$1500 1 W 51700 » pats Fa: m m an trance: We- 41.6503- me man mom “16m waterma- my»: bahroor“ me a Wm dis tam to at;an men am Seneca Come hm rum-detour Cat 4113-3155227 STOWMLE- m": ’9' ram r Des: manger sues ‘W' 5699 'K’JS'Q '1 "mac: 647W ' “DC m were!» 53 Media! ' 4 Wm Mlyouvecaron usuy by W 1.005 19 am norm home row at: Me: star: as m as M you or M vmamn home at “mam-"r' m M ‘ mat; 7W. James (Jim , - Septernbor14.1983 - January 16.2011 Itvrswahgreatsmsweamm deathdJirMOur'Merrr) onSunday in Markham 5mm thermal. He was the devoted. htnband o1 Fran (nee Meyer) and betoved father 01 Lorraine: stepâ€"brth 01 Pat Mutehmor §thnbeg) and Bil Whrtehoad (Strat- ord). brothehm-taw 01 Helen and Bil Mott. uncia to Kathy (Bil). Marlyn (Bob) and Susan (Stan) and than tamcIes'as watt as susan. Sandy and Megan in thnrpog He was actwe? mvoived with Markham Lnons Club or 43 years. wherein he recewed the Heten Ketter Feflowsn and the Metvm Jones Feltow awards no 01 hrs tavourite pastrmes was "happy houf Mth "tends and nerghbours on our deck overtookrng the conservation area AServrcemeehotdmtheC 131 the DIXON-GARLAND HAL HOME. 166 Mean Street North (Mark- ham Road). Markham at 1 pm Thursday tmenmnt Elmwood Cemetery. 11 de- sored. you may donate to the Markham Stouflviue Hospital 0r Quads 01 Canada (1~800~768-3030). A special thank. you to Dr Oyembi and the nurses m ER and 3 Centre at MSH. mimnoommm» W OW mm to Mamie coon 0""; $1600 3230 “whom-Wm Fetus: gown-mo 5417060109 STOW-WIle Spout“ magma 3~ beacons 3 ashram 170050! heme Pym mam GO Tmn om. ï¬lms; 59mm 51650 moon» 3'4 m CON AE LBPage Gus 416902150} mucus. $1375. Hatch n: 9054715927 :23! Iatde m- w to: 'em 9 N5! mm Su‘S ndwwe n- W (SN-W my; um Mn!» 2 moo-m 2 am 'uly mm Man an“ W659 Mamet cube Wale mam cm «dotted Wm lumen mmnma 905 “$001? WIEDS venues! m Wm cm than no spun as to cannot be «room 00: mos nan m mound mam Thom “I! no no Mm 001 W a! w Wu . Stout!le Sunâ€"tram. 000'?" W) “cm Yew In mm mm m macaw «mm an ad a! am Mr NAOONJW WW) Passad away on Tuesday. January 18. 20†L ‘ Mela fo’rwyoats. Mother to 55 (Dave) umhy. Davie Henry and he: chvldron Machaod, Kevin. Darren. Chastm. and long time famsly mambo: Carla Goodman Survived by her two mom Dennis and Em: Dunbar. Elusabem was an avid amateur radio operator She had a love tor animals A spoon! thanks to ail the doducaicd Who! at Amma Rosthavon '0! the" compasstonato can and swoon. Any grmamns may be mad. to the Alst SohMy of Yock pmave Iamfly semm ml be 30m deceased by bus 10mg pateMs. John and Muriel Hrabo Merv was raised 10 Moanrd‘ Ont“ graduated 1mm the Untvetsity o1 Guetph :and was an 11st computer new spoc‘ 151. Roconï¬y. Mew was a dodcated 9mm†01 01500 Systems in Guam as Sumo: 80qu EW. Merv wull be gran Massedb all those who knew hum romahon Man in. aooocdance M111 his wishes. amiy MI mom fnonds at the CNN" Funeral Home (6324 Main 81 . $101M 905â€"642-2855) tram 10:00 um. until 1110 mm 011M Memorial service a111:00 am. on Funny. Jammy 2181. 2011. In luau 01 110mm 60mm my be made m memory 01 Mom 10 the Hoar! and Stoke Faundaï¬on Or the Canadian Diabetes Condolewoc may mmwmm.moimf\eml.co 30th. 2011 Worn 1:00-4:00 pm. The lamdy wouid like to thank Iho nurses in Panama Care at the Markham Stouflvvflo Hoapdal to: thaw care and attonhon during the st tow months Donations to the anadnn Genoa Soc:on In mummy o! VQy would be Wind. Septembm13.1950 ~ January13.2011 n IS mm cal tow and sadness that we say ya to Mom M10 passed away on m . Jan 13th. 20" in hi 613! your. at Website. Anal 8 long ilnoss, Vfly passed away on Manda . January 17m 2011. in his 89th year Mytsswvivedbymsiomganc devoted wle of 66 years Else. and his chudrun Paul (Linda). 0b (Brenda), Anne Postm (Vac) and Mann (Mark) Proud to Leanne. Barb gun). Ange :Nagnn). Don 7 (Krista). A of Vows H6 wit b0 hotd at Wyndwn Gardens. 100 Anna Russell [his]. Unnonviflo. m “Sprgdpy. Janugry Derek Cunt‘ (C ml), CW . Matthew, and Omar“) and eat- grampy to Dylan. Ryan. Ayva and hloe‘ cobbrauon of VflN‘s Ho wit be hold 31 .HRABI. MOW!!! Jam's PETERSEN. may J. in tho Friday. January 21 hour 24 pm. and 7~9 pm and Sammy. January 22. 2011 at 12:30 pm Move he a1 1 30 pm, Memorial donatio’ns my be much to the Canadian Cancer Socmy o: the Han and Strok'o FouMaï¬on, to Méchw'gfdm mg: W010 l ‘ ~ I “erotAnnoJadx' ). . (RUDY). and Non! (deceased) Ona'no). and sister on law 0! Nelson (accessed) (Mama). Eduard (Eileen) and Ann. ' and v 'mum'byhorlamiyand Mon. Vbhï¬onyilbahddat Marsha" FUMfal Home. 1036 Y Joan will be. tum ' Street. Ricfmnd Hi! (4th Tnflt'c “I marry . n uâ€"y. mm Jam passed away In "1% eafly moran “5m. 01 January 17. 2011 at Baycrost Hospital a quofly. with dignity and In Ihe company 01 harKIamiyothaan- was this Mimosa, win ’ ofthelato ‘ Buchanan Dear mothor_ MM to Sharon and her husband Rabh and Bnan andvhis who Dunne. She was a ‘Cmmcmnm w†ucxmuou. wail-mm") Poacotuly. on Monday Jan'uuy 17th. 2011 at King»: Arms Ghanaian, In Nsaardyw. albums-scab): WWW (item and m wife Francoise, Lmnng Grandfather so Kyb Ind Carey. Afuâ€" namivSomce was held on Womonda at the DIXON~GARLAND FUNERA HOME, In Mu 0! flowers muons Io Alzhemera Momma Mass will be he‘d - Saturda .Janua 22"“. 2011 at 81mm: Mac urch atsoo pm 345 Glad Park Ave . Stouflvllie Mass is 0900 to the canon! pubic. man-um cup†Linwood km. on. all out Classmod'Oopartmom lor mom detail. How am"! out 3100? Fridgo? tow? Mace your ad to: a: mu. m Boauï¬ulmemonos, Arowomiodultthgs, Thoylmtiltholonooflday. Thcynovetwouout. 7mmme Articannevorbeoivenaway, Tosomoyoumgybelomonen TooMapandthopost. Mmmwholovodandlostyw Ymimmovywllamyslam. {slim-min Noun"..meth mun-caucus. Fat-WIND. 905-853-2527 1 -800-743-3353 “when: ton (Au and 90' 2 MI Ow It. "I". as BUCHANAN, Joan Guc- Have small [toms under $100? $1035" June 3.1977 â€" January 20. 2007 VALENTINO RAPOM W cam. 15% dis“ M (647mm 90! mm naigetowmo cc" emu "om 099n- ng laces an†to “sown LY EMMA! was: dun- no names avmoh 'c CD" you! Mum. new or bum»; you We new on†int-96$ am 1105 M4305 M450; 0.. mamas†’ RENEWED amass .w-Hos. Wtaos cam-1505 can LENS-"mm 905201-5320 mm . .‘W m? 2.2. boom. Foam Chm-f Hop? CotechmdflflaraquMABoduJ An Pmes.‘ tug. PM 8- mmmw Much More‘ From Area Estates Norms and On: Local Fm No new , ‘1 ‘LHW at the Bauamme Commmfly Centre.1 15582 Mom Rd Nmeagtoway‘GShM immmmmraoumm 1 www.clarkwmucuom.com 905-640-6411 \mn-n \zdc .u m M00“. Inc mt! . R “hm \ATIJRDM. January 12.1." It“ IJ‘I. \ inning at I700 ‘81 mama I'qxs Hul‘dkfld; ( M 1661 Mullen Spam Mam. 5 Hui mm“ 4mm l xiv (MRYHIU MVHHN‘ was «$216!, mm? “HIM! nan-b I: plum m 0 Build 0 Install - Paim - Renovate - Assemble « Scott - and Waddle) at Ottawa. are phased to announce the Mb 0! the" daughter Ctaue Isabeue. 00m Dow 27. 2010. 8 lbs. 9 02. a Isak! IO! Paige and Senna Proud m are *Ray amouanng Odd! . 800W .and (ray [Isabella Camemwm, of smug. 4!; I1â€: KEIIIT! (‘nn alulatinm In Angelo 8: Jeanna-c 7mm on (in. birth of the†um Nuh- Aquila (‘nim ham 3! Markham Slouflwllc Hmpflal un January 17m. 20! I. an. NH“ .am weighing 7 lbs», A m but (itwudmu, d (immpu ( mm 'Amm NI‘I and I’m It 109* Saturday/Sunday. Fohrmn'x' 1‘2"}: Any1mm~u “Midnmn “momma!†'r‘lr" m M“ .m MOM $mM$mY~m .mv 3m ram" 0 ram†:rafruv'ag J 3'34" Pmrus (‘nlour Ad y l5-DI)‘ Posting on Wor‘kopolimmm V m-Day Pooting on LocalWorkca Births newsm WWIMHJIH F0: rates and information on the Business 4Proiessional Directory. contact Jon Black ' at 9053534527, ext. 262 ‘ IbIaCRGyr‘ing.com exyectatiom You Rmiw: s555 ...; ‘925 -. 51,455 .m 'Hl MUM-I n! 30H m