:5 COMING UP: Free concert at Springvale Remitwasoncofthemost wellâ€" known Christian hymns - Burdens are [mad at (M Mr. Moore wrote ii in [heady 19505. IV SANDRA BOMN sbolarid’wmngm lohn Moon-entered mechun'h something inside him awoken his ability to write music. Since then. the transplanted Sum haswriflen lhelyï¬cs and music to more than 150 Chdmian hymns “Not all your songs get rccognl‘ tmn like that. but many of them are being sung in different places in. dif- fvrcnt churches amund the world." the Stouffvflle resident said. (Juan; Gordon._ a member of Springvalc Baptm Chuteh’s senior group. neceme head the hymn while Songwrig‘uer‘sharing his hymns, stories (3mm Gordon. a membcr of Springvalt Baptist (Mach ’5 senior group. recently heard the hymn while attending a sc’rvia' m Rormmia. attending a service in Romania. “It shunted me how popular that (me panic.th song is.†he said. ' One of his hymns ‘ I'm Depending on You. Lord! â€" was written one Sun- day morning while Mr. Moore and his wifgL Esther. were driving to Toronto. where he was to lead a service. \ For people who want to hear Mr. Moore’s Chrtsuan hymns and the sto- rics behï¬nd them. he will be perform- ing at‘ Springvale Baptist (Ihurrh. 3885 Smuï¬villc Rd..’ Feb. 3 at l pm. The concert is free and open to every- one. “I love the stories of songs. It helps you to appmciale the song." Mr. Gordon said. Some of Mr. Moore's inspiration includes his own questioning of how much he loves Christ and his unwor- thiness of God's love. “(I was) takihg the nppormnily m whisper a prayer. I said: ‘Lord. I'm depending on you for this service mday.‘ Without realizing it. I began to sing the words.†wrote Mr. Moore in his book My Songs and Their Stories. “That was the ï¬rst time I had ever composed a chorus while driving a car. W'shhannwï¬sthsmcdwnpmdphydechhurdm sun "(Hanoi R0 WITH VE E M