Coming Soon, 0111: Final Collection Of Wellâ€"Appointed Homes In Stouï¬ville. Our Wheler's communities are well-regarded tamin neighbourhoods right in the heart at Stouttville. There is a pleasant tamily amhience, many homes that include tront porches anti special neighhourhoocl ' features such as lots oi path space, gently winciing streets, walking/hitting trails anti a great variety oi homes so each street has a unique identity. There's even a new high school ami elementary school huilt into the community. Shopping is conveniently locateci just minutes away in hoth Stouttville anci Markham. Soon we'll open our final collection of homes which includes very attorciahie Townhomes, 30', 36', 40', 45' and 50' (ietacheci WideLot" homes. We invite you to talze a drive through hoth of our Stouttville communities anti discover the many compelling reasons for considering your new home in our Wheler's neighbourhoods. To Pre-Register For This Community, Please Visit www.mattamyilomesmom Wheler's Mi Elev. A’ ideLot' Townhome, The Funwood ‘A', 1,492 Sq.Ft. ll 45"WiLLot†Kitchen 45' W4 VicleLotn, The Laheview 'B',