How do you speak. Stoufl’ville? Would you like to develop this skill? Toastmasters’ Stouffville club will show you how to listen effectively, think on your feet and speak conâ€" ï¬dently. You will learn valuable leadership skills in a supportive non-intimidating environment. Members learn by speath to groups and working with others. The club meets Mondays at 7 pm. at Glad Park Public School. Make that mast, StoufMllo 16 Stoufl'gille Sun-Tribune I Titania); Oct. 3Ol 2008 ALL WOMEN'S INTIMATE APPAREL, SLEEPWEAR AND ROBES When you use your Sears Card or Sears MasterCardtD. 0- W M. Sears Card offers exclude catalogue purchases. Sears® is a registered Trademark of Sears. licensed for use in Canada. MasterCard® is a regls Service. Savings otters exclude merchandise with prices ending in .88c. All merchandise sold “as is" and all sales final. No exchanges. return right to limit quantities. Prices do not include home delivery. Oflers exclude vendor consignment merchandise. Although we strive for accuracy. the Sears Catalogue or Retail store price current at time of memhandise receipt For more information, go to stouMIIeJreetoasthosLbiz Mg â€" suais‘oi‘s‘niisi m m' i ' STEELES AVENUE lusf "0ND" _ FRIDAY mam _ 9pm SATURDAY 7am ' 6pm ° SUNDAY 10am ' 6pm / 8 SALE PRICES IN EFFECT OCTOBER 31 TO NOVEMBER 2ND. 2008. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN OUR AD OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST OCTOBER 31 2MB. ALL OUTLET MERCHANDISE HAS BEEN PRICED FOR FINAL SALE. OURWWWLHHICESOIA // 0 3M Scotchguard Wham o LOOSE BUGS Steam - snowman m“ n In a. ' UPHOLSTERY OFF 905-642-51 1 1 When you use your Sears Card or Sears MasterCard®. 0n approved credit. 24 appliances v OFF OUR MIEADY REDUCED OUTLET PRICES OI A SELECTED FRIDGES r_,r-m,. .7 . -._--_ . .._. -v._rr...' v...’. v.....'.. vavIv uv "v. u-vuâ€"uv - u Allmerchani “ "' ' ' . " 7 ~ rur w A r M Jr 77 7 do sold _as IS iand‘nll adds tuna}. No exchanges. returns or adgustments on prevuously purchased merchandise; savings otters cannot be combined. No dealers; we reserve the CRAFTY IN LEUONVILLE Lemonville Community Centre, McGowan Road south of Bloom- ington Road, hosts a crafl and bake sale. Coffee and muffins from 9 to 11:30 am. and lunch from 11:30 am. to 2 pm. PLANNER K WOMEN’S PRN’I'Sâ€~") When you use your Sear} 'Card or Sears MasterCard®. in W credit Olll ALREADY REDUCED W PRICES“! ALL WOMEN'S TRADITION® FASHIONS at.“ your OUTLET STORE OFF lastercordtb is a mistered Trademark of MasterCard Internationa! Incorporated. Personal shopping ooh}. Sividgs offers do not include beds Free Spirit® 2.5-hp Treadmill 8300 82 WAS $169999 6 only $999“9 after llam unintentional errors may occur. We reserve the right to correct any error ‘Req WhlStIe Radb. 6280 Mam St. Is hosting an open house from 10 2 p.m.Tourstudlos, loam about volunteeflng with the not- for-pmflt station and son a show produced. Call 905-640-0311. OPEN STUDIO -~-~“ When you use Your Sears > Card or Sears MasterCard® on selected items 0n approved credit. DUI ALREADY REDUCED DEITLEI PRICES DI All CHILDREN'S TOYS ’. SALE DOES NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES MADE PRIOR TO ï¬>._.>_.OOCm mIOvEZO - NA IOme > O>< u O><m > <<mmx 1 -800-267-3277 WWW-sears-ca Ask about our Ship-A-GW To add an event to this listing, e-mai! lim Mason Event organizers can also register with POP at yorkmgion. com OFF Tne Stouflvule Adun Skaters begin their new season tonl t at 8:55 pm. at the Stouflvi le Arena. Beginnets welcome and a special invitation to new residents to Stouflville. DON THE BLADES 00R ALREADY REDUCED WEE? PRICES 0! All When you use your Sears Card or Sears MasterCard®. o. m audit MEN'S SlEEPWEAR 8 ROBES Was' and ‘Sears selling price‘ refer to OFF