Katie Hamilton (left), who worked at the Avonlea Village on PEI as Anne of Green Gables, Pat Mont- gomery, owner of the-Candlelight and Memories, which provided tea and teapots, and Elizabeth Cox, executive director of the Emmanuel International Canada, pour on the bridge at the Stouflvifle Road mission that was used in the ï¬lming of the TV movie Anne of Green Gables. Emmanuel marked the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables Sunday with a fundraising tea at the bridge. 4630 Hwy. 7 at Kennedy mluwfllomotomcom Fiï¬ estimates available at our Full Service on-site Body Shop Call for an appointment today. Markham‘s :1 Domestic PONTIACBUICKâ€"GMC 0" 0wva GREEN GABLES, ONT. 905-477-1666 Nomddlm mumme Toflndoutmonwoulhowto. mohyourtugdmlkdmd WWW SEW-Tribune SHERIDAN MRSEBIES‘ SIMS MW SOBEY'S" WWW WWW WWW MW REALCMADIAN WSW? REMEDY WW HAL-MAM“ W 3chme SUN Life Phandnl Stouffville Sun-'Iiibune I Thursday, lune 26, 2008 13 055.92 ‘ Scotlabonlt’