“There is a resurgence and I think it’s large- ly because of You'lhbe," Mr. O'Sullivan said, noting musicians are posting their perfor- mances online in the faint hope of getting a professional gig and to brag about mastering certain pieces. “It's just a way for us to celebrate the art in a local environment and introduce it to other local people,†said Stouflville resident Brian O’Sullivan, who, along with Erwin Shack and Bob Vopni, founded the association three years ago. The technique has been around for the better part of a‘ century and has helped blues, ragtime, country, gospel and jazz transcend geographical boundaries But it is ï¬nding a whole new generation of guitar aï¬cionados through the Internet. Fingerstyle guitar, whereby the musician plucks the strings directly with the ï¬ngerâ€" tips, has found an audience at The Earl of Whitchurch. Once a month members of the Stouï¬ville-based York Region Fingerstyle Gui- tar Association perform at the Main Street pub. The next open stage takes place Oct. 4 from 1:30 to 5 pm. A distinctively American musical styling has made its way across the 49th parallel and mated itself in the heart of Whitchurch- Stouffville. ENTERTAINMENT: Fingerstylists host open stages, concert Southern. guitar style g '1 picks up fans in Stouffville '1 J BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolan@yrmg.com If you miss Mr. O’Sullivan and the other local ï¬ngerstylers at the Earl, they will be performing at the Lebovic Centre for Arts and Entertainment on Nov. 6 as part of WhiStle Radio's House Concert Series. Other noted ï¬ngerstylists Atkins and Tony Emmanuel. _ The ï¬rst and second ï¬ngers create the har- monies. Melodies come from the third ï¬nger, while the thumb produces the baseline and percussion is achieved through tapping the “(Fingerstylers) really extend the boundar~ ies of how an instrument can be played," Mr. O’Sullivan said Fingerstyling utilizes all ï¬ve ï¬ngers of the right hand to create more of a band sound from a single instrument. “(I got interested in ï¬ngerstyie) primarily through my interest in Bruce Cockbum and Steve Howe. I’ve tried to include it in my rep- ertoire," he said. Mr. O’Sullivan studied classical} guitar at the Royal ConserVatory of Music in Toronto, then moved over to jazz at York University in the early 1980s. “It’s more of a challenge to play ï¬ngerstyle." he said. f‘When it's played well. it requires a high degree 9f technical proï¬ciency." Formore information, go to ï¬ngerstyleguitanca include Chet M'umummm 5892 Main St., Stouffville (Giant Tiger next to the Beer Store) 905-640-4400 spomomdbyGlodetouflviflchMSd. ln-Store Dame's? ‘ Coupon Samples with purchase of feature product 3* Stoufl'ville resident Brian O’Sullivan and other members of the York Region Fin- gerstyle Guitar Association will perform at The Earl of Whitchurch Oct. 4.