tburd3v august 5 sii the triblne paae s eiftxrcif fbetrntea altona missionary church rv donald t puih pittar sunday august 8th 1971 sunday school 1030 ajn mornini worship 1130 an evening scrvce 730 pm wed 8 pm prater ser vice everyone welcome baker hill baptist church ptor rev ii j iaflrur sunday august 8th 1971 bible school 9 50 am morning service 11 am evening service cancelled until sept lh wed 3 pm prayer ser vice stouffville 1 missionary church minister rev john hamilton tel 6103113 or 3911 sunday auut 3th 1971 945 am family sunday school with clafscs for everyone 11 am- morning worship the pastor will speak 7 pm the moody science film facts of faith wed 8 pjn prayer meet ing and youth bible study youre always welcome at the missionary church gormley missionary church melville united church 6th cone markham rev george oavkon sunday august 8th 1971 sunday school worship service withdrawn service at locust hill church 945 am rev douglas davis in charge i sunday august 8th 1971 j950 am- family bible school 11 am worship mr allan doner mocwa ni geria 730 pm evening wor ship rev r ilallman wed 8 pm bible study and prayer meeting a warm welcome awaits you ringwood congregational christian church mlnuter mr t harund sunday august 8th 1971 10 am sunday school 1110 am worship service 730 pm at a p plaza 8 pm wed c e prayer meeting churchill church tv rd 15 and 9th n of mussulmans lake pastor p hope sunday august 8th 1971 950 bible school 1 1 am worship 7 pm worship a warm welcome awaits you at churchill bloomington christian gospel church associated gospel churches or canada pastor ralph cossitt sunday august 8th 1971 945 am bible school 11 am continually fil led with the spirit 730 pm stouffville plaza hear mr john hassan converted mus lim from ethiopia wed at 730 pm pray er and bible study you are welcome lo attend stouffville baptist church pamnr fwart s orr ba 6103827 sunday august 3th 1971 950 am bible school 11 am 7 pm the guest speaker will be rev victor mornan former missionary to ja maica special music invite others to come wed 8 pm prayef meeting dont miss the previous fellowship here he careth for you wed 8 prayer meeting come and dine gormley heise hill brethren in christ church pastor rev a mcniven 8875489 sunday august 8th 1971 10 am sunday school 11 am worship hour 730 pm worship wed 745 pm prayer service all are welcome stouffville presbyterian united church combined service at st james presbyterian church main street east at 10 am on sundays aug 1 8 15 22 29 minister rev j brechenridge christ church anglican stouffville rector rev fred e miller sunday august 8th 1971 trinity ix 9 am holy communion rev paul brillinger memorial christian congregational church july 28 prayer and bible study- sunday august 8th 1971 visiting minister rev mccleary 10 am classes for adults yp and children 11 am morning worship evening services during july and august to be held in the shopping plaza mccormack memorial vivian phone 4735951 sunday august 8th 1971 visiting minister 950 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service weekday activities new life hour on wed nights 8 pm in the homes stouffville pentecostal church temporary location altona community centre rev s a grant pnstor 8401903 friday 730 pm youthtime at the jim michell farm clarcmont speaker bill webster sunday august 8th 1971 10 am sunday school 11 am 7 pm guest speaker mr gordon gcoderham wednesday 8 pm bible study a prayer lakeshore pentecostal camp in progress at cobourg bethel assembly of god stouffville masonic temple second ave and ninth line rev howard minaker pastor sunday august 8th 1971 10 a m bible school save tomorrows generation today 11 am the master of all 730 pm i will come again for help or information phone 6402081 new pastoral post rev and mrs john colley and ruthmarie have moved to dcland florida 911 rich avenue where rev colley has ac cepted a pastoral charge for ten years rev colley was the minister at wesleyan church lockport new york mrs colley is a daughter of mrs fred fugh tenth line north ridges new owners at 608 rupert avenue stouffville mr and mrs chillman have two sons and a daughter mr and mrs wilbert irwin and mr and mrs howard mashinter have returned from an enjoyable onemonth vacation to the west coast a welcome is ex- 77 ended to mr and mrs stouffville trade e chillman of bay fair sept 91011 lone girl survives ail male course stouffville one girl and 67 young men sounds like a stowawav aboard hms york but no that was the number of students enrolled in the second year mechanical engineering course at queens university kingston who was the lucky girl she was 19 year old carolyn small daughter of mr and mrs herbert a small 549 elm road stouffville carolyn spent the holiday weekend at her parents home how did it feel one pretty girl among so many handsome college boys it was pretty hectic for the first couple of months said carolyn she noted however that the break in the male- dominated course was more of a blow to the mens ego than a problem for her in all engineering classes combined girls represent only 12 percent of the total she said did the guys stand in line hoping for a friday night date not really said carolyn in fact during the entire university year she only dated one of her classmates it just didnt work out she said first thing you know the conversation would turn to school and then comparing marks no it just didnt work out carolyn admitted she was more in terested in attaining a high academic stan ding than attending the regular run of social functions and she did finishing fourth with a top mark of percent in differential equations and an over all average of 841 percent she also won the ontario association of professional en gineers scholar ship a graduate from the high school of mon treal carolyn began her first university year in the physics and math course last september she changed to mechanical engineering and now has her sights set on a bsc eng degree during the summer vacation period she is employed with the national research council at ottawa mr small himself a mechanical engineer is employed on the staff of globelite batteries scar borough als tack shop english western saddlery i presents their 3rd aurora rd vandorf rd annual all western horse show sunday aug 15th starts 10 am pleasure class morning games afternoon rr 4 stouffville w- rlngwood e on vandorf side rd phone 6402011 stouffville monument works 113 main west stouffville 6403643 artistic memorials of distinction we have many beautiful designs crafted in granite marble or bronze for your choice satis faction guaranteed monuments erected in all cemeteries cemetery lettering and renovations out of respect and understanding we refrain from untimely solicitations when time and circumstances are convenient will you please contact us mcmftmn after hours r tomkinson rr2 uxbridfic 8527222 g f tarr stouffville g402275 fcgb of motm aminic wmmi 0tiuulct emm industrial development bank announces the opening of an office at mio biithursl street ratliurst near shcppartl downsvicw ontario telephone 6380823 manager mr m d kuikin this office trill serve metropolitan toronto north of ilighicay 101 ami the heeional municipality oj york xlitrmm rnjuirin iwinm irrm loan to lip tjrt rooicroi- or rtpand thcit irtmnc arc in- vilrtl lotliu ttwir nwil vicb 1111 nineteen year old carolyn small was the lone girl in a second year class of 08 at queens university kingston she is taking a course in mechanical engineering and finished fourth with an average mark of 841 percent carolyn is the daughter of mr and mrs herbert small 549 elm road stouffville jas thomas theres many a slip stouffville it appears that council members dont always read things before ihey sign them at the meeting july 27 councillor herb simpson presented a written resolution to the effect that parking should be prohibited on certain town roads after a few minutes discussion it was noticed that councillor simpson was arguing against the measure why are you op- posing the resolution asked mayor ken laushway you introduced it councillor simpson protested that he didnt have to support it and asked if he wasnt entitled to introduce a measure merely to cieate discussion he was assured that this was quite correct besides simpson added to tell the truth i never read the thing before i signed it in the vote that followed all were opposed york chiropractic council is pleased to introduce r hy ttv h sh- fc osm i tjb bfl h w boehnke dc doctor of chiropractic an honour graduate of the canadian memorial chiropractic college who openi his office for the general practice of chiropractic the chiropractic centre main street north varkham for appointment call 2941400 ls bloomington canoeist circles aausselman s lake bob lewis of bloomington is an avid canoeist and while shooting the rapids on some river in northern ontario might be more his line he recently embarked on a voyage of a dif ferent kind around musselnians lake he describes his experience as follows o pm decided to go for ride in canoe invited son to join me 013 pm launch c a n o e into musselnians utke u pm completed liesurely trip around circumference of lake canoe is reloaded on to car for return journey home 713 pm canoe is unloaded 7 it pm pen in hand to record observations of my first ride around musselnians lake in my new canoe the canoe has to be the best way to ob serve a river or lake at close range the sensation of riding waves kicked up by a high powered deep v motor boat on its eighth trip around the lake reminds me of a roller coaster ride the endless color variations in the water reminds me of the time i accident ly poured hot tea in a cup that had been used to wash some metal parts in gasoline however this spectrum of color didnt compare to the deep algae green background provided by the waters of musselnians to contrast the rainbow colors offered by spilled gas and oil my conclusions are that if the lake is not now dead it can anticipate a short life ex pectancy failing death of the lake by pollution i imagine that one day a number of high powered motor boats will be going in the same direction around the lake causing such a whirlpool that instead of being spring fed the how will be reversed and disappear just like the water in a bath tub mr im stuart a teacher on the staff of stouffville dist secondary school has acquired the down stairs apartment at 40 main street east stouffville clf an as a whistle as su asa pn s what folks say who have our oil in don shank fuels 81 joseph st markltani 2941570 now you see it rjff ti i nowyou dont j gelling a 3 high object into a 2 high trunk is a neot trick if you can do it but when a volkswagen squareback sedan gets into the act the problem disappears how just open the squarebacks big back door and abracadabra 42 cubic feet of thin air for the prob lem to disappear into but heres the best trick of all when youre through using it as a station wagonprestochangeo it turns into a family sedan ladies and gentlemen the vw squareback sedan nov do ve have any volunteers from our audience the6lkswagen squareback sedaa