Willowgmw is hosting its ï¬rst-ever three-on-three road hockey tournament in suppon of its Hand-in-Hand program. which provides ï¬nancial aid to drensomeycananend itsnot- for‘proï¬t Glenbmok Day Camp at its McGowan Road property or its Fmer Lake camp in Bancroft. IV SANDRA noun sbolanermgxau Playing mad hockey and goingtosummercampcreatea Mnede 0nhmilyDay-Feb.2|-you can play ball hockey and hdp childrentosmnmerwnp ‘(The 20-year-old fund is) low proï¬le. But we’re trying to get more kick accessing a camp experience.“ said Ron Shana. executive dimch of Willow- gmve. 'Camp is like no other experieme.’ , _ About HO disadvanugad disabled children attend the two campseachyear. “we're hoping to boost that considerably more.†Mr. Shan- tz said. “(Camp) is especially important for them to expert cncc because we believe it's been very special and helped them inawaylhcy wouldn't oth- erwise. It's a place to belong and beacocpied.‘ ‘ Road hockey players send kids to camp ‘ Stouï¬â€˜ville I . i u .Sun-W'Ibune . .vr M mgr H FAMILY MY mauzon I WMWGWW I “PAGES/flmï¬ï¬‚ MARKIIAM STOU-FFVILLE HOSPITAL SECTION INSIDE TODAY'S SUN-TRIBUNE Slouï¬villc Seconchry's Nicholas Mcï¬wm get: past Sir William Mulock's (Ntwmnrktt) Wil- liamleathafortwoofhis lspoinxsduï¬ngYorkRegionticrllï¬ghsduoolWacï¬on in Stouffvillc Stoufl’vilk won 50-43. Jeremy Brmmridgc dso had 18 points. STA?! W 30Kle WHWCHURCHSTS‘J KILLS PUBLIC UBRAR’Y Earlier this year. she decided enough was 60mg) and‘foontacted her councillor. Hob Hargrave. to help her lobby the municipality f0! some sort of signalled cmw’ng in the arm of the Slouï¬v’i'lle Station. _ Grace Grifï¬ths has been riding the (A) train into Toronto for four years and (along herï¬feinherhaMsdaflymfletryingm cum Ms Grifï¬ths started a petition PM) 2. whirh has about 2(1) signatures on it .from land rvsio den-ts. local businesses and (K ) Transit riders 'Ihe Downtown Stouï¬vilk'kaing (7 n )up's impruvemem and sub-cum mince is proposing curb extensions adjaccm the anion ‘The idea then: .is to make ll a “ma! distinction so when drivers come up. they know wmcdling‘ls different.†sand Council» lat Susanne Hilton. who is a member of the downtown committee and sub-com mince. “let’s not good enough for Ms Grifï¬ths. “That would not be enough to stop the trafï¬c. l! nmds to be lights.†she said. “\M‘ will see what the public has to say in the pub- lic meeting to be held. I am sum the pllhllf will want some kind of mechanism to stop thctrafï¬o' A plan for pedestrian has been cw- aled. but it's noume Ms Grifliths is plvas‘t-d Lights out at train station? Curb extensions proposed. as pedestrian safety questioned IV SAND“ BOLAN sbolanayrmg ‘ um w MT. [up 294-80303 I"! '1 ("in