The town employs eight trucks, ï¬ve large vehicles and three 4x4s In addition. Stoufl'ville’s 'Ibdd Bros. Contracting Ltd, six trucks. Sidewalk snow removal, requiring two units, is contracted out to Mont- gomery McBwen of Goodwood. As an aid to seniors and those physi- cally challenged, the town main- tains a winde list, removing snow from driveway entrances. Pleasure all mine While not anticipated but much appreciated. my thanks to children and parents of children for a multi- tude of gifts received at the Millar'd/ Glad Park student crosswalk prior First, a tip of the hat to Whitchurch-Stouffville's snow- clearing crews including munici- pal employees and contract stafl. Except for a repent mild spell, it's been a tough two months, with some operators working round- the-clock. my list. SheWasveryrudelytold “totakeit tooourtâ€. Shestartedtocrytryingto explain she followed her father’s ambu- lance fmm Keswick and stayed long enoughtoseewhatmomhewasm All Mmmmmhmm Itokimywifedlatwehadbeenthere lsmutesandshehadbettergolmme befommgetaticketlwouldcalltobe pickedupwhenitwasover. Recently at approximately 9 p.m., I hadanincidentwithmyeyelphoned THehealthOntaï¬uAthpthehealth numemtumedmycallandinfonnedme thatlhadfourhourstogettotheemer- gencydeparunennbecauselcolfldhave adetadtedretina. We parked at the emergency park- ingareaandthevisiblepanofmesign stated 30 minute parking. We entered, registeredandsattowaitwhenayoung ladycametomesecuritydeskto com- plainabouta$35parkingticket stating shehadqnlyparkedforSZ minutes. [ETTERS POLICY In England. health care reimburses you for cab fares to hospital. In France, doctors make house calls, 40 minutes guaranteed. _ ‘ In Canada, you are penalized for goingto thehospital. “n 400 wold: and must include-daytime ne number. nnmcand TheSun-Thhmem the right to publldl at no! public: and to edit hr clarity andw Whatsâ€. huh-M 6280M: lETTERS TO THE EDITOR - - ' When I got picked up at 1:30 am. the WI we.“ next day she informed me that she found leave We.“ feelmg “I a $35 ticket'on the windshield (For park- . ing on private property? flospitals were Flee 89m ShOlfld Start at built with public moneys and therefore the hospital parking lot. . ' are public property). I_ IT__.IA__J L__LL ,Aâ€, The‘Sum'mlmne welmmesymnlenm All submissions mus! be less .6 >mmmumn1w« -. ’Tis the season to oï¬fqr thanks for many in the community “I I7 luasonï¬mgxmm 3 one year ends and anoth- er Mus, I've a host of people to thank, too many for one column. 80 I'll limit PIN ION Imam; MEDIA mm a. W DamAndrews EnmmAL Editor lim Mason The Ballantrae and District Lions Club partnered the project. “Com- munity support was wonderful," Mr. Palmer said. Treesalesbrisk Over a three-week period, the Stoufl'ville Lions Club sold 390 Christmas trees from the former Sobey’s site on Weldon Road. This project was co-chaired by Don Richards and Joe Cote. to Christmas. One attached note touched my heart. It read Simply. “Thanks for keeping my children safe". The pleasure was all mine. Similarly, appreciation is extended to the many gift-givers on my four bi-weekly newspaper routes That too is a labor of love. Basket program The Stouï¬vifle Lions Club Christmas Basket Program, chaired by Clare Palmer, provided toys and food vouchers for dozens of fami- liesDec.25,aswellastwotruck- loads of food for the Whitchurch- Stouffville Food Bank and Aurora’s Yellow Brick House. All sorting was done at Latcham Hall. “It seems many families wanted Allthestleetswithinwalkingdistanoe offllehospitaLhaddleparkingsigns replaced with “No ParkingAnytimeâ€. If] didn'thlawbetteeroulddï¬nkitisa oonspimcywith the Town of Markham. We give the hospital millions every yearfmm ourtaxes. We raise additional millions, from beneï¬ts and private donations. But it is never enough over and oven'lheyleft’shaldngwifll At the bottom of the sign at sidewalk level. which is not visible when you pull in, in smaller letters, it says obtain a parkingslipï¬rst. The rip-off of the public continues. As I entered the medical building an eldedy couple in their late 70s were trying to explain they tried to purchase a mum one-hour ticket, but the machine had charged their credit card $24. The.stem voice kept repeating “there innothinglcando, itwasyourmistake†Thefollewingmominglhada 10am. appointment in the medical building next to the hospital. I checked the part of the parking sign at the emergency, Bonnie Rondeau bmndambymvgmom SEW-Tribune snows. mmuum chan PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoot ALEXMESSINA real trees this year instead of oma- mentals,†Mr. Cote said. It’s a major fundraiser for the club, Mr. Cote explained, with receipts beneï¬ting the community. 'lbwn tour of lights Three busloads of seniors, many from Parkview Village, Parkview Home, Parkview Suites and Buck ingham Manor, enjoyed a tour of Christmas lights, sponsored by the Stouffville Lions Club. “It's a much- anticipated event," said George Reynolds. committee chair. roop, Sarah Steiner, Claire Taylor, Becky "lbstin and Anna Workman. The class teacher is Onalee Creasor. The exhibit is sponsored by Giles Chevrolet Ltd. and the legal ï¬rm of Button, Armstrong 8: Ness. Seasonal windows Regular customers as well as visitors have admired the season- al display of art at Stoufhrille lim Hortons, one on Sandale Road and the other on Hoover Park Drive. Responsible for this brushwork are â€" Marsha Fortus, Emily Doyle. Pnooucnon Roaming Around With Iim Thomas (2009 “YEA? k OF THE DIET .‘ $3339 . Inn-mum Participating students include â€" Melissa Alexander, Libby Atell, Brittney Bartley, Camille Copet- ti, Meagan Cierwinski, Lindsay Deeley, Andrea Gazdik. Courtney Harmsen, Jessica Ingold, Andrea Ingram, Brandon Latcham, Kelsey McGuckin, Tyler Morehouse, Kaylin Nauta. Trevor Pogue, Geeta Ram- roop, Sarah Steiner, Claire Taylor, Becky "Ilistin and Anna Workman. The class teacher is Onalee Creasor. The exhibit is sponsored by Giles Chevrolet Ltd. and the legal ï¬rm of Button, Armstrong 8: Ness. Student art exhibit Take time this week to view the magniï¬cent display of art at Lat- cham Gallery, completed by the gmduating art class of Stouffville Distnct Secondary School. The exhibition concludes Ian. 3. Lusiï¬ed Fax Fax wa-MU-zm z 21:905-640-8778 ' ADVERTISING 905-640-2612 fled: l-800-743-3353 H: 905â€"640-8778 DISTRIBUTION 905â€"64046] 2 A York Region Media Group community newspaper The SuwTflbune. published enerymmsday and Saturday, ; isadivisionofflteMeï¬oIandMediaGmume..aMIymed i Whammvmmomflon. Metroland isoompdsed of 100 comm pubilcaflons across Omarioï¬nevbrk Regon Newspaper Group indudesme Ubeml. serving Ricmm Hm and mm.wmcm.mmaam(mnwwm). mmuaam.ceocgmmm.mnegm Bushessflnns. Noah ofthe mumm. EDITORIAL 905-640â€"261 2 1: 905â€"640-8778 Nicole Fletcher gaff-Tribune Laura Makowski, lananee Mylvagaâ€" nam and Jessica Tapiero. All for- charity Since assuming the role of event advertiser, the community sign- board, Main Street West, Stoufl‘ville, has raised more than $4,600. Ben- eï¬ciaries include â€" The Terry Fox Foundation; the Student Music Scholarship Fund; Markham- Stouffville Hospital; lr. Achieve- ment, Central Ontario and Autism Ontario, York Region. This month, donations will go to the Stouï¬ville Lions Christmas Basket Program. Your generosity is appreciated. Apples of his eye Fred Lewis, former owner/ operator of Altona Feed and Sup- plies, east of Stouffville, and now living near Minnesing, Ont., had his own gift-giving ways at Christâ€" mas. He recently traveled to Owen Sound and purchased 37 bushels of apples. He then distributed them over a wide area. “Ed Mirvish did it with turkeys," he said. “I do it with apples." Mr. Lewis, now 87, plans to continue his apple distribution project three more years. 'I'ION You Ramon Pnuu'nm; Gunnan BobDaan