Every moming and evening, cars stop at the intersection of Town council was asked in October to look at making Com- mercial Street oneâ€"way to try to ease trafï¬c congestion in this area Local Councillor Richard Bartley is in favour of the idea. Council will hold oï¬ on its decision until town planner Andrew McNeer meets with the BIA to outline the results of a recently-completed parking study of the downtown area. At last week’s Whitchurch- Stouflville council meeting, sev- eral merchants, including Char- lotte Cave who operates Chic Thrills, and Eric Button, the pres- ident of the Stoufl'ville Business Improvement Area, expressed their concerns about the short- age of parking in the area. BY HANNBLORB VOLPE Staff Writer Deciding whether or not to make Commercial Street one way or to eliminate parking on the narrow street won’t happen until early February. No way to one-way street iaea? MARKHAMSPR!NG HOMESHOW 905.294.2200 February 29. March 1 8. 2. Markham Fairgrounds The street, behind the busi- nesses on the north side of Main Street, is already narrow. In addition, Commer- cial Street and others become clogged when there is a funeral at the O'Neill Funeral Home. “I personally have been involved in several near misses of hitting children and adults who totally ignore car trafï¬c at this entrance," said Doug Bene- dict, who has lived in this area for 18 years. A resident of the area, who objected to the idea of making Commercial Street one-way, is concerned No Parking signs are being ignored at the Church Street/Commercial Street interâ€" section. Church Sheet and Commercial Street to drop oï¬ children at the Chfldxen’s House Day Cane and The Dance Centre-During those times, cars travelling on these streets have to negotiate very carefully to squeeze by safely. NEAR MISSES OF CHILDREN It is made even narrower by Mr. Benedict would also like to see the town put an end to illegal parking on the private lots behind the buildings. “Most get very upset when told to move their cars," he said. There is parking in a small municipal lot behind two busi- nesses backing onto Commer- cial and at the Care and Share Shop/ Latcham Gallery. The owners of a day care, dance studio, funeral home and apartment landlords in the area are to encourage customers and tenants to use designated park- ing spaces or municipal lots. To that end, the director of public works, Paul Whitehouse, recommended parking no lon- ger be allowed on the street and the street remain a two-way route. ‘No parking restrictions in the vicinity of the Mill Street and Church Street intersection are to be enforced. lfalargetruckhasto stopto make a delivery, cars sometimes can't leave until the truck does. cars that park along its north side every day. AGE DIVISION YEAR OF FIRST TRYOUT DATE START I2 medmpkmn BOYS "m mummmh tryouts) "ME All tryouts are held at Mount Joy Soccer Centre Mount Joy Community Centre, 6140 Sixteenth Avenue (just east of Highway #48) website: www.markhamsoccor.org Registration Available On-Llno Muscular-Ba “Wherrmwmhnmbkatflndoompon envy. Under Under Under Under Under Under 10 Under Under 8 Under 9 GIRLS 1992 1993 1995 I998 1997 1992 1991 1995 I993 1998 1997 February 10 February 10 February 10 February 10 February 3 February 4 February 4 February 3 February 3 February 3 February 6 Januag 28 Januaq 287 Januag 28 fepruary 4 EMU 6 12 noon 10am START SECOND START TIME TRYOUT DATE TIME 9am February 1 7 February 24 Februaq 1 7 February 17 February 13 February 10 February 13 February 1 I February 1 1 E99930 '8 February 17 fgbmary I 7 February 24 Febmgm 10 February}! Esbruary 17 Februag 10 February 10 12 noon 12 noon 103m 103m 9am 9am