“This transit upgrade will shorten the commute for users of the GO "Iran- sit Stouffville rail corridor,†John Baird, Canada’s Trans- port and Infrastructure An underpass was cre- ated so GO trains no longer have to wait to pass across CN’s freight line, which is supposed to enable more frequent and reliable GO train service during peak travel times. The $54 million separa- tion of the Hagerman Dia- mond rail-to-rail crossing along GO Transits Stouffville line is now complete. New rail-crossing to speed GO train $54-milli0n project creates underpass at CN freight line 'WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE QM Close to the Town of Congestion at this inter- section was causing delays and prevented GO Transit from expanding service on this line. Prior to the grade sepa- ration, GO Transit’s north- south Stouï¬ville line inter- sected -with the east-west CN freight corridor north of Steeles Avenue in Markham. Minister said. “This project shows how our government is working with our provin- cial and municipal partners to deliver infrastructure that stimulates our economy, that creates more jobs and takes cars 011‘ the road." “Where these two tracks crossed at grade has always been a problem for us to increase service or maintain schedules," Gary McNeil, managing director for GO Tiansit said. “The new inter- change will now allow us to do both." About 12,000 people will now be able to move in and out of Toronto’s downtown core 'via the Stouflville cor- ridor on a daily basis. “GO Transit riders now have better service," Jim Bradley, Ontario’s 'ï¬'anspor- tation Minister said. â€" Sandra Bolan proposed Official Plan Amendment is available for inspection at the Department ot Planning and Building. Municipal Ofï¬ces. 4th Floor. 37 Sandiford Drive. Stoutfville during regular business hours (Monday to Friday 8:30 am. to 4:30 pm.) lfyou have any questions, please contact Alan Drozd. Manager of Planning. Department ot Planning and Building. by telephone at (905) 640- I900 or (905) 895-2423. Ext 320 or e~mailz alandrozdéï¬townofwsrom DATED at the TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILIJ? this 26th day Andrew McNecly, Director of Planning and Building Services If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville before the proposed Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment is adopted. the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing ofan appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless. in the opinion ofthe Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. An Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment adopted by the Council ofthe Town of Whitchurch-Stoutfville is forwarded to the Region of York for approval, unless it is determined that the Amendment is exempt from Regional approval during the review process, For an exempt Amendment. the decision to adopt by the Council of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville becomes ï¬nal. subject to any appeals during the statutory appeal period. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville before the proposed Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment is adopted. the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision ofthe Council ofthe Town of Whitchurch- Stouffville. to the Ontario Municipal Board. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town rt." .. u u ,â€" If you wish (6 be notiï¬ed of the you must make a written requt L4A 7X5 Any person may attend the Public Meeting to make written or Should you be unable to attend the Public Meeting, your writte In response to concerns about residential development proposals in the Stouï¬ville Community, the Town conducted a review of land use policies contained within the Community of Stoutfville Secondary Plan. The review examined the various neighborhoods within urban Stouffville and the consideration of Provincial directives to facilitate residential intensiï¬cation within established urban settlement areas. The proposed changes to the Existing Residential Area policies of the Community of Stouffville Secondary Plan are to establish a responsive policy framework to ensure that compatible and appropriate resi- dential development and redevelopment occurs in the future that protects the character of existing residential neighborhoods The revisions are intended to ensure that policies are in place to ensure that appropriate land use compatibility issues and criteria are considered in evaluating proposals for development and redevelopment in existing residential neighborhoods. The Amendment also proposes the re-classiï¬cation, deletion and addition of certain collector roads in the Stouffville Community. 'lhese proposed changes result from the various functional servicing studies. land use plans and trafï¬c studies undertaken over time in Stouffville. The proposed changes are intended to respond to'the evolving transportation needs of the Stouffville Community. The public meeting will be convened on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 7:00 PM in {he Council Chambers Town Municipal Ofï¬ces, 37 Sandiford Drive, 4th Floor, Stouï¬ville. Ontario The proposed Amendment(s) applies to lands within the Community of Stouifville Secondary Plan shown as "Existing Residential Area†and to the road classiï¬cations and alignments shown on the map. NOTICE OF MEETING l - Existing Residential Area Tuesday, January 20, 2009 AT 7:00 p.m. Proposed Amendment to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Ofï¬cial Plan (Community of Stouffville Secondary Plan) Protection of the Character of Existing Neighborhoods; and, Changes to Collector Road Designations and Alignments in Stouffville Proposed by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville File No. OPA08.003 : notiï¬ed ofthe adoption ofthe Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment or the refusal ofa request to amend the Ofï¬cial Plan a written request to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville. 37 Sandiford Drive, 4th Floor, Stoufl'ville. Ontario I’WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE 60W é’g‘esty/e CZon t/m Town of g to make written or oral submissions on the proposed Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment Meeting. your written submission will be received up to the time of the meeting. iissmns at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town ial Plan Amendment is adopted. the person or public body may not be E Ontario Municipal Board unless. in the opinion nfthe Board, there are Stoufli'illeSun-Tribune I Friday, Dec. 26, 2008 of December 2008