\" 3H1? W‘wn :("Mh’ihï¬ mélï¬umv’N‘hn‘wv « k§iï¬mmmlmmmm STORE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 10 am-7 pm; I Friday 10 am-8:00 pm; Saturday 9 am-6 pm; I g > Sunday 12:30 pm-5 pm --1 “MWMStï¬WIOO IVJENN-AIR 15"- ELECTROLUX D mmammdmmm MMMMWMGS s@"‘ 9 ‘WJ \“ 'maï¬ 905-852-221 I 22w Was W and safety precautions should handleï¬reworks; 0 Appoint a responsible per- son to be in charge. Only adults who are aware of the haZards , Most important. go to munciâ€" pal ï¬reworks displays instead of doiqg your Momflleworksamlikelyused on Canada Day than any other hofldayandthat means safetyis ablglaaue. and burn injuries, Whitchurch- Smuï¬'ï¬lle Fire and Emelgency Sqwices has tips to avoid trag- Your guide. to safe July 1 ï¬reworks poesvoun‘nmnpan con: IN A PLASTIC BAG? Please help us help the environment by recycling your bags. Collect your bags and put them out the first Saturday of every month. Leave the bags in the same spot you receive your paper. Your carrier will be rewarded if you participate in this program, PARTNERS WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. If you have any questions, please call your Distribution Department at 905-294-8244 0 Carefully read and follow Tbmhllmizetheriskofï¬re !ï¬bu still want to do it your- mumwmmmm. A DIVISION 0' H'TIOLAND NIDIA GIOU' 0 Keep onlookers a safe dis- tapce away, upwind from the dischmsem flight only one ï¬rework at a timeandorflywhenmeyareon the ground. Never try to light a 0Alwayskeepawaterhose orpaflofwaterclosebywhen dischargingflmorks; directions on ï¬reworks packag- Most important, go to mundpalï¬reworks displays instead of doing your own. . W a. 0 Discharge ï¬reworks only if wind conditions do not create a 0 Keep sparklers away from children. Sparklers bum hot and can ignite clothing. cause blind- ness and severe burns. As the 1' wire remains hot for some minutes after burnout, it should be soaked in water to avoid injury and; 0 If someone gets burned, run cool water over the wound for three to ï¬ve minutes and seek medical attention, if necessary. -â€"Yentl Lieuw ï¬reworkinyour hand or ne-light dud ï¬reworksSoak duds in a bucketofwateranddispose of timminametaloontainer, Tommmmnhowto mammtammawwget mmgmtmwmfrom mkyeIdistrhMIsasmese m.mllustoday! 'Sdeasdareasmty CHEMIST PHARMACY' BEING WELL HEALTH' YING'S NAIL SPA‘ ACTIVE IAGAZINE' HOME HARDWARE CITY PARENT KIDS GOLF FREE‘ TODAY'S HOMES‘ Mountains Miranda! Mod.†ZEHRS'