SURE; If you go to With over 3,000 cm to pick from, its euy to ï¬nd a great deal.g Plan, with over 200,000 visitor: a month, you’ll ï¬nd someone to take over your lease in ‘no time. Can I change cars - every. year? Whether you’re looking to get out of your Current vehicle or ï¬nd another one, leased or financed, we cut: help! GetOutd‘YourLeue GetOnt-r'l‘nlmo‘un WWMNW - When thelocal finalsdpofltomdriuw at St.. Brigid they’ll carry a new name: “me A] Jlachey Me‘nnrial Basketball Free Throw 'I‘numamem. A! Hachey woutd bepnoud. 'lhe Stouflville resident died last October in the middle of preparations for the annual Knights of Columbus free throw champion- ships. The event grew to involve 1,800 students in-‘elemenmy schools across Whilehumh- Stmï¬ville. under Mr. Hachey's watch. ( 'omr «nu and 1mm about the mums your local soccer dug has to ofl'cr. Registry†paymm can A: made by cash or cheque. HOUSE liliAï¬l'l DltV‘hUWMl-NT. SELECT RhP TEAMS BOYS I GIRLS (W‘ï¬N I‘I‘AH‘ “is MEN \NUMliN SA I [WWW WWIIURQIIWFFVILLE 8000 CLUB SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5!!! ZOll OUTDOOR SOCCER REGISTRATION “Al was well known by mam people uf Stouflvilie throng: his participation and lead- ership. along with his wife. lane. and his chil- dren. in the sports community." said Hutu-n Tabone of'the Knights of (blumbus at 81. Matt church. “Ihe Knights wuuld like the community of Stoumdlb to know that the work of our Brother Al Hachey mmimim m the students of SttiuflVillc. whom [iv loved to see participate in an event that wuuid involve a Hemendous amount of (than) m a non-competitive venue. yet have them achieve some recognition of a skill aasociatod withbasketball." ' H .i FOR THOSE BORN 2007 OR EARLIER STOUFFVILI .E ARENA LOBBY BO! 1417 S‘IMIHVII“. L44 M3 “how 905 641‘) HM)! Van. 90‘s» 640 r'.’ W WM: wmn wwv w! my“. m’rvm Own 3' human