The truck’s driver was hos- pitalized with non-life threat- ening injuries. On Monday, at about 2 p.m., a truck operated by Ministry of Transportation subcontractor was on Hwy. 400 between King Road and Aurora Road as workers were ï¬xing potholes when a southâ€" bound tractor traijer crashed into the truck, spraying debris across the highway, accord- Both veï¬icles took sub- stantial damage in the crash, he added. At about 12:45 pm. Thurs- day, a Ministry of Transporta- tion truck was in the south- bound lanes of Hwy. 404 north of Bloomington Road in Whitchurch-Stouffville as workers were patching potholes when an Acura slammed into the back of it, according to Ontario Provin- cial Police Sgt. James Zikos. BY 10E FANTAUZZI Staff Writer For the second time this week, a driver has crashed into a highway maintenance truck in York Region. The driver of an Acura inspects front end and side damage to the car after crash on Hwy. 404 Thursday. Second highway worker injured ï¬xing potholes “People are just not pay- ing attention,†he said. “How they can drive into the back of these things? I don't know." OPP Const. Dave Wood- ford said he understands people want the roads ï¬xed but said motorists must take more care when driving around work crews. Northbouï¬d lanes of the highway were reopened by 5 pm. The traitof trailer’s dn'ver was shaken up but not hurt. The woman driving the maintenance truck was taken to hospital with non-life- threatening injuries. ing to the OPP. ‘People are just not paying attention. How they can drive into ï¬ne hack of these things? I don’t know.’ Const. Dave Woodford Aurora OPP A roads worker is loaded into an ambulance after the truck he was in was struck by a car on Hwy. 404 in western Whitchmch-Stouflvifle Thursday. Beadinglwnï¬nglsmummdilsmwsmysumr V Better Grades V Confidence and Motivation V Individualized Programs Little Readers: Ages 3 to 6 Years Grades 1 to 12; All Subjects Financing 8: Flex Payment Available (OAC‘ IVZGertmed' Teachers V Regular Parent Reports V Diagnostic Assessments STAFF PHOTOS/BILL ROBERTS but by invitation only. Register on-line at or call 1-866-873-9913 to register 0W¢dn¢sday, April 9‘“ LA GONDOLA 221 Bowcs Rd., Vaughan ODemonetrations ODisplays fGift Bgagg OUAseful Hints Information 1.3.3 by Stou Sun-Tribune I Saw March 29 2008 Investigations by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the OPP are continuing, town CAO Dave Cash said. The Ontario Provincial Police, who are responsible for this stretch of road, were also called and attended. An ambulance happened on the scene and York Region Police were called, police spokesperson Const. Marina Orlovski said. Both the employee and the other driver were transported to Southlake Regional Health Centre with non-life- threatening injuries. The crash occurred around 5:30 pm. on Hwy. 48 near Davis Drive during a snowstorm that worsened throughout the evening. The embloyee is a snowplow opera- tor whp was on his way to work. BY HANNELORE VOLPE Staff Writer A Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville employee was sent to hospital after the pick-up truck he was driving and another vehicle were involved in a colli- sion 'Ihesday evening. Plow operator hurt driving into work Admittance is FREE