sts and fleet manage“ me realizing thc REE-‘11“ of regular vehu 1e mgttntenam e. In terms ut impmvcd u-liabihtv. nun-used tucl mumnm, Iamtlv «Mot» and l‘flfl‘b. un thc c-nnnmment A wcll "Lllnldlllt‘d \vhide is safer, lasts Inngct and demands lug-hm mu}:- 6.: trade- tn valtw ll mu hm:- nuwr tqu-n \mu ml to Sandy's Auto Son“ c. then the wat tmw um tum-d \(‘IVlCt‘ ur have a prnhlrm. gt» «‘0 S:th and ï¬nd nut “in he- has arm-d lhv mcknamc “Tht- hm tm " 8."an and hi‘ u‘lfr Shaun opt-nod the [amulv business In 197*. Thu havr pnnldlv sptmsnn-d T hall, hm‘kcv and s4 burr tramx In the communItV educated and lvnt gutdatu't- tn lht‘lt‘ an op student» Must umtnnwn mt- lint mtpn'xuxl in the modern, cummnuhle n-ccptmn un'a wht'n' hrsh (offer is alwmx (m and then M; tho: dean and wrll vqm‘ppvd service dopannwnt_ (.ustnmct‘s‘ tlppfl‘l'lflh' the- pcmmalncd \‘CIVIU: and nth-mum tn (It-tut} ptm'tdcd M‘ Sandv'~ Autn Senna: Fm thc- pant l6 wean. Samdv has been committed to pnmdmg thv host m whulv maintenance and 711mm In mum nmlu‘x and “ludle Thcv know H thcv u'plau- nnlv when! Is rvqu’m-d and make evch ctfon to do the lab right the hm umc“ thcv According to Mr. Basnickl. 52. a demo ï¬vewastnbeassigned mthecasebyMon- day morning. ()ncwas n0! assigned until Wesday. he said. not a whole lot we do†because their: was no surveillancv footage. she said. "I would think these items would need to be tranSponed in a large vehide.‘ If you humanytkung about (his inci- dent. comm Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 222â€"1'Ii’8.‘ leave an anonymous n'p online at wwjï¬mzzzopacom. or text your tip by sending “WORK and your message m CRIMES (274637). The wuple mumed home to ï¬nd wood from the door that leads into the house frommcgaragc.alloverthoflooranda footle on the door. "They’re not handling it right. They say Hdteydmigmdmnwithmwhoumdn essences unsolved."lw "I think they‘re ignoringmebecauseuwasmuoublea long time ago). I haven't been in trouble since I was a I never hurt anybody. It was just stupid stufl.†» whkh was normal. [Everything is being done by the book according to Chnst. Rebeua Boyd of Ymk Regional Police. who noted no sergeants are on duty over uw‘weekend to assign When they amend the home. it was ’mlsacked. The couple immediately called York Regional Police. who arrived and pmcessed the scene. ' SANDY’ S AUTO SERVICE San ammmmmubmmmhsmmwmnmkhimwmgw myofmkieavingamikdlinbthedï¬aesmpcoplchisfamflykmws. will Main loyal cuslurncn who will be happy to nefcr family and friend's The shop is dedicated, to honest and dependable wwtcc, Custnmcn; am always called to vent}? any rcpams befure any work commences. Honesty. fairness and impact tur‘ all customers an: the foundations of the business. Our 30a! is to make yum autumot'wc rcputr cxpcriencc friendly and stuccsstul Whether it is a Mmpk‘ lube. nil and filter or tmublmhcmtmg thaw.- intrrmittrnt pmhlcms that an: diflk'ttlt tn pinpuint. Sandy'a AUII‘) Scnt'u: can cover your needs We pcdt Inn tune-ups and diagtmsttcs. fuel- mimtinn wurk. «pen u-n'icc lur ‘ wheel disc brakes and anti-Ind: braking systems Cnmplctc suspension scniu‘. \‘htxks struts, uccn'ng. M OT Certification inspn‘tinns and Ontann Dm'c Clean text and repair scrum-s We also repair engines, tmnxmissiun. clutghcs ‘l ditTen-ntiah All trplacement parts meet or ward the: \pu‘tticatmns of the manufactutvr tt'i cnsun‘ new rat wan‘unn tmtttremrntx an:- mct Sand\"s business huutx air- 3* am tn 0 pm Mnnday to Friday kacnds an: trwtw-d hit the tamth If vuu need a \‘thick whilc yuutx in fun tepaitx, we will supply mu 3 new car for the dm at nu culprits:- tn um, um tamed custnmer “'1- alw trst emissmm tmm 8 10 am tn 5 ptn even half hunt I» ilP-plulflnk’lll This wax then- is no waiting. \‘c‘m'n‘ in and nut in 20 minutes Wv Inuk {mu-and m wrung you We alt- Im'aled' at I76 Hulhxk Dm'v l8 and um he rem hcd a! 90‘294-3868‘ 0m busmms hmm :Iu- R00 am In 6 00 pm Mnnday m F'n‘dm I'( lmvd Suumlax .md Sundaw for familv lime ) showroom: 166mm,. L Unliklnrkhm 'J EAVES/SIDING - .J VINYL WINDOWS ‘J ENHANCE/PAIR) DOORS To advertise in FOCUS 905â€"640â€"26 12 BUSINESS STA" MOYOMKE DARK! T'T