These are boneless and largely de-fatted legs of FRESH Ontario Lamb which we then sason with a Ram-Balsamic marinate WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ UTSIDE These are boneless and largely de-fatted legs of FRESH Ontario Iambwhichwethmmaonwithakouemary-Bahmkmrimu thatisaboolutelydelidous. Weso'orethcmabitsotlntthemeat takes 11? he seasoning a bit more thoroughly. These can be fe-tietl ugto a roast you wish, or can at the dinner 'tablc. ' Regular Price $12.95 lb We’vegotsomc mothcrcantaloupeshappeningthhweekinthcï¬'uitamThcscarcsizc‘é’,whichmeansthatthcy are so big that o 6 ï¬t into a standard cantalo box, 0 n wheronpuglly9,oxj12,or15,cvcn23wouldï¬t. conly $ 1 'nAhn Thisisaddidonslightsahdthat’scasymtakc. WcuscsmaflpasmshdlsJotsofï¬'eshbabyspinach,somcofmy favepithedoflvcsandsomclunonmtinabcautyvinaipctte. 'l‘hhisyeatscrvedatmomtanpmture,andinmyopnon,it himprovedwithasprinklgofmsalt. - I / Reg. 3159/1003 :1: so 013 mar only (in! In? a stanaara canao box, erousually9,orl orl even23woul conly $ » - thing big here is the size anti the flavour. At $1.99 each, - EACH thepdeqsheisveryMPromCostaRica . Puttygood dinner, P thm‘ king. Suva - Regular price $18.952ch 3 4 in-thorem,â€Lovdybigchunksofchickmbmtinasmoofl1,vdvety,whitc gap sauce {gith myhrppgs. T11: chic‘kcp bmsts are poached in whit: wine.†thcwa.Whatwchave'arcthewhblcvadctyoftpl-ing growsfromab b.We’llalsohavcm ofmind afldoncupinaniuphnmmescavafla inanngcofmu .andeolours.Thcreateagoodchoiceofcmclittlepomedm orchids,aswcllasa fullvari 'ofcmmï¬pgwiththc accultonpretty, ,theï¬mlotooutdoorprdcnbaskeu mddlclikcardmthisweckcnd. Itwon’tbcloug. ...... A FEW WORDS OF IN T R0,; CITRUS PASTA SALAD 'I‘heBconomlnBtSunhasdnngedtheï¬x-muofthdr . stattlngwiththis odidon.WhatthetmeamtousisthatourAdveflimmtwfll newnetlonsinthe regiomTodzoseofyonwhoknowusandknowourednheonlychanguwiflbeindle s of our ad, not the content or don in the publication. To our new readers, I ‘ to welcome you to our store. e’re not big, we don’t offer everything that you’ll need, we make lots and lots of what we sell, we’re'qmlity-minded and we’re retty friendlyandwedoservicereallywell.lfyoulikewhatyousee,ootne usavisit. you areafood-lover,thisislt.Youcanalsovisit ourwebslte ° .0011: and Althoughithasbeendamcold a tour. Hope to see you, Cathy and Evan Mai-Donald and the “7501': group ofus! on yqu; ‘Q'and thai sliced. ofkmabitofwarmthison 1/3 INDEPENDENF GIOCEI SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING SUNDAY MARCH 8 “' Hours: ‘. ll: Sat. 9:00-6:00 ~ Sun. 10:00-5:00 . . 548 Carlton Road, Umonvflle 940â€"1770 www.mcvillagcgroccr. com Thisweckourfrouncnttecfeaturcwillbconr Chicken Suprunc. It is, acceding to my motherâ€" (I Wm:;$%â€Â°â€œâ€œâ€œ" 493$ K M u] A? T913 DELI ..... ‘ Theseueamlkletandfnlrlyï¬ndy porkuuuge. Tutevvinqtheyarebetween oneofouanglisthkfutanda ao,thereissomespicetothun,butmore hldbach'l‘hesearegrettgrilled(mybeontheweekend, ' but not to-day) and slipped into a bun, or oven roasted «y and served with egg-noodles or mashed - ‘ 0 potatoes and a dollop of gravy. OFF 1 ‘ Regular $3.99/lb 5g IthinkthatourOnionSoupisonc’oftbcbcstthing; thawenkaWcstartwithwhatseunslikcmountains ofSpanthniongandthcncookthandawninaoombo $3.,fo Gmémï¬iï¬ 3333 1‘ E % “momnrv- 3nd Ila-El tn nan-n. of beefand chicken stock, along with some Guinness and Port, Rosemary and Basil, to name of a few characters in the cast. Serves 3-4 Regular $6.99 Reg. ............................................................. $2.99 each is on}- usual me dough which is smdded with sour cherries md'wmte- chooolatc chunks and then drizzled with warm white- chocolate. will be a complete meal available in.two different ° levels; one at $9.99 comfplete, and the other at $7.99 complete. It’s a modern and upsizedversionofaT.V.Dinnaofthepast,butbetma-l Reg. .............................................................. $5.99 each CHERRY PIES....We use sour cherries to make these as well. They are the deep-dish variety with a'lattice top; avaihbleineithertheoval$735orthemonsterSl7.95size BLACK FOREST CAKE ............ These are made with 3 layer; of four chocolate cake, our own cooked With 5 In of our chocolate cake, our own cooked chug-Ia, lots ofchocolatc choéolatc drizzle, just to CHERRY-PECAN SQUARES. ................ We begin with a shortbread lower crust, ï¬ll it with glazed cherries, pecans and coconut, and then iced with Doreen’s famous gink icing! Inomï¬tdebakaythisweehwe’vegotchcrries happenin’.. ....... lot’s of them. We’ll be making .............. CHOCOLATE CHERRY LOAF ....................... this is a double-chocolate loaf with lot: of sour cherries baked in. Double chocolate in this case means that there are chunks of chocolate baked into the loaf as well ....... there can never be too much! -SOU1’- NION All these items, and mnybe more will be featured at... While (applies last. mmflmm. ï¬rm.†m ggmm mmMme «cm. W Mammmw W... . d .w . “mu mummmm mm m“ 010.000.... 00.0 I... 0000-. I... I... THIS WEEK- .00.. 0.... 000‘ have noticed that Monday‘to $15.95 and $24.95 each WC'VC $1.69 each