:or more information please call 1-888~211~72~88 ex .‘ or VlSlt www.yorkreglomcom Thursday/Friday Minerva?“ SOGumtiGreen St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church OLD TYME CHRISTMAS BAZAAR CRAFT SALE 143 Main St. North, Markham Sat. Nov. 1st - 9am-2pm Baketable, Chn'strms crafts, Gramys Pantry Jams Jellies, Newtowu, Sew'ng, 3mm Babysaflsbymelona Quilters, Baum. Mme! Cobctws, M0211“ Lunch Room (of! Flnchun) hosts Smwmen Wm M --) CHRISTMAS CRAFT ' 5K 81 BAKE SALE \5 D Sat. Novombenstat 4‘ Rouge Valley Mennonite Church 7452 Reesor Road (south of Hvyï¬, north of Steeles) Tea Room homerhade soup lunch Come visit as afler the Newmarket Santa Claus Parade yaw? DORis, FLORENCE FRIENDS ANNUAL BAKE a. CRAFT SALE at Lemorwiile Community Centre Nov.13t Coffee Mufï¬ns 911230 am. Soup Luncheon 1 1:30am-2pm. ECéNï¬MIST SUN GUHLTribune Start the ad with the item, service or job you are advertising. Provide as much information as you can. me more information, the better the response. Always include the price of the item. Use large type, white space, borders or graphics ar thing that will make your ad stand out To get maximum exposure, run your ad for lhlliflplt days. There are new readers every day. Use only standard abbreviations, to avoid confusion Most important, call 1-800-743â€"3353 to place you MARKHAM n /‘ Glenway Country? 470 Crossland Gate, Newmar’ket ace VOUF a< Saturday, November 15, 2008 10am ~ 3pm m» BUSINESS G PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Noon Frjday?!§ 416-798-7284 ' 1-800-74 3-3 3 5 3 Don ’t be disappointed by a missed deadline. Be sure to place your ad in plenty of time. CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: ECéN‘b'M'IST SUN Thursday Edition: Wednes Ina/hulk \un lubum’. l'humlm fhursday Edition: Wednesday Saturday Edition Fndav bx Thursdav Edit aturdav Editior GENERAL CLASSIFIED: 3V HELP WANTED: I8C€ VO ion‘ Tuesday 3n 'nwursdm V (X 7!?