GOALIE Pads - Sher- wood tha Junior goalie pads. used one season. Great condition. asking Call 905-989. CARPETS - I have sevâ€" eral thousand yards of new stainmaster 100% nylon carpet. Will do luvin room hall for $38 .00. In- cludes: carpet. pad, in- stallauon (30 ards). Steve 905-89 -5552 www‘carpotdadsm perienced Mandarin teacher. Private ies- sons. individual learning Ian. Call 905~201-576 ivian or email huangzdaoyu2001 Oyahooca MATH Tutorin Service Grades 3-7. I ave a 8. Science and B. Comm. Virginians-2980547 IMPROVE Math/ Sci- ence. Experienced coi- le 9/ university teacher 0 ers tutoring. Special rates (family discount. exams.)416-726â€"5327 PROFESSIONAL. ex January 4, 2008 must be filed with the under- signed on or before April 21. 2008, after which date the estate wilt be distributed havin regard only to the claims of which the Estate rustees thenshdtmenotbe. mammmmamm. Laï¬euHendetsonUP 1600-1 anStteetWest MMMSXtGS Soicibtsbtthe EstateTmstees All claims a ainst the Estate of Robert I. mm--mommdedon PRAYERTOTHESIPPUCATIONTO THEHOLYSPHT: Holy S irit. who solves all problems. who li hts I roads so that I can obtain m goal. ou, who give me the divine gift to orgive and forget all evil a ainst me and that in all instances of my Ii e. you are with me. i want, in this short prayer, to thank you for all things and to confirm once again that i never want to be separated from you, even and in spite of all material illusion. I want to be with you in eternal glo . Thank you for your mercy toward me an mine. The per- son must say this pra er 3 consecutive3 ldays. Alter 3 days the aver requested will; be granted even it it may appear difficult. This prayer, including these instructions; must be published immediately after the la- vor is granted without mentioning the favor; only your initials should appear at the bot- tom. S.E. :13] Personal: a] Lml Notice: lnmcmory ofadcarwifeandmothcr who passed away April 4, 1998. Lovineg remembered John, Mike and Kristine [3] In Iomodaln In mmomm of the one we loved so much. Though her smile is gone forever and her hand we cannot touch Her memory is our keepsake with which we '1! never part. God has her in His keeping we have her in our hearts. mmcnennonsmmusns We miss her hugs and kisses, and the love she gave so much Still we have so many memories Tutoring Services FotSalo BRENDA MAY (HACKETD KUENEN MOM-TO-MOM Sale- Used Baby/Kids‘ stuff. 70 tables! Apr. 5, 9-1pm. Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S., 90 Bur Oak, Markham. $2 ad- mission. Visit www. momtormmsatesorg INDOOR Garage sale 4460 14th Avenue. Kennedy/14th Ave. Sat- urday, April 5th, 9:00 am gifl items clothing furniture, HOT tub/ spa- 2007 model. full loaded, full warranty. aw in plas- tic. Cost $8.000 Sacri- fice $3,900. Call: 416- 779-0563 MOVING SALE Partial contents of home +MAJOR GARAGE SALE Sump-115m. at Sun. I l Parkinson Rd.. Gm e a Van! ales Articles For Sale Personal: Local Nollm FAMILY Dog Manners Puppy, Beginner, In, termediate A ility for Fun! classes. 95 in KAHOOTS. 905-642- 8289. www.k95inka- hootsoom GROOMER- Ste hanie Smyth (Pets are eople Tooé is now at Groom 'n‘ 15er (Hwy‘nde) (90 )294-4374 BEAUTIFUL selection of puppies. Cockapoos. Yorkipoos. Goldendoo- dves. schnoodles. Cava- lier/ schitzus. wheaton/ retrievers and bulldo / pug. Vet inspecte . Guaranteed, (905)478- Long time residents of Stouttville. Glen 8. Joyce were avid auction attendees. coIIectors a skied outdoorsmen who Inved hunting, fishing a workin in their sugar shack each spring. ANTIQUE FURNITURE: comer , hanrest table. hope chests, antique shaving mirror, 19503 oak bdrm. ste, 1940's art deco db. bed, 6 drawer dresser w/mirror. it cut oak washstand, 2 oversized rockers w/black leather seat backs, press back rocking chair. child's press back rocker. 2 tloor lamps. walnut china cabinet, 2 wall cupboards w/ lass fronts, 5 tier walnut knick knack shell, wall mount music cupboard, 9 It. pine iron church bench w/ pullout seat on end. oak church pews, smokers stand w/marble base. bearskin rug; COL- LECTIBLES: Lg. qty. oil lamps incl. 2 wall mount Alledin 2 orig. shades, book on oil lamps. qty. spare parts, Hardy Boy 8. Nancy Drew books. ant. speed skates, qty. Royal Doulton figurines, Toby jug. shavinfl mugs. silver tea services. 'deer‘ wooden butter press, 5 ' bells, copper pots, mi cans, ant. duck decoy, crokinole/checkers board. wooden l house Iurniture, Ritz cracker can, honey pails. box camera. Keystone camera in orig. box, collection dolls ot the world, 'Neilson's: mag ol the world. qty. collector plates, incl. Church, Rees0r Markham; HR lantern. lanters peanut jars, cast griddle, qty. crooks 1 - 15 gal. qty. Occ. Japan figurines. metal signs, collector spoons. 'Coke' pla ing cards. copper boilers. 'Kenner' Eas Bake oven in orig. box; BUTCHER EOP T.: Ant. lg. butcher block, meat saws. nives. wragping paper ant. paper dispensers, scales, trophy wall mounts, meat grinders; CA a OIL COLLECTIBLES: Qty. shirts, jackets. badges. hats, thermometers a crests lrorn Supertest. Esso, Gulf. BP; oil in cans. silver 'Supertest' presentation pcs,, 'Supertest“ gas pump liquor dispenser in orig. box; ART: Qty. new artwork from a liquidation; VEHICLE: 1985 Pontiac Bonnewlle, 4 dr sedan. sold as is; Pre~ view: 8:00 am. Sale Day. Terms: Cash. Visa, MIC. debit approved cheque. Holy Spirit Thou make me see everything and w me the way to reach my ideal. You who give the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that, is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. i, in this short dialogue, went to thank You for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. i want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. ‘Amen. Person must pray this 3 consecutive ideys without stating one‘s wish. After the 3rd ‘day your wish will be granted no matter how difficult it may be. Promise to publish this as soonesyorxfavorhasbeengranted. Holy Spirit Thou make me see everything and ehow me the way to reach my ideal. You who ve the divine gift to torgive and forget the wrong that ie done to me and who are in all instances ot my life with me. i. in this short dolor». want to thank You lor everything and cont rm once more that i never want to be eeparated trom You no matter how great the teriai desire may be. i want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. Pereon muet pray this 3 consecutive days without etatin one'a wish. Alter the 3rd dag your wish will e granted no matter how dl lcult it may be. Promise to publish this as eomaeyoulavorhasbeenwanted. Pets, Su plies a. Board no Auctions _â€"â€"TI'â€"Rmm Prayer To'l‘he oly Spirit Prayer oly SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2000,1o:oo am. WMMMMJXBHIDGE UP 1R2 tormoESI’ATEofGLENIJOYCESHADLOCK 2000 GRAND Marquis Excellent condition Dealer serviced. Leath or. 154,000 kms $4.500. Will cemty (906)888-1215 WASTE clean-up Spring and weekly ser- vices available. Call for a free quote. 416-898. 4663. 905-642-6464 www‘nwsbopmusooopoom PUPPY. Obedience 8. AgiIity, classes. Life‘s Ruff Dog Training, Mamham. www.lifesnm.ca 905-201-5050, Cm tor Sale Pets. Su plies Board ng Auctlons GARY HILL AUCTIONS PO Box 1030 Uxbridge ON L9P 1N3 905-852-9538 8005544547 4155155401 WWM Oumm guth.theaucflonadvertiser.com $100.-$1500. paid for your dead or alive vehi- cles. Pick~up immedi- ately. 24/7, Free towing 416-500-5050 A a A pays up to $5,000 for scrap cats and trucks 7/ 24 (416)6844663 Auctions DECKS. all decks. low est price guaranteed 10 yrs. experience I year warranty. Free Es timate. 416274-8228 GARAGE Door» New gara a door. $500 and up ervice and repair- man Opener instalied Reliable and profes» sional‘ Excellent prices www 22home ca 416- 268â€"6088 CEILINGS repaired Spray textures, plaster designs. stucco. dry~ wall‘ We fix them all! www.mrstucco ca Call 416-242â€"8663 'A Absolutel Best Cleaning. Zirystal Cleaning for homes, of- fices we bring supplies, Insured. bonded ing lady available. Cen lrfalvac only please FRIEDA'S Cleaning Service~ Residential/ Commercial. Expen- enced since 1970. 416- 845-4427; 905â€"470- 7975 ONTARIO Employment Agency provides certi- fied nannies for child/ elderly /special needs 416-699-6931 No “A Spotless Cleaning for homes/ offices. In- sured/ bonded Experi- ence the difference we make. (416)464-w57 (647)500-2260 EXPERIENCED clean 9056402950 FIRST Maid Quality re- liable cleaning service. Most homes. $69599 per service. 25 yeats experience. 416-831- dy webk. imm. Pls call 416-302-8631 for more EXPERIENCED clean ing lady- will clean your house w/care quality. Satisfaction uaran- teed.416- C.T. Auto Salvage. Top dollars paid for unwant- ed cars. trucks, vans. Call Chris 647-881- 7801 LIVE-IN nann reqd Familyrof 5 in 7km. s WWWfl1-O444atax905-771-0435 EMMWZ WNW W109 a mcmmg “Wink: MLâ€"A..l [loam Help Cm Wanted CHEAPEST garbage bin rentals. Household junk. renovation waste. Fast, friendly, reliable service. VISA/ Master- card.416â€"984-0044 A1 best rates- Garbage removal, clean-ups, etc. Call Harold (905)832- 3336, cell phone' (416)823-3435 RENOVATIONS. Spe- cializing in basement ï¬nishing. metal studs. drop ceiling. plumbing. electrical. Bathroom and kitchen upgrading. 905-770-3296 or 647- 286-8821 OPENING Season Speâ€" cial- Save 30%. PIO- fessional Deck Retin- ishing. Decks sanded. stripped, refinished by hand. (905)251-8860 LEAK, drywall and tin- ished basements. Please call Mohammad: 416-902-403). RENOVATION for all. Fair pr'ce with excellent workm nship. Free esti- mates. Call Alvan 416- BUSINESS 5 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY: Noon thdayl'i Don’t be disappointed by a missed deadline. Be sure to place your ad in plenty of lime. CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: 416-798-7284 ° 1-800-74 3-3 3 5 3 Improvement: ECéNBM‘IST SUN Fhursday Edition: Wednesday Fhursday Edition: Wednesday by 2] Saturday Edition: Friday by 2pm Thursday Edition: Tuesday by 4pm Saturday Edition: Thursday by 4pm Saturday Edition: Friday bv Noon GENERAL CLASSIFIED: 5W Sunâ€"'I‘n'buneI Thursday, April 3, 200823 10 place your ad HELP WANTED: MOVING- Houses. of- fices, apartments. arti- cles. Assembling and disassemblin furniture. 20' trucks. 416)627- A- Moving trucks for houses. apartments. condos. Small/ large Local/ long distance. Short notice. negotiable rates. Ken. 416-658- 5307 DAVE the Painter- Quality workmanship guaranteed. Benjamin Moore paints Seniors‘ discount. Free esti- mates. Call 647-207- 1937 'unk rubbish removal 6 do all the heavy lm ing. Reasonable rates 416-655-8260 1888-8JUNK BOYS. For Information and rates on the Buslness 8. Professional Dlrectory, contact Maggle at 416-798-7284 or 1-800-743-3353 mmltchellayrmgsom loving a Storage Painting Decanting bv Noon toxifying and relaxing Asian massage 8. facial. Markham. Open til mid- night. 3601 Hwy. 7. #103. West ol Warden. 905-480-1007. Rich- mond Hill 905-886- 3638. Out call by male/ female team. 647-828. JAPAN Dolls- young, beautiful. No disap- pointment. Escort ser- vice. 24hr. Out calls only. Debit available. 647-801-3888 LANA- Independent es cort. Scottish/ French Very pretty. petite sexy. Yonge/ Steeles 10am-midnight.416 PROFESSIONAL de 1 -800-743-3353 'HDPLACE YOURAD CALL )IN 7!?