WAGG, Robert James (Bob) - it is with great sorrow that the tamin of Bob Wagg announce his passing after a long illness, on December 6, 2008 at Markham Stoutl‘ville Hospital, at age 63. Beloved father of Brandon, Lindse and husband Steve, and cherished brot er of Eleanor. Loving uncle of Stephen and Andrea and great uncle of Sydney and Carter. Pre eceased by his parents Margaret and Dawson Wagg. As per Bob's wishes there will not be a funeral or memorial service but the family invites you to join them in a celebration of his ile on Sunday, December 14, 2008 between 1-4 pm. at The Lion of Stouffville, 5917 Main Street. in lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appredatedbythetamty. All persons havin claims as creditors against the estate 0 the above mentioned. late at the Town of Whitchurch-Stouflville, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died at the said Town ot Whitchurch-Stouitville. Regional Municipality of York. on October 27. 2007. are required to tile proot of same with the undersigned on or betore January 22. 2009. Atter that date the Public Guar- dian and Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims otwhichshethenshalhavehadnotioe. Anyone having knowledge of a Will or next- ot-kin ot the above mentioned is also tooontactthe ' . DatTommonNovember ,2008. WWWMJSEE mm seswsrmsuntaoo mammals museum 'Thank You' to my family, friends andl neighbours for our prayers, cards,‘ calls, flowers an food while in hospital and since coming home. Thank on also to EMS and doctors and sta of Markham Sloulfville and Southlake ‘Hospitals for your excellent care be- lfom. derEE'd lallowing my surgery. WWII Veteran Born December 10, 1908 Resident at K-Wing Sunnybrooke Veterans Hospital with Love Best Wishes from Family Friends Happy 100* L Birthday gummmam [ï¬lmmtmm legal Notices mmï¬ï¬qmmwfl, SPAIN Legal Notices All claims against the estate of Ashley Morgan Clarke, late of the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York, in the Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 20th day oi December, 2007. must be tiled with the undersigned per_so_nal yepresentatives on or beiore the mmmm In the estate of Ashley Morgan Clarke, '16lhrhyotJamary, 2009. Thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only tothecla‘msthentied. Date¢Decernber9,2008 Jayl.Bemhollz, Barrister Solicitor SoldtoroltheEslateTmstee WWMZSUROZOQ Marlmam,0ntario L3P1A8 Tel:(905)294-9955 PROVIDING experi- enced ï¬ve-in nannies for children, etderly or special needs. No empAlgyer fees. 905‘ HOLIDAY Chemistry exam prep, grade 11 a 12, S.A.T. Contact Nayan Patel (U.T.S. raduate) 647-668- 597 ANTIQUE McClau h- Iin slei h cof 66 tables, left. 100 years old. $1495 each (905)473-3636 BABY accessories and clothing sale- Stroller, p|aypens, swing, high chair. cra- dle. gates. Call Ange- la416-949-1765 CARPETS- I have several thousand yards of new stain- master 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room 8. hell for $389.00. Includes: carpet, pad, installa- tion (30 yards). Steve 905-890-5552 HOT Tub Spa) Cov- ers- Best nce, Best Quamy. All Shapes Colours. Cal! 1-866â€" HOT tub/ spa- 2008 model, fully loaded. full warranty. New in plasï¬c. 005‘ $8,000 Sacrifice $3.900. Call: 416-779-0563 3] Nannie: o Tutoring 8mm: mmmamm EflaBrenmet‘sEstateJotmDeemLXZSS Tractawithhydrostaï¬cdr‘rve.antique dods.oldRoyalDafltonmrserym/me WW'MW' .goodgass. ' stampcolecï¬omNoResewes. Pbasemteeedwsablocaï¬m Wk Ye’ar'End Clearanoé Auction Fot Sale HOXTON coffee ta- ble- round, 36' diame- ter. solid maple, $99. (WW-6183 TABLE saw, protes- sional grade, $500. Bandsaw, $100. Com- plete kin waterbed. $150. Al excellent shape. 905-473-6047 ADORABLE puppies. cockapoos. wheaton- poos. yorkie-bichons, westies, shihtzu-x, pug-x. Shots, guaran- teed. (905)478-4464 DOBEHMAN pup- pies-U Ready (0 go Dec. 13th. 2 males, 1 female. First shots. $850. (416)518-7468 PUPPY, Obedience Agility Rail‘z-O classes. Life's uff Dog Training. Mark- wwaifesrUflca 905â€"201-5050. 2004 DODGE Neon SX 2.0 Royal blue, 60.000Km. like new. $6000. firm. 905-642- 8798. A A pays up to $5,000. for scrap cars and trucks. 7/ 24. (416)684-4663. Up to $500. at spot paid for dead/ alive vehicles. Pick-up im- mediatel . Free tow- ing.416- 5050 mm Cars tor Sale 2915] Cars Wanted '. rat, on Board} For Sale H O U 8 E K E E P E R needed in Markham. Or anlzad, reliable, ca ng individual. $10- 312/ hr. Email: regi~ frankiinflhotmailcom «Cains-“39349. E X P E R I E N C E D cleaning lady- will clean our house wlcare quality. Sm- isfaction uaranteed. 416- “"'“A Absolutely Magical Crystal Cleanin tor homes, ofï¬ces. 9 bring sup- plies. Insured/bonded. Special discount (647)500-2260 “"“AQUA cleaning services for homes/ offices. Affordable price. excellent quality. SpeciaI dis- counf. fnsured. bonded. (647)402- 'A1‘ Maid 2 Clean Residenlial, commer clal. Affordable, re liable professional For quotes/ informa tion call: 416-894 2871 GARAGE Door: New gara a door $500 and up. ervic‘e and re- pairman. Opener in- stalled. ReliabIe and professional. Excel- lent prices. www.22home.ca 416- 1/2 Price J'unk Re- moval. Cheap, fast service. All toading/ cleanup. Free Estiâ€" mates. John. 310» 5865 (local) JUNK 8. rubbish re- moval. Great rates. We do all the heavy lifting. 416-655-8260 1-8 8-8junkboys PAINTING- Decorat- ing. Plastering. Pro- fessional work guar- ameed. Reasonable Rates. Free esti- mates. 416-433- 1829$eewebsite www.perfectwalls.ca PROPAINTING- Fast. clean, professional 8. affordable. Last minâ€" ute,OK. CaflPeter: 905-751-3612 1-877-898â€"3445 EASY Move 8. Storl age- $50./hr. Free es- timates. Local/ dis- tance. packing, as- semny. re-assembly Free storage. 647‘ 201-2836 PARRIS Moversâ€" long/ shod. big! small, resudential/ condos/ commercial. Quality service. Affordable/ reliable. 905-758- 2848,416677-2848 CARPET Sales 81 In- stallation. Reasonable rlces Professional nstallation! For free estimates call Laze 4166201431 HARDWOOD floorin $4.99/ sq.ft. Installs , Specializing in Stairs. 100% Canadian. Call Tammy (647)999- 6262 A1A All Asian Gills Escon- Chinese. Ko- rean, Japanese 24/7 outcalls only Rin for website 905- 06- a Home Cloning Home Improvement: Painting Decorating loving Stance Mull EMlmmm JAPAN Dolls- young, beautiful. No disap- poIntmont. Escort 89!- vice. 24hr. Out calls only. Debi! avaiiable. 416-818-6888 CHINESE massage- Markham. 3601 Hwy. 7, Unit-103 (west of Warden) 905-480- 1007. Richmond Hill 905-886-3638. Out calls 647-828-6631 Male/tennis. Be sure to indude your your compaan INTERNET ADDRESS This is your opportunity to celebrate ALL BABIES born this year or in the past! Promote To meet our publishing deadlines, all requests and photos must be submitted no later than: Wednesday, December I7, 2008. Please allow extra time for the mail. Send or bring a good quality COLOUR photo no larger than Sâ€x7â€, to: Classiï¬ed Department, c/o The Era Banner, 5803 Steven Court, P.O. Box 236, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4Xl For details and email information, call: inthe 1-800-743-3353 ECéNES'MISF SUN @Ht-Tribune Announce the arrival of your new baby, or use this special keepsake to recognize a baby born in the past. BABIES OF 2008 is scheduled to appear in COLOUR on Saturday, December 27, 2008 ‘Admm-Fliphousestomsate-FWbasements Vial! us at: www.mnoygï¬ohuu.ca all and book a spot TODAY! Order a laminated keepsake of your announcement for only 2 for 3 for - Over 100 Acres to choose 8 cut the Penect Tree' - Premrum fresh cut Fur Trees, handcrafted wreaths garland - Tractor 8 home drawn wa90n rides - Tree stands. tree balrng - Lrons' Club Refreshments www.drysdales.ca Ex» \\\\\\\\\ ' '9 plus GST 35.00 ‘7.00 ‘10.00 Swuffville Sunâ€"'I'ribune. Thursday, December 11, 2008 1 baby Ker spog. 3 lines ma‘gimq‘m copy pproxnmate snzc 2 x 2 RENOVATION 'kusmo 'TILI "087me WWW. CONNEC TION. COM/~MIKE TILE all: 905-887-7885