dearsonandbmlher. Marchm, 1983-November4, 2006. Abirmdaywishmatbmgsatoar AspedalwishMyouwemhere Pradommnodaswrappedhlove EOCKLER,_Jqpy - In loving memory 6G Kolfarandfanflas. PAWLUCH, Stefan (Retired employee of INCO) - Suddenly at his .home on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 in his 89th ear. Stefan beloved husband of Elizabeth. ear tether of Linda, Steve and Leslie (Kevin). Loving Dido of Sean, Christopher, Christie, Lindsay, Steven and Derek. Friends will be received at DIXON-GARLAND FUNERAL HOME, 166 Main Street North (Markham Rd), Mark- ham on Friday, from 6 pm. until time of prayers at 8 pm. Funeral service will be held in the Chapel on Saturday at 2 pm. Interment Christ the King Cemetery, Mark- ham, Ontario. . Survived by her grandchildren Lisa. Laura: Curtis (Michelle), Michelle, Tara, Lindsay. Matthew, Ryan and Adam and great- rand- son Caden and great-granddaughter lexis. Also survived byher sister Dorothy and brother Arnold. Friends called at THE MARSHALL FUNERAL HOME 10366 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 4th traffic light north of Major Mackenzie r.) on Tuesday, March 18th from 2-4 pm. 7-9 pm. Service on Wednesday at 2 pm. at Heise Hill Brethren in Christ Church, Gormiey. Interment. acï¬oining Cerneteiy. WIDEMAN, Grace N. - At home on Sunday, March 16th, 2008 in her 83rd year. Beloved wife of the late Earl. Lovin mother of Karen John Dezwaan), Kathy ( eil Putnam), Ron Joan) a_n_d the late Ker) _(Marie_)>Wideman. TOMS, Florence 'May (nee Beare) - Peace~ fully at her home on Tuesday March 18. 2008 in her 94th ear surrounded by her tamil . Florence, eloved wite oi the late Earl oms. Dear mother ot Evelyn and her husband David Linton, Gwendolyn and her husband Michael Barbe, Carolyn and her husband Wayne McMann, Ken and his wife Susan Toms and the late Shirley Jarvis (Lewis). Beloved grandmother of 17 grand- children, 15 great-grandchildren, and 1 great great-grandson. Sister of Esther Hicks, ussell Beare, Beatrice Featherstone, Reeva Brown and the late Hazel Cou- Berthwaite. Friends will be received at the lXON-GARLAND FUNERAL HOME, 166 Main Street N. (Markham Road) Markham, on Friday from 2-4 7-9 pm. Service in the chapel on Saturday at 1:00 pm. Interment Armadale Cemetery. in lieu of flowers, donations to the Heart Stroke Foundation wouldbeappreaated. HENRIOUES, Mar erlle 'Pal' (Clunles) is safe In the arms 0 Jesus. She went to be with her Lord on March 13th, 2008M her 79th year. Predeceesed b her lovlng hua~ bend Andre in 1997. Devo ed mother to her children Andre (Beth), Judr Evans Dan) and Mark (Bethan LovingI remem red by her 8 grandc ldren. cheel, Dana. Lauren, Catherlne, Danielle. Laura, Jared and Me hen and her 3 great grandchildren Alexia, one and Reese. Visitation to be held at Chapel Rldge Funeral Home, 8911 Woodbine Ave.. Markham (4 llghle north of Hwy 7) 905)305-8508, Sunday, March 23rd. from 2- and 6-8pm. Funeral Service to be held at Sprlngvale Baptist Church. 3885 Stoultvllle Road-Monday, March 24th. at 3 pm. In lieu ot flowed Hoï¬iilvdhg iii-iii); mthUaodeanda You're always in our thoughts and remain inaspedalplaoeinourhears. , Mam". Dad. 098. LOVE YOU ALWAYS. In Momorlam Beryl, Nadja. Wolfgang and families. MARTIN SCHULZ Mmh21.2m3 In Momorlam WWW.GOLD4CASH.CA Most caSh paid for goid diamond jewelry. We come to you! (416)970- CASH (22 4) UTILITY trailer, dual ax- le. 7x10. excellent shape. great for farm- in . conttactors, hauling A V's or snowmobiles. Call Dennis 905-967- HOT tub/ spa- 2007 model, full loaded. full warranty. aw in plas- tic. Cost $8.000 Sacri- fice $3.900. Call: 416- ilnflquo Li tln . Moorcrofl items. glass. china. iigur nos. ‘Top of the ins urlitzer organ 8 other musical pcs. Furni- ture. anti toys, military items. Persian Rug: coilectibies. an- tique watches. jewelry, an, An amazing 0 ri hoiiday saie is hand picked f0r quaiity diversity. Visa. Mas- tmrd, inteac. 0V0 ' ‘ b. i HOT Tub (Spa) Covers- Best Price. Best Quality. All Shapes Colours. Call 1-866- www.meooverguyca CARPETS - l have sev- eral thousand yards of new stainmaster 8. 100% nylon carpet. Will do livin room hall for $38 .00. In- cludes: carpet, pad, in- stallation (30 yards). Steve 905~890-5552 www.carpetdealsca BABY Grand piano Kawai, #KGZC. 5' 10', ebon finish with bench. $88 0. After 4pm (905)477-5453 ABSOLUTE Bargain. Mirrored sliding doors. An size. Measured. De ivered 8. installed. Example: 36'x 80'- $172 complete. 416- 618-8805. 55" Samsung Projec- tion HD T.V. with re- mote (2002). In Great Condition! Must See! Askin $550. Call (905)71 3722Awom spring. Asking $140 each. Call (905)713- 3722-Aam 2 twin mattress box IMPROVE Math/ Sci- ence. Experienced col- le e/ university teacher 0 ers tutoring. Special rates (family discount. exams.)416-726-5327 January 4. 2008 must be filed with the undet- signed on or before April 21. 2008. after which daie the estate will be MW havi regard only to the claims at which the Estate rustees medium WEDdMMMchydMemzow. Mal m LLP 1W1 MW Toma. M5X165 Soldombnhe EstateTmeIees ll loll Lual Nouns May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world. Now and forever, Sacred heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopelessi pray for us. St. Jude, worker at miracles, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day by the eighth ay your prayer will e answered. It has never been known to tail. Publication 1mustbemade. ‘ThankYou.,S.S. All claims a alnst the Estate of Robert I. W!“ .MWMN a Tutorlng " Services [3] Panonls mmcaemoaswanm Micles Wanted ST. JUDE'S NOVENVA EXPERIENCED clean- ing lady- will clean your house w/care quality. Satisfaction uaran- teed. 416-704 C.T. Auto Salvage. Top dollars paid for unwant- ed cars, trucks. vans. Call Chris 647-881- 7801 A a. A pays up to $5,000. for scrap cars and trucks. 7/ 24. (416)684-4663. $100.-S1500. paid for your dead or alive vehi- cles. Pick-up immedi- ately. 24/7. Free towing. 416-500-5050 WASTE clean-up Spring and weekly ser- vices available. Call for a free quote. 416-898- 4663. 905-642-6464 wwmsmpandscoopoom PUPPY, Obedience Agility, classes. Life’s Ruff Dog Training. Markham. wwaifesruflca 905-201-5050. PUPPIES- VCocka- poos, Schnoodles, Yorkipoos. Pu gles. BulldogXpugs. oston Terriers, Miniaturel Toy Poodle. Shots, de- wormed uaranteed. (905)47 MOVING Sale: 214 Carlton Rd., Unionville. Mar 22/23. 10-noon. 2-5. Furniture. orna- ments. kitchen-ware. FAST and Furious, Northumberland Motor- spon Show 2008. van- dor s ace available from arch 29th - 30m. cars. bikes, boats. ATVs. If it races. this is the show for you! Call Kerri at 905.373-7355. ext. 234 or email kmcgovernOnorthum- mm" Domestic Help Milan's Cars Wanted LEAK, drywall and tin ished basements Please can Mohammad 416%2-4031 GARAGE Doorâ€" New gara 9 door. $500 and up. ervice and repair- man. 0 ener installed. Reliab e and profes- sional. Excellent prices‘ www.22homeca/ 416.268.6088 CEILINGS repaired. Spray textures. plaster designs. stucco, dr - wall. We fix them a I! Call 416-242â€"8863. MAID 2 Clean. Resi- dential, commercial. Af- fordable. reliable 8. pro- fessionai‘ For quotes and information call: 416-894-2871 HOUSE cleanin available. Experience . private. Central vac only please. 9056402950 'A Absolutel Best Cleaning. rystal Cleaning for homes, of- fices we bring Supplies. Insured, bonded. “A Spotless Cleaning for homes/ offices. In- sured/ bonded. Experiâ€" ence the diflerence we make. (416)464-8057 640500-2260 ONTARIO Em loyment Agency provi es certi- fied nannies for child! elderly lepeclel needs 416-699-6931 No Blue Hills Child and Family Centre is now recruiting volunteers for our Board of Directors. Blue Hills has been servin York Region’s children, youth and families with mental needsforoverthirtysevenyears. in exchange for your time (approximately 7 hrs per month) and talent we can ofier you the opportunity to be a part of a growing and dynamic team. If you want an opportunity to shape new directions and help families help themselves thenBlueHillsrnayhavesomethingtoofieryou. We are looking for individuals who are over 18 years of age: and who have an interest in the Region of York. The Board is looking for nominations that reflect the diversity of York He ion. n particular we are searching for individuals from the Asian, Afro Caribbean and Chinese communities. The Board of Directors currently meets once monthly with some additional monthly committee work. The term of office isthree (3) yearswithanoptiontorenewmtothreeterms. liyouare uptothechallengeorlmowsomeonewho might be please call (905)773-4323 between 8:30am 4:30pm, Monday to Friday or email: gendelivabluehllbchlldandlamllyca to receive a NOMINATlON FORM. FIIIT Maid {Duality ro- llablo cleaning service. Most homes. $69-$99 per service. 25 years experience. 416-831- ARE YOU UP FER THE CHALLENGE? melamine toxifying and relaxin Asian massage tacia. Markham Grand Open- ing, 3601 Hwy 7 Unit #103. 905-480-1007 Richmond Hill 905-886- 3638‘ Out call b male/ female team 6 7-828- 6631 PROFESSIONAL de LANA- tndependem es cort, Scottish/ French Very pretty. petite sexy. Yonge/ Steeles mam-midnight 416 262-0503. PARRIS Movers- long/ short, big/ small. resa- demial/ condos/ com- mercial. Quality service Affordable/ reliable‘ 905.758-2848. 416- 677-2848 MOVING- Houses. of- fices, apartments. arti- cles. Assembling and disassemblin furniture 20' trucks. 416)627- www.networkmovers‘ca A- Moving trucks for houses. apartments. condos. Small/ large Local/ long distance Short notice, negotiable rates. Ken: 416-658- 5307 DAVE the Painter- Ouality workmanship auaranteed. Benjamin oore paint. Seniors’ disc0unt. Free esti- mates. Call 647-207- 193." (1-866-678-7274) Always Cheapest Gar- bage Removal! Fast! Free estimates. 7 days! All loading clean-up. Seniors discount, Busi- ness/ Homes. Call '- 0 Massages wvu Ige ’ I camewmwomxeosmmas I magma“ WHOM LABIQ Mun Emmalnmem Moving Storage Painting a. Decanting Remember when you said, “Someday I’m going to make a lot of money with ‘ ' this guitar.â€â€™? YOUR Smujfwuesun-wunei Thursday, Marrh20,2008 1 When it comes to machmg EcéNb'Mlsr SUN CLASSIFIEDS (416)798-7284 0 1-800-743-3353 Count on the Classiï¬eds to help you reach the maximum number of readers in your area. Advertise everything from Career Opportunities to Articles for Sale, and watch the results! Well, here’s your chance. Sell it in the Markham Economist Sun ~Stouffville Sun-Tribune Classiï¬eds! . Call today For Information and rates on the Business Professional Directory, contact Maggie at 416-798-7284 or 1-800-743-3353 1-800-743-3353 CUSTOMERS 'SiJMï¬-Tribune