Several local pubs and restaurants regularly feature musicians as well as open jam nights. At Crossroads Restaurant, The Bottle Devils perform classic rock/pop tunes as well as today’s music Friday at 10 pm. The open electric jam hosted byAndrew begins is on Sunday from 4:30 pm. Stouffville’s Mike Burns performs every Thursday and Friday starting at 6:30pm in the UpStairs Lounge If you want to head out for some entertainment this weekend, think Stouffville. This my. brought tpryou as a community service of The EcononustISun-Tdbuno‘ Rosemary Park, chair of the York Region Community Foundation (YRCF), proudly welcomes Mayor Frank Scarpitti as a Founding Benefactor of York Region Community Foundation. Mayor Scarpitti’s generous contribution reflects his commitment to ensuring the future vitality of York Region and Markham, where he resides and works. “As all communities in York Region continue to grow, it is important to have an organization like York Region Community Foundation for individuals, families and corporations to ï¬nancially support all aspects of healthy and sustainable communities.†says Mayor Frank Scarpitti York Region Community Foundation (YRCF) is a locally foundation and registered charity that builds and manages funds to support local charities and community priorities there are 159 community foundations across Canada w $3 billion in endowed funds which in turn provided 313' grants last year to their local charities. York Region Community Foundation promotes excellence in philanthropy to enable our communities to flourish. One-man band, jaI liven up weekend an active supporter o the Markham Stouffv YMCA. Big Brothers for Dreams Inc. and t Frank 5‘ three ch years. I 20 years 29.50230". E23558 206â€: §O> no 025230“. 030E < .5211: no CO><E .FEQEOw 22E (left to right): Mayor Frank Scarpitti shown with Khalid Usman YRCF Board member, Gina Rosen, YRCF Executive Director. and Rosemary Park. YRCF Board Chair. Scarpitti lives in Markham children. He has been a n “Mm For more information on the York Region Community Foundation contact Gina Rosen. Executive Director. at 905-940-7899 or email r() r in York Region continue to grow, it :ation like York Region Community ilies and corporations to ï¬nancially 1nd sustainable communities.†savs h IQ. FIaIIkSca Itt _._.______ ‘Y'mg Advertorial ms across Canada with close in turn provided $137 million There's live entertainment at The Lion of Stoufl’ville every Thursday beginning around 7:30 pm. The Lion is at 5917 Main St. pm. Also, performers from Hype Muzik entertain Friday from 7 to 9 pm. The cotfee house is at 6308 Main St. For the Love of lo coï¬ee house hosts an open jam every Saturday from 7 to 9 The Earl of Whitchurch, 6204 Main St., features one- man band Flank Perry Friday at 9:30 pm. Crossroads is at 6211 Main 11 government tor over i 2006. Frank has been Y_()rk Region including 1 locally-run public Ianages endowment Media Sponsor t IS important y Foundation 'y support all Mayor Frank untnfly ARRIVE ALIVE.. . . Please Don’t Drink and Drive This message brought to you as a community service of The Economist Sun/Tribune Join In. and thousands of other: a we WALK to end MS !†has and “not .bl. to so I WALK for him. - ~-â€"-__,..k ' z'e‘hrs [K ém' \Sun-Tï¬iiuhei mmm 28! 2008 15 A not-for-proï¬t organization that provides a peer support program for children, youth and adults that have had a separation, divorce or death within their family In York Region our program is ofl'ered free of charge in over 60 school and community sites. To locate a site near you or for ï¬xrther information contact.- 1 4377-4034733 This my. Win an comma mamamm'a'vsmmmo. m Sdevom Sod of