' v m and ', mm. Ability“) mt? Ruiwa n rewind. 01pm Itth is Me. ON. on will be responsible for: selling and looking salts “MatingmyfawmAC-m inc-Ind: md USA.__|_§_gising met key cm.dcvel~: ’Igpdcemdcumimmms. price [in and in «mi wmmpcrvismoflzmmesfm. ‘ umum'wu.m " WMWIH-Imn MWWvawwHVAC' “ Ruth M: for mudmu’nl huh efï¬ciency gm NORTH AMER-KIM} HVAC‘-5ALES MANAGER I Full-time/Part-time Seasonal staff needed for . Golf Course maintenance team for 2011 season. I High school students invited to‘app/y. Please respond m tax or e»an to. Mike Jackson. ' Asst Superintendent York V‘anns Go" 8. Country Cum F1511, (905)477‘8869 E~maztt mjydtcï¬mgersccm GREENKEEPERS mph m ¢ «mm York Downs. ‘ Golf 8: Country Club requires MEADOWDROOK Gollaud C0000)? Club B wehng scmcc mental and fncndly people for the 2m l (‘mn‘ We oflu competitive wages. flcmhlc huun and 1 golf privileges in a comfonabk and cmpcmm c working emmmmc m Positions are Avmlabk in All lkpanmcmx lm’ludmg 70% ofour clients will get hired. from I011) am In 22(ID pm and «imp utY pun [runny , Can't make it to the Job Fair? Forward your m to: Mr. Jason Wmokur - Clubhoux Manuch jawmï¬â€˜madmtnuskgult M! u! fax tn (WMâ€"887581“ WE [HAVE EMPLOYERS WITH JOBS! 37 Sandeford Drive 5 Stouffwlig 0 CALL 905 660 2352 VISIT vwvw W Contracting Ltd. is a General Buudmg and General Landscape Contractor the DC! construan mdustnes 0! York Region. Somooe County and Toronto GTA We are amenity cookingdexcapï¬arai ondn‘vu‘duals to excel in the' toan rdes 0 Construction Project Mann 0 Landscape Site Superintem y’ackwo r k s yawn novvuo‘ For a denied description of mahï¬cmvons pious rotor to om ads posted on Workopousnom and Localwomca WQIMM an appï¬cams in advance, howvw ontylhooodoï¬ommodtomaonhe Wammmnmvmwtc _pomebmonmmowms Stop by our 2011 JOB FAIR (m Saturday. February 19th To apply for cm»: at those oxcning can." oppodunnbo. om-II to: 10b00ruthconca mamaâ€"mm Mina-aun- anmwdec-m Join OUR Team this Summer! Green} Stiff Food and Beverage Servers. Bartenders and C ooh, Golf/Pro Shop Operations. Buildth muonsmss . rhmugh Our prohcts and our peooie WNW yorkwmks (a