pa mm (mm-um n hm! l). (la-Indian lla- 3 Kuhn “dun [am an we. W» V; nut-[mum Ham 1 at uln- Mtï¬ï¬-m WH'ihufl. Knit «I mhhhnal nting? Mbns' 93'1'Ktui (him 4. Aha: than. mm} 1min»: ll'm. 9!" unity-[Jim M15 0 leh‘ ’K’unflh f; a than ( an me Id! “ «inure mum 2. mung†mm Anan 0mg: um rum My tum. hm. Sarah Mums \‘dm HOCKEY Sun 7 Minn (Rt-mm“ 4‘ [an mu \mdh. Knhhu- Nani-I. (m Ram Mum Manta-mm b2 .‘9 l'l‘qrflutkmun 6m“ rum. w hwanL Haqu an than. “risk [HM-um“ inï¬ll .\ (hi [inn-m. (At (‘11; Tnnbflx 3 Jule “Mum. Shah-(mu (“n Ihhndv. Riv-d Minus 5 {Hannm Manama Mad-1 2. “and flunk-n n 1cm“ I Mark Mu l‘rrvm (“M1 " w Ik‘n Mummy Hm t “and†E- MAIL: mhayakawaél‘yrmgxom Saturday/Sunday, February 12/13, 2011 SPORTSBOARD W‘JMMW ..... 'mmmumdrmmawvm: AW’MMIWIMWMDN‘UWCW w . careers 0 career tmmmg 0 help wanted V 3’14†Process Colour Ad V 15-Day Posting on Workopoliscom V 30-Day Posting on LocaIWOI-kca 14M \‘huih'n Hum (anal 5 thwt WM 1. Mm“: huh» (‘HII' Pin-1+: 'mhunum Innuun 15 «Hum; 01mm Man “(who “than than“ \‘amu Lulu“). n (inmhun‘r (rm..+’um; \\ “nun Inst" anu- lilairnfum\ ‘ioum 2 :flrbï¬ra $211: «a Wmmn ' ' “Haw (mu a Funny“ 1mm“ 1 'ml Mum-k} Tum-0 M] 0:" «when 8 date Hlbhm 4; Mann Ni! uan (hm-mu. Ara SEMI)“ mun-mum I Mama luv-urn: My Ham 6 «bush Mxklcwn .4. Lamb Bun 1“ high!) Wt , rum-Imam} Ulr 4 damn: Ich M"! mum; humflnllr I). hm H0! mm Mutant 7 \Un Mam-Ins A. MnkHII‘ Manon .2 MI‘ WM! hun, Con “datum n FkMIl “wry- H: “mm: 4 “(uh-I MM luau-u Hanna. mm; Mull-ma man n I) (. ltlhkihl‘ «I Mun“ fluux‘m 2, Mm!- (‘auufll B}; You“ M (mum-2w" 6 'hh Mbhrn «nun- Maud: n Ha pin-WW Bantam HMV o a Fur Maw 0‘ Judd mm 2 1m Irannt. um (annom \S snufer Nah “11'an J Mam mm 3 Hum-n Hannah Mann, \\ Him- Hmth 'Su'ï¬oTribune presents hm:- W, W.- (M) ,: WY. rm 0. 2'11 You Receive: ...... s925 .....1 mhayalawaflyrmgmnm Despite having sewn up ï¬rst plate in that division of the York Region Athletic Asso- Qne‘smndlms mu Secondary School Spartans junior buys' boon-y team was hoping they could play their ï¬nal Hula: season game against Marumm's Brother Amiga Cardinals Wednesday. Unfortunately for (he Spanans. Mather Natute wasn‘t too co-opetau've after invading York Region late Tuesday and into the early hours of Wednesday by blanketing the area with snow. ' , Ahhough’the game was to the head coach Jamie Hewitt noted it’s been close to a month since his club last played any meaningful game, While it would make sens}: for the lanaand Cardinals ï¬rm to set another day to play. Hewitt noted that was impossible to do since the ï¬rst round of playoffs began Thurs- dayThe ofthe ï¬rst round schedule and had 10 travel to Georgina for a game against Kcswick. ~ .“h would have been nice to play.’ Héwin “We haven't played in a since the ï¬rst week of January. but then-'5 nothing you can do about it.‘ . That forced a cancellation of their game and 9d)“ YRM sports that day. In earninga ï¬rst-round bye and being me sewnd ovemfl seed in the YRM standings. Hewitt wasconcemedhis team might exhibit somemstwhenmeyplaymcirmngamem the quarter-ï¬nals against the second-lowest secdwhen the ï¬rst mund of the playofls con- clude and surviving teams are m‘seededr Weather plays havoc with Spartans 31 ,455 "’I‘ne ï¬ts! period could tell us quite a bi! BY MICHAEL HAYAKAWA www.yourclasSiï¬ he said. “But I’m not too worried abuut that, M have some practices between now and our ï¬rst game." Unafl‘ecred by the inclement malhérwere the Spartan junior and senior girls' volleyball reams. who will conclude regular season play a! Brother Andre Monday at 3:30 pm. with gamesagainstthehosfllardmalsand Bill (thhers (Unionvillel. L . Also having'theix regula: season sched‘ ule flawed. by. WWW the Spafians senior and limit" boys' basketball The Spartan seniors were to have played SirWimam Mulock (Newmrket) in'their ï¬nal YRAA tier two mum season game while the inniors were to have hosted St. [Elizabeth (Thomhill). , TheSpanangifls’varsityhockeyteamhad their road game against SLI‘Roben (Thom- hill)~ postponed. . x No makeup date has yet scheduled. , Ivkmer. the Spartans are scheduled to resume lemme play Monday when they travel to to face Sir William Mulock Mondayrat 4 pm. Both games are? rescheduled for Monday at Stouflvilie starting with the junior game at 4 pin by _the_seniors at 5:15 pm. [imaging the ï¬nal game. the Spanan juniors seniors 5pm; identical 2-0 won- loss monisandaminï¬rst place in their mpective divisions That forced a mm‘t’lhtion of thrir grunt and other YRAA sports that day. that ran? g'tem? Browse wer 25,000 across Lookinngr a'deal closer to home, we've got that too! online maiï¬atplqce. agproach to Your Classifieds New Year New Look The announcement comes in tun junction with the launch of the new Golf Aswxialiun uf ()nlarin brand identity unvcikx! last weekend. Originally {mm Samia. the (i124~ mmom resident has served on the Golf Association ufOnuuio’s buurd of (1119wa since 2006. She was the ï¬rst and only female president 10 date at Samia Gulf and Curling Club. a position she hold from She spearheaded several initiatives. including the tran- sition to a smoke-ï¬r?“ facility and implementing a gender‘mual mem bership base. ‘ She began a comm-min- can‘t‘r as a junior. particigmt,.ing in her ï¬rst Ontario Junior ( 5irls' championship in I97] and mprescming ()ngarin twice in the Ontario vs Quebec matches I She also holds the distim‘tiun of being club champion at thrw dif- ferent clubs. Samia. Whilt’valo and Sleepy Hollow in 2010 Sleepy Hollow town's champ heads Ontado gm association A Sleepy Hollow (Lnunlry (,luh member has been named president of the Golf Assmlan'nn of Ontario forZOll. ' ‘ Kathy I’ilkey assumed [hr prth dermal role at the Golf Maximum 0! ()m‘an'o's amiual general mn'ting lam Saturday. Pilkcy bunnies the 10th prvsidvnt of the Golf Association of Ontario. formed in 200] (Ollowing amalga- mation of the Ontario ladim' Gulf Association and lhe ()nlarin Gulf Aswciation.