I would like to express my sincere a preciation to our relatives, friends, arkham neighbours for their support; 1 hone calls. cards and visits to our ‘ in Bancroft during Bob's illness and his passing away January 10th, 2009 at Bancroft Hospital. A special thank you to Dixon-Garland Funeral Home and Rev. Niles. c1880; Eastlake chest of drawers; 19205 pine dresser; pine blanket box; early pressback chairs; eafly wam china cabinet with 3 sides gass;sewirrgmadme;assfd Iamps;|argewafl mirror with 9 panes glass; many chair types; small Sony tv. Childs antique chair and other 91m.- Several depressiOn glass items in monedcolours; HeiseyGlass;lrishcrystaI12' candehclders;earlypitchersandwaterglasses; oldbhegesssinppitchermssortmentot usedyassandjadr-in-flle-W; Lord set; Blue Mountain pottem camphor gass; eye washers; egg cups; mrlk glass; pottery; cakes- tands; cream sugars; teapot collection; chrntz and lndian Tree plates; silver overlay; Royal Abert cream sugar and tea pot in peti-point pat- tern; Nippon dresser items: juicers; cross and olive crystd; water pitchers; urns; butter ashes; rose bowls; graduated mixing bowls; Pyrex include casserole servers; Gripstand mixing bowl; Royal Albert cookie plates; cornflower ; 1880s cookie plate; silver candelabra; oil lamp; 12' Lariata bowl; Royal Winton ups/saucers; crackle glass; large overall selec- tion 0' early pressed glass terns. mm. W- W lnclud'ng Chenille bed spread and other good blankets; towels. napkins, run ners. int incl. large assortment hand embroidered pillow cases and towels, lacey Wallis and deltas, etc. etc. mm W 8 place Cormmnity flatware 'n case; lades old watches; costume jewelry. old tableradio;oilpantingandotherartwork;old books;recipebooks;goodsilverpieces;20ld vva sticks; crooks and jugs. many other‘ items. : Plan to attend this very clean and overal exmllent auction from 2 longtime Stoullvile residents. have recendy moved to a, home. lntarac Rogionsof Private Vacation Florida from 2- to 8-bed- da?0nyournextFlodda Vacationdonotbosaï¬s- ï¬edwithahotel room whenyoucanrentyout HoanSeamhhovans ofFloï¬da'stopvacaï¬on manhoms.Condos.W Wampum rentals. All M '9] Card 0! Thanks WWW 5592mm,1mmm+lwy48 HeldbtlnLuollaLofmmmd mwmgm A “Mflowm say “form†Auctions M M30111“: 294 magma mm Pine bonnet chest ~ Sinoara , Domthy McLaren and fami . PSYCHIC- Palm, Tarot. Psychic, C l Ball W( Uzz W50)†(0 W- 5:: Wm. (905 i3] Card 0! Thank: Auction: STAMRO Fender Tate- caster 60th Anniversary 'Mim‘ in hard she“ case. $450 firm. .Seagull 'Min- . .. A 1,,J Sting Classical guitar. Made in Mexico. 2-case $150. Nylon String Samyn “at, 575. 866qu tam mole mo 6 stung acoustic guitar. w-case. S150. Comet Mark 905- 642-4762 or 905642- WASTE Champ bf your dog. Spring meidy starJ vices available. 416-898- 4663. 905-642-6464 nrsmopandsooopoom Pls 9058876361 10! more UShManmamS weekimmedate. LIVE-IN nanny required. am 21 Bookoutylorbothyow and mainstream-UM m ‘ WWW Farm machinery. eqdpment. tools riding mowersms.tmdrs,boats.tootsandrnore. Consign early to take advantage at our complete service - computerized auction management. live internet bidding to expand bidder audience. on site ï¬nancing, transpona~ tion and customs professionals, on line and in AFFORDABLE Thorough reliable Cleaning lady avaiabte to! Markham, Unionville. Stouffville Ret- orences. Call Lisa (905)655-7616 EXPERIENCED cleaning Iady- M11 dean your house w/care quality. Satisfac- guaranteed. 416-704- ONTARIO Employm Agency provides cer " nannies for child! eldedy /special needs 416-699- 6931me Before responding to any advertisement‘ requesting that money be sent, you may m instruw'ï¬ents wish to investigate the company and offering. The publisher can not assume responsihhhy for the vahdhy of the ohen'hg advertised within the classiï¬ed pages. NOTICE TO READERS mmmmmtm Help GARYHILLMCTIONS Forktbmmï¬oncontaa GaryHil|41651864010t9059856719 1W7 Vusilwwebsiln 5‘ orconhdusb/ w Fax905982.1066 unalgaryhamï¬msowmmtza :autiful Sit-Mum ACrystalCleaMgexped- encebrhunes.ofï¬oes We bring supplies. surod/ bonded‘ Sp discount(647)500- AQUA cleaning setviees/ homes. Special discount. SIBJht. Natutal amiss, exoeflem quality. msumd. bonded. (647)402-0550 QUALITY Reliable House CIeaning. Weekly. b6- . monthly 0! one- tation!Call416422-1423 MARCH Flooring Special! Any three rooms $399 up to 3255!. Call Paramount Rooï¬ng '0: a tree in home estimate! Laminate, wood. ners availabbe. 416.213 8776m1~877~8784888 MARCH Flooring Special! Any three rooms up to 325st. Cal! Parammmt Flooring for a tree in name Estimate!!! Laminate. Wood. Vinyi. and m stair runners availaue. 416-213-8776 0: 1877- 878-4888 EM“! MLCIWN 7" crown moulding ......... $5.00 per foot 5" crown moulding ......... $4.00 per foot InStallatimts are being done in Stouffville Special Pricing ECONO Wily installed Affordany Priced @lérhe , ( ' e15 sage that ' Start the ad with the item, service or iob you are advertising. 0 Provide as much information as you can. The more information, the better the response. ' Always include the price of the item. ° Use large type, white space, borders or graphics - anyâ€" thing that will make your ad stand out. ° To get maximum exposure, run your ad for multiple days. There are new readers everyday. ° Use only standard abbreviations, to avoid confusion. ° Most important, call 1-800-743-3353 to place your ad. MARKH M ECO lllSl SUN glib-Tribune Call 416-738-4750 For information and rates on the Business Professional Directory, contact Jan Black at 1 -800-743-3353 jblack@yrmg.com 'll you have a wish lo buy, sell or rent" Classiï¬eds is money well spent. 1-800-743-3353