WWW MMMUM. WWW! “MI. W- Ctm'm. “on Eta-lama (WW). Mum EM mm 4: SW Tim“. Ham 0: mmW.m :mdMquPntntn Ihr Hm “shunt- “mm-s “rm lfl w" \u ï¬nk-mummy» mum ht- Ir“ "um “I «thunk uni mufl mrhdr 1 chuimr urkphm numb". num- mi with“ Hu- Mm Iflhum- W Ihr v u m pawn!) at mu "0th and mum fm rim 'l\ and umâ€, Ymk Wm Mod“ (“up ‘ unnunun' WW) DWmm usurp-u “mam. ammo-m {ï¬lm sude ffluï¬ï¬‚fl" ' "YR G ""1 MWFIIISING Mum Mr Stephan Maxim-u u "mum..- 51 mg mm ‘ Mitt Ram'db mhmHm-nmg mgm Z? MOM-mm“ (5516mm 905 4940- 36 U in ‘IH~MU-8778 H)! lURlAl M I\ t RI'HINh 905 640- 2012 1....“ I mo mm m 905- nm 377: l“ 57 minnow-u can smut“) [EITERS POUCY HIan 'vn’rmr'nm 905 (AU 20 I 2 Muir hm Mason would netghhmnhmxi m'wslm- Irrs. (buncillnrs haw a hudgm m pm- parc and dt'iiwr lhrm. hm not .1!) wk? udvanlagr. A: lwm one. Phil Banmm. whds c-mail blasts m updalv Mkk'ms uf adion in lhvirrmmnunim Whvn buying or smiling pmpcrly. council (*an'l gq pubik'. But Ibo. mun- informauon m the public the bum-r should he the nnnn. Then. an' nmnv ways to infnnn taxâ€" payvrs. Signs on pmpomcs affected sin-Ming {he futum plans haw been cmflNrMedia releases and updates on the town's website would hflp‘ “)0 ï¬rm: said n-skk‘mn wrn- mid ï¬ve yrars with" tho park was lx-ing n'dcwlnpul. Hwy «hunk! have kmm‘n. But many nwidvnh unwed inm thoa'rm within than time. ‘l‘lwv wumldn't knuw. Children pmlcslcd onâ€"sitr and adults wmw It'flch m the editor. saying (My wen- unawam the hill was being mrwud kw yea-r Hopeï¬xuy. the fawn ' lean-mi an imptmam lesson on its mumn hill in the dwmtmn park Must canxikknrs. even incum- hvnis. talked about scaling back their pnï¬ga gym?! a very busy last term. The coumilbx is now rallying dentslusaveuwpod~0rteflhim they’d prefer the new water facility Fair enough. ~ Risinteluf that noneof this came out during last, '3 municipal elecï¬on campaign. No discmasiun (m the pooh. future. No pmmist‘s to build a new one in the lb! of capital pmiefls candidates prefenud. V (hunrillnr Rob “engrave. whusc wand includvs Memorial Park. says he mew mnhing about the poor condition of the pool until a report was [waived by Council last week He was caudu flat-fooled and Ill-ptepamd. he said. Nu decision on the pool's ultimate future has» been made. but them is no money in this ymr's budget In rehabili- tale and: it. ’ \Vflh that in mind. toWn staff is tell» tug council il ï¬hnuld put mum'); intn an arcrssibk' wan?! park m the pours planâ€"t ‘lhcn‘ Is big-flaw grant money availahk! And nu one tag) argue our luwn needs- to he as accessible and inclusive as possible. 31va an annual extension wen aft the indoor pool in the lebovk‘ heist: (‘pnm- opened next door. ' Until mm. , ‘ . A local pool company estimates will cost around SI million to repair it No one shmfld he. smp future of the outdoor pool iii E Memorial Park is up in "10 air. It's bum (m M:- support given an annual exlension e Editorial should he' surprised the outdoor pool iii Smuï¬vilk‘ In: wars. even after it [L'isun' Unkmunatoly. the people 0' Slnuï¬villv are paying the price nnw. We at the Iakv. using the cxamplv above. m'r m‘owmg vxccllvnt wrvirv. Sometimes what aplwan in bv a hat- gzn‘n at thv mnv Isn't For years, Stuuffville'residcms had bragged about their low clvcmcal rates. We at Musesclman’s lair had been served by llvdm One and pmd m. rams. The town mid lhbm a bag of crap fur $6 milliun. There was antiquath and obsolete equipment involved. l‘hcy rvtuhu-d by 1:45 pm. and the job. was rumplmed by 2:15. What cxcclk'nl wrvn'v; S'x-vvral wars ago. Ihc Town of Whitchun'h-Smnflvifkr Sold its privalg vlcct‘riral utility m Hydro One. ( )w-r lhv km several months, thew haw" begn Irmnplaims abom hydro wwicc in Stnuï¬fvillv. The (‘mw Informed us they would have to go In the nearest supply depot to obtain a "-placvmvm Iransfmmcr. A service truck with two lineman arrived within 30 minutes'lt was quickly dmcrmmcd that a recently in stalled tramtbrmc r. whicf and been placed during a mamr rebuild M the hydro wiring (m tho street. was mal~ functioning, Finally we called Hydro One emer- gency service Ian. 21 at 9:45 a.m. II was a cold and wmdy day. This had persisu'd for a couple of dayx ’ Rt’.‘ Haw yum my 0:: pom?! outages a! "wring, Der l I . ' ' Recently. nim- homes in our neigh: bourhood were experiencing flicker» ing lights and 'Im'rwscd brightness at our lights. Stouffville residents paying price for cheaper’bledricity HL HA5 HIS DADS GENES Letters to the Editor No. .‘. . .. THEY RE l MYJEANs. So many times we complain about thuse with whom we. intpract. 230 I thought it might be nice to show some appreciation for a wonderful gmup of hotpful employees in our community. SUSAN KENDAI. 11mm"!!! I have. called to seek directions when I need morv guidance than the website canoflcr and the sta‘fl‘ answer all my quostiom with patience and respect. They arr so genuinely rating and helpful that I often feel as though I am talking with a friend. They am, always cheerful and com- tcous â€" even when I call very cady in thomoming, YRT staff wonderful I would like to commend the wonâ€" derful women who answer the teleâ€" phone lines at York Region Transit (YRI‘). ‘ lob well done. Hydro “no main- 'tenancc. You can mad tram. columns and stones from W’81m1hhum on ynr Monro!" Punusmm Ian I’rrmdfoot b Whatdoyou thmtoftheseismor others? E-mfllkï¬emoflweditato Wtom HAVE voua say STDUFFVILLE Ji'ibune 808 MARY ANN JAMES ML '5thMAN is 1.4K} And if this Ruh. Fmd magui works in Tnmnm. an' wv Innlmg at a futuri- prvmior nfnnunim‘ Nuthing's stopping the mu m d former MPP at this pmm. [I'm Mason is with" of '1 M Sun Tribune Would his (‘UIHK'II tum m nul- door pool min a splash park. wn- i)\78l(‘ its [nrmm ("ivii ('vnlrr mm a theatre and liwn hm .innihvi building fin annihw rivii u‘mim‘ Maybe. ()ne Wonde what Mr I’nrd might do if was 111' rhmgc n! Whitchun'h-Sumftwllr Maybe he's the ovoryman lhc youth Sports coach. vmrvprmwur. community fundraiï¬vr and dad who lives in all-nur/ m'lghhmn- hoods. -_- A penny pincher wnh a mmv~ wh‘at checkeer ‘pgst somehow appeals to me majority. Juicy stuff from a guy Whn has only been in ofï¬ce for a {m weeks. Freeze taxes and hm‘ng. son of Bring the NF]. m Tommy. full time Cancel a light-rail Irmusil (untrue! Stop talking to a media outlet. But living in the shadow of (Jan- ada's [Digest city. one can't help but read the headlines in (he newspa~ pet boxes and catch clips on the all-news stations. A Smuffville rcsndem {won thought he could vote for him last fall. Nice try. A_year ago, {my up hvre knew who the Chris Farley look-whine from Etobicoke was. Sorry. Wayne limmcrmn. mm cruelch and" cofl‘ov convorqatmn may have happened In \Vhitr'hn rchv Slouffvillc. but the content was d“- Tommo. This Rob Ford guy Is as ('dpmal- ing as Oprah. apparently. Hc's Me Lastman on something; ' EDI’IDI IN Cum Urban: Kelly The duughnul shup (th that was all about the mawr Folks won» fascinated. amuwd and bewildered, Some a: the same time. ‘ Rab?" lazuli†800mm Toronto mayor talk of town. ' with Iim Mum†Off The Top Dulu‘rou. Mwmmsmu. Ihtnumrrum "thle I‘len‘hc'r Dunn:qu Onufluus Barn 810d