Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 12, 1972, p. 18

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l-nt- la the tribune thursday october 12 12 classified ads 60 sales register auctions highlight is reflection miss very good a 4 yr old daughter of ormsby sells fresh with yearling chieftain heifer lunch available lloyd wilson w d atkinson sale mgrs and auctioneers uxbridge 4168523524 saturday oct 14 15th annual all black breeder and feeder sale 600 head 500 stockers and feeders 50 breeding cattle also 2 complete dispersals 50 commercial cows and heif ers bred peterborough sale barn south of flash ing amber light on hwy 7 1130 am malcolm bailey manager uxbridge 985- 7583 geo earley ker- wood ross bailey uxbrid ge auctioneers saturday oct 14th auction sale of ford fer guson 9n tractor 3 point hitch tillage implements garden tractors with equip ment high pressure tractor orchard sprayer deep well pressure systems garden ers vegetable growers tools supplies etc good household furniture elec tric appliances rugs car pets glassware ornaments crocks sealers odd anti ques various useful home and outdoor articles etc at part lot 8 con 6 reg ional town of markham on kennedy road mile south of no 7 hwy from unionville property of stephen steve demiak sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve property sold see posters for full listings etc clarke prentice auc tioneer markham 640- 3686 60 sales register auctions ingdale perseus mark ex tra roybrook starlite ex a roeland daugh ter with s yr 272d 14658m 45 percent 124152 sells wth 4 daughters also 10 vials of citation h maple fxgm and 8 by glen- afton ra hagen ex g- mo this is a good sale with machmery and cattle n excellent condition ma chinery at 12 noon sharp cattle at 2 pm lunch av- ilable lloyd wilson and wd atkinson sale mgrs tc auctioneers uxbridge 4168523524 60 sales register auctions saturday oct 14 auc tion sale antiques and anis excellent variety of good antiques furniture glass clocks iron china copper brass etc at 12 noon brou gham community hall no 7 hwy and brock rd pickering township terms cash ernie severn auctio neer rr 1 alliston ont saturday october 14 1 pm furniture auction sale including kenmore el ectric stove coldspot refri gerator new matching green elcctrohome stereo fleetwood tv leather swi vel chair oval rug 9x12 chesterfield and chair fol ding rocking chair china cabinet and desk combina tion corner china cabinet 8 pc oak dining room suite chrome suite swivel chairs electrical appliances cook- ware frigidaire deep free zer easy washing machine fernery clock radio bed room suite turn beds 23 pc bedroom suites bedding spreads etc singer elec tric sewing machine vac uum cleaner lawn furni ture crocks pictures sil verware dishes many oth er articles the property of the estate of the late myrtle cleland 18 marietta st in uxbridge sale 1 pm lloyd wilson wd atkinson sale mgrs and auctioneers tuesday oct 17 auction sale of household furniture antiques and miscellaneous articles the property of mrs anna zubatiuk lot 6 con 6 reach twp 1 mile north of manchester 2 miles west of hwy 7 and 12 school clock 14 day cook stove cabinet radios extension table parts of 2 antique clocks gramaphone brass curtain rod and rings bedroom furniture steel brass beds bed chesterfield all kinds of cutlery frig se wing machine also singer leather sewing machine cobblers tools corner war drobe cupboard good old wire spoke car wheels cider press small drill press jig saw several v lip motors brass bird cage captain swivel chair round table pedestal base all kinds of small articles terms cash sale at 1230 reg larry johnson aurtioncrs ph 1705 357- 3270 gerald graham clerk 192 farm sold tuesday oct 17 12 noon machinery hol- stcins the property of victor g small at strod ont i miles south of bar rio on hwy 11 excellent auction including 1969 do dge ton truck excel lent case 40 tractor with heavy duty loader a hy draulic bucket like new- only son hrs david brown 880 trartor with cab 1700 hrs mckce snow blower new this spring david brown 3 furrow trip beam plow new holland 268 hay holer 2 yr nh hay conditioner nh hay mo wer 3 pt hitch condition hitch nh side rake bale bimcher 2 nh wide track wagons a racks nh ma nure vpreader 40 hay ele vator allied double disc chain narrows danish cul tivator 29 tooth 3 pt hit ch gw post hole auger beatly stable cleaner 40 swing elevator over 200 chain badger silo unloader 1624 stable fans delaval 75 milker pump li line for 34 stills 2 tip motor kraft bulk cooler 28 can ss ivil snk numerous other articles 60 holsteins registered classified rop tested 25 milking 10 bred heifer 28 orcn heifers clves a herd from prov en sre such ass citation r maple ex dividen clipper extra glenafton herdmaster ex flem- wednesday oct 18 auction sale of remaining contents of a hardware store the property of roy bagg will be held in the village of sunderland paint mixer paint coloriz- er 3 wooden display is lands 2 heavy metal dis play shelves all kinds of miscellaneous hardware garden tools etc fibre glass screen dispenser set of scales cash register ta bles counter top paper rack of string holder an tique large roll top oak desk good condition org an stool many other useful articles owner going out of business terms cash sale at 12 noon reg larry johnson auctioneers ph 7053573270 gerald graham clerk 14th annual fall stocker sale of beef cattle here ford shorthorn aberdeen angus galloway cross bred cattle calves year lings and two year olds twelve hundred head con signed from 52 farmers this is one of the best quality sales in canada sold in truck load lots sale to be held at the woodville livestock sale arena thurs oct 19 h am hi miles east of woodville just off 7 and 46 hwys 16 miles west and north of lindsay 193 thursday october 19 1 pm furniture and anti ques pine flatbick cup board glass doors pine cupboard open front chesterfield and chair findlay space heater ex tension table sideboard refrigerator electric stove drop leaf table rocking chair trunk antique pic ture frames beds chests of drawers television cap tain chair clocks washing machine antique dishes many either items the pro perty of mrs annie stead in sandford sale at 1 pm lloyd wilson and w d atkinson sale mgrs and auctioneers farm implements mach ines household furniture home freezer electrical appliances gaden barn farm tools miscellaneous terns etc at lot 2 con 6 regional town of mark ham on kennedy vi mile north of steeles ave east property of stanley stan zilimski sale at 1 pm- erms cash no reserve ill health reason for this sale clarke prentice auc tioneer markham 6403686 122 cattle k a wart ha k lassie 5th annual consignment sale aberdeenangus breeding stock from 4 prominent herds drynoch carls- way creditdale and mtm stock farm at peterbor ough ontario saturday october 21st 67 lots fea turing bulls cows and calves send for free cata logue to a c mctaggart sale manager box 123 aurora ontario tel 416 7274923 183 saturday oct 21 spec ial fall antique auction featuring in part r s prussia including pair of signed floral salts royal bayreuth candy dish tur key boy scene 2 wedge- wood biscuit barrels 1 blue 1 green white re lief patterns canada west 1851 hamilton plate satin glass brides basket in holder 18 pes amber can- adiana pressed glass some wild flower patterns very rare st john goblets others cased glass pink salt peppers glass bread tray vdatcd milk glass fish servers dated col lection of old cranberry white dark gold carni val amethyst art cut glass low blue plates li- moge nippon bennington etc 9 pc heavily carved bedroom suite burlc wal nut mint condition 9 pc french carved dining suite upright piano games table claw foot circa 1880 fre nch carved settee victor ian folding fireside screen rope bed large poster bed with flnmo tops suitable for canopy bed empire carved sofa matching chest of drawers and bed circa 1868 refinished pine corner cupboard pine flat back pine washstand dry sink combination very unusual arrow back arm chair spinning wheel deacons benches wash- stands chests of drawers desks rockers sets of chair tables etc brass sleigh bed rare 2 hang ing lamp- with prisms un usual oil lamps various type clocks harvest table fruit jars beehive anchor kings iinad beaver etc rare books first edition of mazo delaroche play come true excellent condition martin worth toronto 1902 cast iron bulls head nickel plated horns perfume dispenser edison amberola record player with 25 rolls old 9 pc toilet set pictures toleware brass copper te lephone crocks and many other unusual finds auc tioneers note this prom ises to be one of the most unusual and interesting antique auctions of the season with over 300 lots of antique and collectable items something for ev eryone preview friday evening 700 to 1000 pm date saturday october 2jst- time 1030 am place hcroncatc country auc tions location 4 miles north of rouge hill on altona rd off no 2 hwy or 1 mile south of white- vale on altona rd terms cash no reserve lunch available henry kahn auction services ph 416- 6636189 or 294c426 202 saturday october 21 1230 pm furniture an tiques machinery includ ing mccormick deering tractor 1937 model excel lent condition john goo- dison threshing machine 1900 model excellent condition model t ford car converted to self pro- oelled hay mower old car parts case 7 t10 haymo- wer pto snowmobile snow blower full line of older farm machinery drag saw cutter wood lathe ntique tools farm bell mendehlsohn piano and bench 2 round tables 2 pc chesterfield chairs an tique dishes hundreds of other articles the prop erty of the estate of the late arthur hamilton mile south of uxbridge en hwy 47 lloyd wilson and wd atkinson sale mgrs and auctioneers 202 take that90 days stouffv1lle a 22 year old stouffville man was sent to jail for 90 days following conviction by judge clare morrison in newmarket court on a charge of assault according to evidence daniel gordon chowns struck motorist albert jennings also of stouffville repeatedly in the face during an altercation on hwy 47 jennings it was learned suffered a broken nose several broken teeth and scalp cuts the victim said be and his brother were en route to stouffville when a second driver passed his car and motioned him to stop he said the accused that he identified as chowns beat him into a semiconscious state and left him lying on the ground in handing down his decision judge morrison reprimanded chowns saying this type of hooliganism will not be tolerated cycle cortege leaves funeral service a section of the motorcycle cortege moves down church street toward main sunday following the service for brian james sullivan a member of the vagabonds club the procession covering a distance of two miles travelled from stouffville to churchill where interment took place jim thomas public meeting oct 19 industrial facelift for vandorf saturday oct slit auction sale of ihc tractor combine baler thursday october 26th auction sale of farm imp lements and household furniture case tractor row crop with scuffler case va with loader oliver super 77 case mower 3 pth oliver hay condit ioner mcdeering hay bal er full line of power imp lements quantity of house hold furniture at lot 23 con 10 markham 3 miles south of stouffville 3m mile north no 7 highway the property of reg rcn- nie property sold terms cash sale 12 noon lunch on premises watch for list wngon load of furni ture will be sold first al- vin s farmer phone 887- 5311 gormlcy tuesday oct 31 clear ing auction of household furnishings for the estate of the late mrs truman baxter at 251 rupert st in stouffville more detail later sale 1 pm re freshments atkinson and wilson sale mgrs and auctioneers 202 vandorf a meeting will be held at 8 pm in the vandorf hall thursday oct 19 for public discussion on redesignation of land use in the community an amendment to the official plan of whitchurch stouff ville is proposed by council it would change the ruralhamlet zoning of the former vandorf school site and 125 acres to the north to industrial the move was prompted by an ap plication received by council to permit the use of the abandoned school for industrial purposes after review it was agreed that the in terests of vandorf would be better served through an expanded industrial area which could stimulate new employment op portunities for residents don mills road the proposed hwy 404 and cnr rail lines are all considered good transportation features and dry industries that do not use large amounts of water are anticipated for the zone at a planning committee meeting oct 5 the land in question was referred to as a prestige in dustrial area and one member com mented we have to convince the people of vandorf of this also slated for discussion on oct 19 is a similar redesignation of land to accommodate the firms helmacroth and moldmaster near the southeast corner of don mills and the aurora road agree on site for fuel tanks stouffville like giant checkers the two 10000 gallon storage tanks of hygrade fuels ltd have been theoretically moved across the board to a new location a site on the west side of hwy 47 north of the cnr crossing a previous ploy to place the tanks on property north of country ready mix was criticized by irate residents who con sidered them a safety hazard in making its recommendation to council oct 6 planning committee john roberts liberal good govt needs teamwork stouffville under the capable chairmanship of mrs pat skula stouffvilles tuesday morning young wives group met the candidates in a spirited panel audience discussion panelists mrs jane hachey mrs elva dean mrs michelle garbutt mrs lovanna sanders and mrs martha robert son presented the candidates with a wide range of questions for debate this was followed by audience participation and the chairman was at times hard pressed to control the exuberant guests who all wanted to get into the act the fifty member audience sought an swers on subjects ranging from the arctic pipeline to mailboxes in the towns east end but perhaps the prime concerns were the airport taxation and unemployment wally gustar of the ndp stated his partys platform was based on the unjust tax situation that the present government fostered that allowed corporations com- paritive freedom while personal income tax was extreme sinclair stevens the progressive con servative candidate termed the pcs the party of the individual favoring the need for personal incentive and initiative he saw the ndpers as liberals in a hurry reviewing personal tax he told an at tentive audience that 82 percent was the rate of gain over in come in the period of the present govern ment read the writings of pierre elliott trudeau he warned the meeting he suggested that the liberal leader ad vocated the in troduction of socialism at acceptable rates a situation that he in sisted should influence your vote the incumbent john roberts said there were many specific issues at stake in this election but that they really boiled down to two simple things first he asked his audience to remember which of the can didates worked har dest on their behalf and for his second point he presented a strong argument that it was the team that was going to handle the problems of government in the best conceded underground tanks would be preferable but the cost would be prohibitive the m2 zoning of the new location was felt to be compatible with fuel storage provided the east west and south boundaries were tree screened to the satisfaction of the town tuesday ladies lg stouffville stella macdonald rolled a 274 single and joyce shadlock a 636 triple to lead in the oct 3 schedule of the tuesday afternoon bowling league over 200 were stella macdonald 274 joyce shadlock 267 213 marion benson 239 lois bartley 219 217 marion barry 210 lillian gauslin 208 barb morley 205 possible way that counted the most goodwood squash is a heavyweight uxbridge a 114 pound squash was the talk of uxbridge fair saturday not so much concerning how it came to be so big but how the grower transported it to the site and carried it home again the exhibitor was mrs frank hendy goodwood rrl the largest pumpkin was shown by ray hill uxbridge rr2 ivan norton rrl goodwood was the total points cham pion in the potato class mrs sheila smith rrl claremont was the over all winner mrs dorothy lee rrl nestleton topped the domestic science exhibit a ontario housing corporation development proposals are invited for construction of 29 senior citizen units of ontario housing in the town of whitciiurch- stouffville ontario the units are to be sited on land owned by the ontario hous ing corporation proposal forms speci fications and informa tion may be obtained from the toronto off ices of the corpora tion proposals for this project will be re ceived by the manag ing director ontario housing corporation 101 bloor street west toronto 181 not later than 200 pm est wednesday november 22nd 1972 the lowest priced pro posal or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted the biggest market place is the tribune classified ad section notice respecting assessment appeals the township of pickering the assessment roll may be inspected during business hours at the municidat offices located at 1710 kingston rd pick- enng any complaint with respect to any assess ment on the assessment roll may be brought to the assessment review court pursuant to aw 971 t1c assessmont amendment notice of complaint must be made in writing either by letter or on forms available at the municipal offices for purposes of identification please in clude your name and postal address and the reasons for complaint if possible note also the assessment roll number the street ad dress concession and lot numbers and the municipality in which the property under complaint is situated any notice of complaint shall be mailed by ordinary mail to the regional registrar named below and in addition by registered mail to any person whose assessment is com plained of not later than the 31st day of october 1972 regional registrar assessment review court 713 davis drive suite 303 newmarket ontario d j plitz amct clerk township of pickering co ahead buycanada savings bonps start something good today site for new toronto international airport federal exproriation act tlie notices of intention to expropriate were published in the canada gazette on october 7th 1972 anyone who objects to the intended expropriation may within 30 days of the above date forward their objection in writing by registered mail to the minister of public works po box s169 ottawa k1g 3h9 ontario stating their name and address the nature of the objection the grounds on which the objection is based and the nature of that per sons interest in the intended expropriation york county board of education tender for general contract g no 10 unionville public school town of markham addition alterations and demolition sealed tenders plainly marked as j- to content for the construction of an addition alterations and demolition to no 10 union- ville public school in the town of markham shall be delivered to the director of educa- lion 22 church street aurora ontario by 1200 oclock noon est g thursday november 2 1972 drawings and specifications will be available to general contractors on tuesday october 10 1972 at the ofllce of the architect robert l grcig 37 main street north mark- m ham ontario on the deposit of a s10000 j certified cheque payable to the architect ft deposit will be returned if drawings and specifications are returned to the architect ft in good condition within seven days of the closing of tenders structural steel mechanical and electrical subcontractors shall submit their tenders to ft general contractors through the toronto bid s depository not later than 300 oclock pm est wednesday november 1 1972 each tender shall be accompanied by a ft bid bond in the amount of 53000000 made g payable to the york county board of educa- tion an agreement to provide a 100 per- ft formance bond and a 100 payment of labor and materials bond a the board reserves the right to reject all tenders or to accept any tender not ne- ft ccssarily the lowest robert i grcig m architect start something good today with canada savings bonds theyre the goahead way to save for the future without worry theyre backed by all the resources of canada and they pay good interest yeor after year now canada savings bonds yield on average of 730 a year when held to maturity each 100 bond begins with 550 interest for the first year pays 700 interest for the second year pays 750 interest for each of the next four years and then pays 775 interest for each of the last six years on top of this you can earn interest on your interest and make each 100 grow to 23325 in iust 12 years canada savings bonds are instant cosh they can bo redeemed anytime at your bank at their full face value plus earned interest canada savings bonds are easy to buy theyre available in amounts ranging from 50 up to a limit of 50ooc you con buy them in throe different way al for cash whore you work bank or invest bl on instalments through the payroll savings plan whero you work c or on instalments through the monthly savings plan where you bank or invest go ahead start something good today buy canada savings bonds kovs s lolliftr chairman s u g chapman 730 average annual interest to maturity z director of education ft vtiffa

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