l’tllllllp tutti ('ltttd Burton» sth‘d C: mm mm Mn opener, d VH1“ WNW lll lllt' 0.1er going t With “It†Spartans lwmg lltt‘ Mt llnlaw \ttl mm It“! 7m spin Mlhvrmtz to llthtt‘s .tdtit l‘ tlw wt't’md m'vrttll smi. they Will haw tam mm Al pnlttt‘ whtlt lt‘tt‘ltn P7? mm M m Spartans thitmlnlt unit ti 4 l mu ium‘tt‘ In" titlwittttigt' and host tlu' limwttrttlgr .mtl ll \xc' lutttmttw ‘ , V g (‘mh mutt, (‘iutx Littt'll, Malt lint gtimtvtt'ntdtiwly \(llt‘dlllt‘tl t‘dlh lmtl ll me' Ht'\\lll had \In't tlu t _ , , t ’ huh†“HI (1“ H†r l fsrouffirrllt )unr lrrburu' I mxyorhrgionxom I \tswtm; ittxtntctions tor his NHlIllVIllt' tits trit't N‘t‘tmdtuy \hnul \ptutum junior lst‘ htka tt-am prim tn the start of titt-it ï¬rst \nrk Rt-gton Athletic wa‘itttton not our quatr tor-ï¬nal playofl gamv against limt St Joan ol'An t\.‘.tugltan) Wulm-s day. Noting Stillman of Art was wing tltt- minimum 10 skatvrx and (mo goal-iv. the Spartans head coach wanted his players to fomchcck hard. ï¬nish their Chocks and work ommm-mmsormms tor tht- \partams. who lll‘ld .i l (I load .tltvr um- pormdt and ti) through two l'lmt vit'tuu .tlxu tutnmi Hill to be the only game the Spartan.» would have to play against St loan at Arr in tho two game. tltm‘ point quarterï¬nal sum-sf With the muntl game «but uled to have been played at the flippers Sports (‘omplcx l'hursday. St. loan at Mr announced they forfeited "to (inmost due to lht‘ll tlldhllll)’ to livid ti lull tttsti't "I would haw liked to llth', playul lht‘ su‘ond gonna" “(‘Wlll said: "But our guys. plows! rxwilmu ~ tit-spite bring till for a lung puriotl of time." A As a result of the t'orl‘t-tt. tite- spartan» win the series and advance to the semiï¬nals whom they will play a two-game, three point series against Newmarkt-t High School. . Mltllltllll‘llismflfl EFaVIIl zoo-:77 cum» sum. mm on.» m T.- 905-471-4327 F: 105471-4338 For Your Best Hearing To Dwell, Would you like to improve your lot lucde at the (jlippcrs Sports (tintplvx til .3 Mi pm. Seniors, juniors cage wlns 'l'hr Spartans fruit†and junior boys lush-wall teams admitted to tho YRM tier two quarter ï¬nals after posting victories tn Iht‘ll n’stxrttvv'muntl ul l6 gamt-s'at home Thursday. . tn the senior tilt. the Spartan seniors defeated langstaff (Rich- mond Llill) hl ~42 (\lldlltlll iunmrx tttmtml lllltlltllt Ulkllltl t ltristtttn 1'. it With tln- \‘ltlllllt’\ lilt' spartan M'llluh “ill law tlu' \Alttllt'l ill lllt’ Stvpltt-n [L’Wis ‘Rll llllltllltl l ltll) .mrl lurtmto Utstrtt't (.ltttsttun \tlttml th‘mdhndgm qttartur final man it up that will lw pluyml int-stint lk‘txrm’ling on who with that gamv, tho Spartans tullltl pltn tit 1 home or on the mad lot), 1 i A l'hc Spartan juniors. nwanwhtlt‘. hth lltmttwtllt- lltttmltiy at 4 t) m Eartontoyflear‘ing saws s IARKHAI 905-4 7 1 ~43 2 7 Mantra“ Sttm’umw Hutt' 3844A t t with sauce bring: you closer to outrun! human hearing than um um v-mmmmmm .mwsmuum -muu-I~ 0mm cummmmumwdm g ommuwwmam can-gum.†“W Swooa'o t f5’11“'\‘~¢' li‘ï¬' ' , \ t J": (J 'J'Y." b? but '0' a ‘ NORTH YORK «moans: "4c Aooiogq, -4 '2 ‘0'â€: u'kNl Hm , il‘l’kT’ "GUM! 416-233-8581 West Md “93' r: dflhflM-MM owwmmmqmm ought-manual†ohIINuwcmm OWMM-Wumuunu anti-aroma- E‘JEHY DAY IS SENlOR‘) ()AY' W219 551% «m: ’,"I' ‘34} :‘sl'tivglt t’l A.v ' pARKING AVAILABLE - $REE HEARING AID CLEGNING 1 Deals of the Buy Together And We All Win $30 for 5100 Towards All Furniture at Modern Home ‘Fumlture in Stouflvllle Highlights - Quality Canadian Furniture - Great brands like Palliser. Simmons. Brentwood Collegewood - Upgrade your living room, dining room, and bedroom One Month at Unlimited Classes plus a Full Uniform at Myung‘s Taekwondo BUY FOR $49 www WagJag com HaltvDay Spa Package at TruoBeauty Spa (A $308 Value) BU FOR $69 wva W igJag com egular Price: $100 ‘ ‘ ~ You Save: $70 < Discourl: 0 O www.WagJag.com Sun ~1Tibune