phone 6402100 today 1rflxixm classified ads thursday september 7 1971 the tribune page is the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbrldge and district accommodation 15 accommodation available for rent contractors or other storage space large building stouffville area 6a572 18 rooms for rent j room for rent main st 6405367 i flttnished bedroom i west end phone 6404209 1 furnished rooms and a- partments daily or weekly 143 main st w stouff ville 27tf ip room board available a real home for a lady pensioner in new home at mussulmans lake reason able apply box 605 co h tribune stouffville 20 apartments for rent one bedroom adults only immediate possession 150 604038 live in a special woeld of comfort at mill race apartments uxbridge tenant controlled safe el ectric heat enormous clo sets o wall to wall carpet private veranda type bal conies free parkintc adults only rchclor 140 1bedroom 165 2bedroom 175 come and see mill race apartments for yourself for appointment and rental infor mation call fred cook real estate 2942990 5 2972207 8526001 2 bedroom total area ap proximately 1100 sq ft broadloom throughout clo se to shopping available oct- 15th adults only yiust have good reference phone 6403202 apartments now renting 2 bdrms 17500 sept 15th possession call ross gallo 6403131 or 2972283 oerry meharg ltd realtor self contained apartment in goodwood available immediately 6102129 640 1580 1 wanted to rent 3 bedroom house gormley mfirkham stouffville area 3621022 or 8952318 142 farm house in stouffville area 3 or 4 bedrooms ph collect 7054245609 cabin cottage or small house working couple no chiiaren moderate rent 6404426 articles 22 articles for sale barn beams from 60x30 barn reasonable 2945238 sulvert 30 inch 7500 6401582 9 pc dining room suite phone 2943527 large findlay cook stove coal or wood ph 6402377 good quality top soil vhonc 6403903 or 6404059 149 39 box spring and matt rcss and 48 metal shelves like new 6401896 large oil and wood bur ning cook stove in good condition 3500 6401285 antique sideboard wal nut 4x32x21 i phone 294- 3481 colonial maple bed 36 box springs mattress like new 6403006 force electric stove good condition and priced right 6401330 tv 12 black white vik ing uhf instant on still under warranty call after 6 pm 6403235 rc welder 250 amp dc driven by v4 wisconsin re built cw cables and hel met 400 firm 6401814 office dck and chair like new 58500 or best offer also 2 drawer filing cabinet call 2944210 garden tractor massey- ferguson no 7 nd equip ment toronto 4459397 evenings bedroom suite 7 pc dining suite 9 pc chester field suite all burma teak- wood new very reason able 12474377 144 22 articles for sale 7 ft- snow plow blade on ly used for one season hy draulic lift and fully equi pped suitable for a jeep or a truck 6402489 oil furnace ppeless gra vity for 6 room house complete oil space heater large size to suit 56 rooms 6401908 152 chesterfield chair avacado gcod condition foldaway cot clothes girls and womens sizes 10 12 and 14 and other misc items 6495473 carload of fireplace coal order to arrive in september place your ord ers now for delivery off car stouffville coop 640- 1550 whiteelna sewing ma chine agent 129 main st markham village parts service to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 2942241 50tf 5 sow farrowing crates plus 8 water drinkers 135 rubber tired cultivator 6500 2wheeled trailer new box 4x8 suitable for horses or cattle17500 lawn boy lawn mower used 2 hrs 100 6402596 evenings for sale mccullough chain saw like new 40 hours work with extra chain and file also woods 3 hp electric grinder good condition motor can be used for other things as it has pulley attached 24 abercorn rd markham 2942890 barn board exterior interior board planks and beams all sizes 138 4733169 contents for sale bed chesterfields bed davenports space savers kitchen suites unpalnted chests dressers night tables wardrobes mattres ses box springs bunk beds rollaway beds con tinental beds and hund reds of odd items all brand new no reasonable offer refused cash and carry liquidators 3768 yonge st toronto 488- 7911 153 gift giving ideas from the tribune office supply store birthday books hand somely bound in attractive covers gold imprint themes of good fortune or friendship a practi cal gift with a lasting use fulness only 125 14tf 54 main street 27 help wanted primarily of interest to men trucks with drivers re quired apply parkway sand and gravel ltd 297- 2030 woodworker required for general work in plywood factory steady work apply in person milno manufacturing ltd 22 laidlaw blvd markham a person year round em ployment near aurora must be able to ride no other experience required work with foxhounds and horses under experienced direction separate married quarters apply 7276161 from 8 until 9 ajn 12 un til 1 and 5 until 7 28 help wanted primarily of interest to women cleaning lady for v4 day every second week 6401172 after 5 pm experienced hairdres ser full time employment 2945268 rna required stouffville nursing home phone 640- 3353 two waitresses wanted must have experience call 8875150 halfway house mature females to work in nursing home 4 to 12 and 12 to 8 shifts phone 6492329 before 4 pm baby sitter for 1 year old child in my home don mills and stouffville rd 8881046 capable woman for babysitting and light dut ies 5day week 2 children 7 and 16 aurora 7272895 assistant to the loans officer typing required previous experience in bank or financial office preferred phone 6403631 142 local golf club requires waitresses and kitchen help must have own tran sportation and able to work weekends experienc ed preferred call 8881101 23 articles wanted fill wanted large quan tity 6401582 round table 5 to 6 ft di ameter pine or soft wood not oak 4 legged or ped estal 6401418 highest cash prices or trade value paid for used furniture and appliances brices furniture 4784175 40tf wanted saleable articles by the victoria square lions club for their annual auction sale on sat sept 16 for pickup call 7734190 or 8875536 hid employment 27 help wanted primarily of interest to men parttime stable help in gormley 8875905 male kennel help full or parttime 2971363 wanted two truck driv ers apply ratcliff lum ber don mills rd at gormley 8881991 bar steward wanted for stouffville legion apply po box 887 stouffville ont full time fuel oil truck driver for unionville mar kham area phone 8881261 for interview estate maintenance young man to maintain lawns gardens painting etc saturdays stouffville area 4838195 evenings block making machine operator experienced pre ferred but not necessary don mills and no 7 hwy area call 4454420 experienced loader o- pcrators and tandem truck drivers wanted phone 640- 1155 or apply lee sand gravel ltd 9th line n stouffville help wanted for horse farm approximately 30 horses five day week steady employment stouff ville markham area 640- 4758 between 6 pm and s pm typist wanted for parttime work on computer tape keyboard must have accuracy and good speed apply to the tribune stouffville stan schmidt plant foreman or c h nolan publisher phone 6402100 29 help wanted male female are your children back to school you can earn 30 or more a week by work ing your spare hours day and evening work avail able phone 8956532 31 employment wanted day care hot lunch close to east end school 640- 5357 sewing done in my home all latest fashions for in fants children and women also special occasion out fits for weddings proms evening wear for inform ation call carolyn at 649- 2521 or 8527176 142 35 motorcycles for sale 69 suzuki 250 trail 640- 3199 honda lo cb 350 cc excellent mechanical and physical shape immaculate 650 bob bernhardt 852- 3056 37 snowmobiles 1971 arctic cat 292 lynx like new electric start ex cellent condition 750 tel ephone evenings please 2940435 142 39 boats marine supplies automotive 32 motor cars for sale dune buggy for sale yel low and black fully equip ped many extras best of fer 8881947 142 for a better idea car or truck see e j wideman at john roe ford mercury sales 394 main st w stouffville 6401770 52tf 1965 chev convertible wide tires 350 6403565 private 1969 road run ner 383 4 barrel 4 speed trans tach and tape deck bucket seats 4732826 1958 buick roadmaster as is 1962 vauxhall victor as is 9857874 near utica 1963 ford mercury meteor good running order body good 175 6495605 massey harris 44 trac tor front end loader man ure dirt and snow bucket 9857874 near utica 64 rambler classic sedan automatic radio with cer tificate 6402370 1970 mazda station wagon 1200 1195 or best offer 5492681 claremont 1967 pontiac good condi tion best offer call after six 8523561 29 help wanted male female full time or part time were looking for energe tic people 18 years and fl yer with a car to sell and service our products com missions are very little for more information call 7235541 volta of canada 136 women no students please for day and even ing shift full and part time also male students part time markham dairy queen 2944999 electrolux canada ltd has openings for two part time representatives for this area for informa tion phone your local dea ler mrs shirley bass 640- 1196 134 student interested in working sat and sun from 7 till 330 every second week as kitchen help plea se phone 6492108 clare mont nursing home 1 mi west of claremont must have own transportation 142 are you satisfied if not and you would like to earn 600 to 800 a month with a california manufacturing and distrib uting company without dis turbing your present in come phone 4162944162 10 am to 5 pm thursday sept 7 and 2 pm to 5 pm friday sept 8 cook- housekeeper- hondyman 23 persons required by oct 1 to provide one or more of above services to high point residence ninth line markham some livein accommoda tion available box 265 markham or 2944971 mrs brooks 1964 chev six 4 door se dan running condition 150 6403491 1971 austin mini 11500 mi les extras must sell ph 6404953 ask for keith 1970 torino station wagon deluxe model nil power e- quipment 33000 miles certified call gord 640- 3070 or 8523657 12 surfer boat 1971 never been in the water 25 hp evinrude al new trai ler 950 6401814 farming 40 farm items for sale wanted custom combining plow- ing and baling no corn ph evenings 8881213 152 hay for sale 1972 crop bloomington rd and 9th line 45c a bale 2945655 oats for sale- 4000 ton also hay and straw deliv ery extra fairies farm stouffville 6401775 for sale cockshutt trac tor 550 diesel 1 grain ele vator 1 grain augur 640- 2089 hay cut conditioned bal ed also combining grain corn dump truck available book early phone 655- 3885 3tf dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly phone collect hampton 4162632721 35tf margwill fur farm rr 5 bowmanvllle licence 364c72 farm service houses and cuhlled u cattle picked up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask for zenith 32800 at no cost to you radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peccn sons ltd 14tf woodtllle ont licence no 324c67 1970 nova 2 door 307 low mileage excellent condi tion 4 mag wheels 1950 call after 6 pm 6402871 1968 meteor montcalm low mileage 1 yeirs warranty still remains 4 door hard top vinyl roof power steering and brakes like new 6401284 demonstrators pinto maverick torino ford pickup for the best buys see bill mcmaster 6tf mcarthurs in markham hwy 7 at laidlaw 2941500 2971982 33 trucks for sale 1966 fargo ton rebuilt engine phone 4733169 1967 gmc li ton very good condition asking 950 or best offer 6403372 1959 mack diesel tandem dump powersteering ex cellent throughout reduced 2500 also l f 190 tan dem full 50 rebuilt motor sumner hoist 600 phone 14661691 34 trailers for sale chev camper van com pletely equipped certified 2100 4732236 wanted parttime reporter basically sports also some general news must be able to type and have a car the tribune stoaffvllle phone 6492100 contact jaa thomas or or c h nolan potushers camper trailer for sale or rent also 1959 ford pickup with 8 box 887- 5614 camper van insulated equipped with teds water storage etc very good condition phone marie ladsrn 6401314 35 motorcycles for sale 1970 honda 90 sport brand new condition 250 640- 1894 after 6 p m we are buyers of ontario oats barley and mixed grain lstf master feeds stouffville s10189 41 farm machinery for sale trntor allis chalmers d15 2941276 gravely 20 gal utility sprayer 2 yers old good condition 100 6405719 new rubber tire farm wa gon with steel frame wood floor rrnd rack 6401281 garden tractor for sale with blade plow disc price 18500 small trailer also available 8527427 john deere tractor for sale 1010 model gas with brand new front end baler price 23000 6104037 ask for joe tractor massey harris pony hydraulic lift new motor completely over hauled cultivator discs plow and other imple ments brookiin 6553777 for sale two way ford disc 3 pt hitch interna tional cultivator with dep th wheels 3 pt hitch grain box self unloading for back of 4 ton truck 640- 1908 152 42 livestock for sale good chunks for sale phone 6492915 good grade holstein cow due sept 1 ph 2940514 horses for sale 4 stand ard bred and 2 jumping horses 6401228 2 young hoistcin cows due soon alton brown 6403426 one holstein heifer fresh with a calf rccsor bros 2941608 pinto gelding 6 years old 14 hands well broke 200 or best offer 6405748 commercial suffolk lambs ready for breeding or butchering docked ewes and rams 6403222 42 livestock for sale 2 riding horse saddle and bridles 52500 package deal only 649277 sheep for sale bred in july and aug call 640- 4037 ask for joe black gelding two years old 14 hands phone 640- 4118 j s taylor beating contractor phone stonfftlue 41ltos furnaces oil burners 24tf duct systems- hot water boilers meadowvale ranch the place to board your horse 100 acres of beauti ful trails 2 rings swim ming pool boarding train ing and instructions go north from uxbridge and watch for the signs 6th con of scott twp 8523527 blacksmith 14tf holstein heifers beef stockers young started calves 13tf keith page uxbridge 8523923 44 poultry for sale wanted 125 shaverstarcross year lings 8881006 services 45 building trades and household directory 45 building trades and household directory wilsons water wells ltd pumps sales service si7j5j7 27tf 46 gardening and supplies 51 transportation taxis topsoil sand and stone for sale 2971750 126 w rotted manure for sale dump truck load 895- 9461 days 8881712 nights 12tf cedar hedging 3 to 5 ft 125 5 to 6 ft 150 and s to 9 ft 300 delivered anywhere will plant 1- 6554448 10tf al glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminum sales 22tf aluminum awningi aluminum windows ratlines doors n may construction brick stone work fireplaces chimneys carpentry work 8tf 8527288 northern well drilling ltd 4 wells and up 51tf toronto newmarket 2971397 8952912 brook designs builder custom carpentry additions alterations kitchens rec rooms free design tc estimating claremont 6492839 home improvement service painting decorating carpentry aluminum siding heinz blum rr 1 stouffville telephone 6404712 after 4 pm 42tf kens electric specializing in rewire of old homes alteration and repairs of wiring- farm wiring- industrial commercial primary pole line work 9tf dont delay call today 6402345 arts electric for all yonr electrical services 55 blake st 6404421 26tf free estimates all work guaranteed gunther ivens construction custom homes commercial and residential additions and alterations custom carpentry kitchen cabinets vanities 50tf for all your building needs call stouffville 6402185 electric wiring custom horn industrial iucthcai homhlatino larry norton plumbing 4 heating for all your plumbing services call evenings 6403866 1tf trenching with 0 to 8 inches wide and 48 inches deep 19tf phone 6402928 for a free estimate a i windows doors f i awnings railings j siding stouffville home improvements ltd6401891 m erie hoover electric alterations repairs custom wiring electric heat hot water tanks new work 12tf rr2 markham phone 441si1 purox liquid chlorine complete mm if pool need- call aquarius sod for sale 20c sq yard picked up in the field 30c delivered over 100 yards also free estimate laid 8881947 or 8881040 145 sweet corn for sale fill your freezer now or orders taken for corn roast call 6495145 r colwell rr1 claremont superior auto body collision repair refinishing 10tf stonfftlue 6401051 ken jones rb2 markham hwy 48 5 mil n markham gale contracting home improvements general repairs ac alterations concrete floor finishing 13 church st markham 2942056 28tf nick rohwer construction residential commercial alterations additions farm buildings iir 873 rr1 claremont ph 8495471 43tf custom built horse barns riding arenas renovations to old barns drainage problems wiiittaker bros contracting 8s81753 33tf water pools or wells filled phone 6403542 or 6403937 134 lehmans rilntlnr 4 decorating interior and exterior 20 years experience free es timates 134 ksis410 and x875s40 buying or selling tribune classified ads are jour best bet sod for sale acres yards delivery full landscaping 8527268 uxbridge 5025 bobs nursery sod best quality any quantity open 7 days a week phone 2941993 2tf top soil by the yard or by the load 134 call jack beach 6402872 48 groceries meats produce for sale feed potatoes john bos- worth potatoes ltd rr3 newmarket 8935422 12tf ride wanted from stouff ville to eglinton and ber- mondsey hours 8 to 4 or 430 6402515 after 530 53 personals william james fraser will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by my wife marilyn a fraser 42 54 legal notices 60 sales register auctions notice to creditors others in the estate of maude marv law late of the town of whitchurch- stouffville in the regional municipality of york widow deceased all persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased late of the own of whit- churchstouffvillc in the regional municipality of york who died on or a- bout the 15th day of july ad 1972 are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of september ad 1972 after which date the estate will be distribu ted without regard to claims not then filed dated this 23rd day of august ad 1972 143 h reginald button qc executor button armstrong ness stouffville ontario 6 main street east solicitors for the estate 2 new potatoes 1 per 75 153 personals lb bag john bosworth po- j tatoes ltd rr3 ncwmar- ket 8955422 monfri 8 am6 pm sat 8 amnoon 23tf single harpers fresh meats halves fc quarters of beef halves whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf all meat guaranteed and government inspected 6404761 or 6402813 oboyles abattoir beef a pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 27tf garden produce goodwood gardens highway 47 mile east of goodwood open every day 10 am 8 pm 6404852 6402666 res money back guarantee on all produce 5tf 49 pet stock supplies kennels for sale one mynah bird with cage 6402991 dog grooming poodles a specialty good stylish clip ping guaranteed pick up 100 6404374 13tf black labrador pure bred puppies best offer 6403142 free to good home collie and shepherd pups beauti fully marked 6102363 be fore 5 after 5 8881136 ask for michelle t roshan kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow don cats boarded yearround accommodation curomnt c4tml 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society markham unit stouffville branch for information re garding patient ser vices films call stonfftlue preiment 401507 service to patlenu mo1244 jstf adonis largest selec tion of adult gay books oblique magazines mailed discreetly in plain wrap for monthly catalogue a tite box 1110 station q toronto 7 cmt 3tt pine chest of drawers dash churn 150 fruit ars exten sion table cook stove fri- gidaire refrigerator good viking electric stove good many other interesting household items allis chalmers ca tractor good condition ac 2 furrow plow rubber tired wagon 6 harrows disc harrow buzz saw garden planter pile of scrap iron the property of fred harwood lot 4 con 1 whitchurch mile north of gormley- stouffville townline at con 7 or 1 mile west ind j mile north of ringwood farm sold sale at 6 pm lloyd wilson w d at kinson sale managers auctioneers 142 separated widowed or di- jvorced and looking for the right types for dating or marriage try cupid computer it scientifically assesses and matches each individual with the best potentials who are compat ible in character ideals philosophy and interests not a lonely hearts club and therefore not advisable for the very shy or those with other emotional prob lems for rational intelli gent individuals of all ages occupations races and re ligions cupid has different programs guaranteeing reg- 1 ular dates andor marriage or money refunds in ac tual computer time it takes only minutes to find dates for most individuals and costs only pennies per day most important cupid computer eliminates the costs frustrations and time required in the usual meth ods of meeting and dating we have many customer references as proof of past performance dont spend this summer with just any one cupid computer dating service 17 queen st e suite 237 dept 24c toronto 1 can 3640094 13tf saturday sept 9 auc tion sale of household fur niture mh baler 7 pto mower side rake imple ments 64 buick wildcat sedan 59 ford anglia pick up sportsmans supplies near new 3006 hi power rifle shotgun chairs tab les antiques suites dishes glassware utensils orna ments pictures handy mans plumbers dustmans workmans garden tools various miscellaneous it ems etc being from pri vate parties and insurance adjusters consignments at prentices auction yards on 48 hwy 1 v4 miles north of markham terms cash day of sale no reserve sale at 100 pm see post er for full listings clarke prentice auctioneer mark ham 6403686 142 saturday sept 9 1 pm auction sale of household items including heintzman gerhard apt size piano bench solid oak combina tion secretary and book case with bevel glass mirr or both of the above very clean and in exceptionally good condition dining rm suite extension table 6 chairs and low buffet roc ker portable electric sew ing machine items of pine wash stands beds dresser top swing mirror stove re frigerator kitchen set beatty combination washer and spin dry nearly new items of china glass etc toro 21 in rotary mower many other items includ ing tools etc for mr and mrs lewis clement 72 centre st east richmond hill terms cash gord orr auctioneer 60 sales register auctions auctioneer w d atkinson stonfftlue a s farmer phone gormley 8875111 reg johnson sunderlaad ont florree galt piekerinr 2847545 we buy or will auction your new or used furniture free estimates stouffville sales barn 6403813 640- 2759 5ti auction ssie heron- gate country auction ev ery thursday evening at 7 pm located 4 miles north of rouge hills on the altona rd off no 2 high way or 1 mile south of whitevaie on altona rd featuring every week a good selection of antiques fine furniture glass china orass copper and collcc- tables etc auctioneers note consignments and es tate selling our specialty henry kahn auction ser vice ph 416 6686189 or 2940426 43tf thurs sept 7 twi light auction sale of dairy type cattle at stouffville sales barn including fresh rnd springer cows heifers pen heifers bulls pure bred md grade consign rly auctioneers norm faulkner 6403813 frank bennett 8875570 sale time 30 pm 142 thursday evening sept 6 pm auction 5ale of antiques furniture farm equipment china cabinet with curved cn sides door 3 pine nbintx cap tains chair c- antique cane bottom chairs rope bed sausage press tptret desk antique hot gun with bay onet very old farm bell 18 antique soda 1 syphon saturday sept 9 auc tion sale of household fur niture 1956 oldsmobile 4 door good running condi tion electric refrigerator coldspot mcclary electric stove 4 burner rca tv in good condition full 4 piece bedroom suite sofa bed foam rubber dining room table and 4 chairs fruitwood 3 piece chester field drop leaf table sev eral rugs dishes cooking utensils crocks end tables lawn equipment snow blo wer viking and cord ma ny many other articles in the town of richmond hill at 60 levcndale st just west of loblaws shop ping centre off yonge st the property of ralph t hill terms cash sale at 1 pm alvin s farmer ph 8875311 auctioneer gorm ley ont saturday sept 9 clea ring farm aucton for mer- vyn e gilroy it lot 14 con 7 whitchurch being 6 miles nw of stouffville or 8 miles north of mark- him off 48 hwy including 110 head cattle springers fresh cows rows calves by side steers heifers veal calves 3 tractors hay con ditioner combine 36 ele vator rt wagon rack pto snrcader pto mower snow blower 3 pt cultivator 8 binder ap- prox 2000 bus mixed grain etc miny other items not listed farm sold sale at 1 pm refreshments avail able atkinson wilson silc mgrs auctioneers thursday evening sept 14 6 pm auction sale of furniture and antiques in cluding pine- cupboard chesterfield and chair leather occasional chair rocking chair spooled table brass jardiniere an tique mantle clock antique walnut chair oval braid ed rug pine drop leaf table spooled bed nine quilt box chests of draw ers wash stand bedding rugs antique dishes pic tures and frames many other pieces the property of mrs fred pugh corner of boyer st and 10th line north in stouffville on hwy 47 at cast end of stouffville sale at 6 pm sharp lloyd wilson w d atkinson sale manag ers auctioneers 143 thursday sept 14 auc tion sale of farm stock hay grain implements and furniture lh- property of howard cunningham lot 10 con 6 east owillimbuty twp 114 mile wct of ml albert 53 head of hereford imstcin and shorthorn mocker steer rling 2 yrs 2 heifers 1500 bales of good hay 1000 bu of oats more classified ads next page