5am Weeéem! 0PM ‘ Applewood Farm Winery Good luck to all of the artists. Visit the art show in the Hamlet of Lemonviue “Vlsfr THE SHOW†on their 15th annual show Before or after the art show ENJOY ounmcuwmnms AFTER YOUR MINI TOURS, COMB ENJOY FINE DINING FOR mnxv‘mons, PLnAsn CALL Best wishes to the lemonville Group of Artists Hausa or COMMONS CANADA 905-642-5557 ENTERPRISES 15th Anniversary Show Proud to support the The LemOnville Community Centre is a beautiful ven- ue for an art show and is home to The Lomonville Group of Artists. The building was originally an old school, built Visitors to this year’s exhibiï¬bn can see works, includ- ing acrylics, mixed media, Sum’i-e (Japanese ink paint- ings), watercolours and wood block p‘rim‘m Corner features small-scale pieces and greeting cards. A wide variety of artistic styles, from abstract to realism, will appeal to all personal tastes and preferences FREE ADMISSION ° FREE PARKING ° REFRESHMENTS ° BOUTIQUE Mark your calendar for the 15th Annual Lemonville Art Show and Sale 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 13453 MCCOWAN ROAD Information: 905â€"640- 3965 SATURDAY, MAY 3RD SUNDAY, MAY 4TH Lemonville Group of Artists Come early - don’t be disappointed! May 3rd 8: May 4th, 2008 SHOW SALE To see examples of the work of these artists please visit http:/lLemonvilleGroupofArtists.goqglepages.com or for more information LGAinfo@gmail.com or 905-640â€"3965. group are Bette Archer, Diana Bull- ock,‘ Burke, Eileen Christensen, Morven Isobel Emmerson, Anita Emonson, m, Autumn Graves, Joan Humphrey, Suâ€" zanne Larkin, Lyn Liddle, Helen McKenna, Shelley Oph- elders, Diane Pmaï¬ume, lune Probert, Lillian Richard- son, Lypn Westaway, lrene W015 and Rosemarie Wright. I Lemonvflle Community Centre is located at 15453 McCowan Road (east side of McCowan, ‘5 km south of Bloomington Rd.) in Stouffville. Over the years,yisitors to the Leguonville Art Show haw other tourist spots and venues in Stouffville. organizers are encouraging people, in addigjpï¬ visiting the art show, to stop at other places . %mmunity. People can visit two local wineries Farm Winery and Willow Springs Winery f? dine, and shop in at Stouï¬'ville stores, including local fa- vourite, Charlinda’s Chocolates. Visitors are encouraged to make a day of it, exploring the Stouffville area and all it has to offer. The art show is very good for local tourism and the artists, in turn, are very grateful to the Town of Whitchureï¬Stouï¬'Ville for its continued support. The Lemonville Group of Artists is wan in the Whitchurch Stouffville area, and has a large fan base, in- cluding art lovers that travel from far and wide each year. The meet once a week to share their passion for art and to encourage one another. They frequently have guest instructors and also receive instruction from mem- beraoftheir own ‘ 15TH ANXUAL The Lemonville Group of Artisits, Art Show draws many visitors, I encourage all residents to visit, and enjoy the show The Town of Whitchurchâ€"Stouffville is proud to support the talented local artists of our community. Message to our visitors, Bloomington Road WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE W 6?on W Town of Stouffvme Road LEMONVILLE Stouï¬wtte Sun-Tribune I 26.’2'ws- 15 Stouffvi Veterinary Clinic Have a successful show! UNIQUE FRAMING GALLERY 5293 Hwy. #7, Markham UNIQUE FRAMING GALLERY ’ are proud to work with the artist for their framing needs. 905-472-2668 All of us at Mayo: Wayne [mm