classified aids letter to mckeough too much pork in york 45 building trades and household directory brook designs bolder custom carpentry- additions alterations i kitchens rec rooms zd free design estimating claremost m9m39 custom home and industrial cleutbio wiring electrical home heatliu ross herherington phone stouffville 6402033 32tf j s taylor heating contractor phone stouffville 6101908 furnaces oil burners 24tf duct systems- hot water boilers 45 building trades and household directory ray winterstein masonry specializing in brick work and fireplaces 24tf also carpentry clarcmont 6432338 warn e electric ltd contractors 404 res co indusu farm electric heat s lnlonville 2931400 5 uxbrldie 8523767 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society martthim unit stouffville branch for information re garding patient ser vices films call stonffvuie president 6401507 service to patients 6403244 51 transportation taxis wilsons water weils ltd pumps sales a service 8875337 27tf dry wall bob wood sons drywall insulation acoustic ceilings 8881135 47tf arts electric for all your electrical services 55 blake st 6404421 131 free estimates all work guaranteed n may and f smith brick stone work fireplaces chimneys- 8527288 carpentry work 8tf 6403237 gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete floor finishing 13 church st markham 2942056 7tf larkin construction trenchlne excavating stouffville 6402877 41tf saws expertly set and sharpened handsaws 150 circular saw blades 100 19 albert st south stouff ville 35tf typewriter and adding machine service au makes 23tf free pickup and delivery in town call 6402114 anytime 48 groceries meats produce for sale 2 potatoes 100 75 lb bag john bosworth pota toes ltd 8955422 7tf feed potatoes for sale john bosworth potatoes ltd 8955422 34tf for sale beef and pork delivered ready for the freezer carl reesor 640- 3292 404 transportation wan- led from markham cnr tracks to vicinity of king and yonge arriving 825 leaving 435 approx s brandon 2942916 59 lost found big black german shep herd dog lost hex please phone 4732328 lost black lab bitch 10 days ago near goodwood no collar please call eve nings 6404509 60 sales register auctions auctioneers d atkinson stouffville 53 personals to e w formerly of 227 second street stouffville notice is hereby given that unless your belong ings and furniture at the above premises are picked up within thirty days same will have to be sold or otherwise disposed of 54 legal notices r whittaker fencing contractor all types of farm fences 18tf for information call 8881753 or 8881746 general maintenance cutting lawns washing windows general repairs around the home 404 call dennis gandler 6404810 the lang service decorating paperhanging interior exterior free estimates 24tf 8881928 oboyles abattoir beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 27tf harpers fresh meats halves quarters of beef halves whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf all meat guaranteed and government inspected 6404761 or 6402813 notice to creditors and others in the estate of annie c beech all persons having any claims against the estate of annie c beech late of the town of markham in the regional municipality of york formerly of the township of whitchurch in the county of york who died on or about the 8th day of march 1971 are re quired to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of april 1971 after which date the estate will be distri buted without regard to claims not then filed dated this 16th day of march 1971 button armstrong barristers solicitors 6 main street east stouffville ontario solicitors for the executors 55 tenders 49 pet stock supplies kennels collie pups piece 2942640 500 for sale samoyed male 1 year old very reasonable tb country home 2942712 carpenter and general contractor custom homes alterations roc rooms gar ages carports and porches floor it ceiling tiles ex pertly installed every type of carpentry work guar anteed for 12 months 25 years experience 30tf call gunlher ivens const co ltd 6402185 alcan siding al glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminum sales 22tf aluminum awnlncs aluminum windows railings doors collins refrigeration air conditioning 25 years experience well equipped service truck around the clock service 474 rupert ave slosltvllle phone 4c45u j9tf wanted a good home with children for a 2 year old dog part setter phone 6495324 german shepherd pup- pics 8 weeks to 9 months boarding and stud service stonecrest kennels 284- 5026 or 2827938 414 rosiian kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow dors boarded yearround accommodation claremonl 6495336 the regional municipality of york tenders for industrial tractors sealed tenders pro perly marked as to con tents will be received by the undersigned until 1100 am est on tuesday 6th april 1971 for the supply of three 3 industrial type tractors with frontend loaders and threepoint hitches specifications tender forms and information to bidders may be obtained at the office of the engineering department on the don mills road one and one- quarter miles north of the aurora road mailing address po box 296 newmarket on and after 12 noon monday march 22 1971 lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted r n vernon clerk a s farmer phone gormley 875311 reg johnson sunderland ont tuesday march 30 1 pm holsteins milk quota complete glencol holstein dispersal owned by donald w jackson rr 3 stouffville sell ing at the stouffville cow palace vi mile north of stouffville on hwy 47 65 head 45 registered 2c grade 30 milking females 35 bred and open heifers and calves dhia tested good production and high test look at this family a gp jupiter daughter with over 21000 m 1081 f 512 163232 bca1 she is due september to wayne achilles vg extra and has a yearling daughter by ormsby vg next dam has 19464 m and 763 f heifers from popular sires 10 by roy brook starlite vg 10 by clipper 6 by ormsby 5 by dean pabst etc service sires star- lite and chieftain 1351 lb milk quota sells at 1 pm subject to ommb appro val robert flett on ped igrees lloyd wilson w d atkinson sales man agers auctioneers 422 saturday march 27th 1 pm auction sale of farm machinery including oliver 770 tractor inter national self propelled combine model 93 10 ft width case baler with mo tor 3 pt hitch 2 furrows dearborn plow oneway disc 10 plate 3 pt hitch cyclone seeder chain saw 23 mulkey hay grain elevator many other items including misc items for gordon and- lois avery lot 11 on con 6 twp of vaughan v mile west of highway 400 then north from highway 7 ivi mi terms cash gord orr auctioneer york region mrs ellen winter gormley rri is carrying on a deter mined campaign against cost increases in the region of york and the town of whitchurch- stouffville she charges it will be difficult for area and regional represen tatives to keep ex penses down to a respectable level when they themselves have won salary hikes much above that of 1970 so incensed is mrs winter over the affair that she has com plained personally to provincial treasurer hon darcy mckeough at queens park a portion of her correspondence to mr mckeough follows i wish to bring to your attention the actions of local councils and regional council in voting themselves salaries for the next two years which when added together will cost us 107000 tax payers at least one million dollars this figure does not include the salaries paid to town clerks and treasurers regional clerks and treasurers or the cost of limousines and drivers for- the regional 60 sales register auctions antique auction sale saturday mar 27 12 noon sharp at brougham com munity hall no 7 hwy brock rd pickering twp private collection of an tiques collectables ap prox 250 rare beautiful items canadiana fur niture iron kettle ships wheel rare blue carnival salt pepper other car nival 2 covered comports numerous pieces of art pressed glass nippon flowblue porcelain etc 3 pc marble clock set weight clock others 3 wheat- ley cries of london en gravings very old silver paintings lithos copper brass ivories etc not re sponsible for accidents or property loss e severn auctioneer rr 1 allis- ton 4357467 50 miscellaneous at stud the purebred arabian stal lion markara is standing at stud in 1971 for purebred arab marcs at 10000 and 50 00 forgrades this outstanding stallion stands 143 and his rich liver chestnut coat and laxen mane and tail make him a one and only in on tario he has a good show- record and a friendly per sonality large box stalls paddocks and best of feed afsurcs excellent care for all visiting marcs at 100 per day can be seen at revelation stables co l fclltfrlnl rr woodbrldfe ont or phone ssijs9s 432 there are aoout 6 million tractors on american farms today the regional municipality of york tenders for motor vehicles sealed tenders pro perly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 1100 am est on tuesday 6th april 1971 for the supply of five 3 ton trucks with box and hoist three ton pickup one vi ton pickup specifications tender forms and information to bidders may be obtained at the office of the engineering department on the don mills road one and one- quarter miles north of the aurora road mailing address po box 296 newmarket on and after 12 noon monday march 22nd 1971 lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted r n vernon clerk 58 business services income tax bookkeeping services j w shadforth st3000 uxbridge 59 lost found sat mar 27 auction sale of household furniture the property of the late albert johnston will be held in the town of ux- bridgc main st s frigid- aire refrig captains chair clinton piano made by heintzman good condi tion dining room table buffet 6 chairs chester field suite bedroom furni ture antique cocoa mugs nippon china antique clock fruit bowl goofus glass woven bed spread antique gone with the wind lamp antique qu of other furniture and dishes terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson son auc tioneers phone sunderland 705 3573270 gerald gra ham clerk wednesday march 31 auction sale at 1 pm of farm machinery including 3 tractors combine sp 12 ft stocker cattle hogs tools furniture many antiques and many other articles the property of leslie harl lot 27 con 4 markham twp on don mills rd 5 miles north of no 7 hwy no reserve terms cash frank ben nett auctioneer 422 peterboro on the old keene road case 730 die- sel tractor good 15500 hrs case 530 tractor die- sel mccormick w4 trac tor john deere 4 row corn planter 1 yr new holland 268 baler hay cultivator new holland haybine 2 yr case 4 furrow trip beam plow mf wagon mf i3pt cultivator 21 tooth bush hog disc new bear cat portable hammermill case pto wagon new idea corn picker gehl hi- throw forage blower cockshutt side delivery rake j m grain box weed sprayer mf manure spreader pto mh 15 manure spreader deep tiller ford 3 pt scraper land rover with winch 5 ton fertilizer 100 ton cob corn 6 ton barley 2000 bales hay qu baled straw many other pieces includ ing antique democrat sale at 1230 sharp plan to at tend this excellent farm auction lunch available lloyd wilson uxbridge w d atkinon stouff ville sale managers auctioneers 423 sat april 3 auction sale of farm machinery and household furniture the property of cecil mort- son lot 13 14 con 4 east gwillimbury twp 1v4 miles east of sharon mile north on don mills rd mccormick w6 trac tor mccormick combine model 91 8 fi nearly new nh manure spread er pto good nh hay conditioner mccormick forage harvester nh mower mh side rake on rubber nearly new mf baler case seed drill 16 disc case baler craft 22- can bulk tank if not sold by sale date 2 surge units full line of machinery wal nut dining room suite pine cupboard pine table chests of drawers wash stands automatic washer qu of other furniture farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1230 furniture sells first reg johnson son auctioneers phone sunderland 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk sharon hope ucw will serve lunch 432 council chairman and department heads indeed marie an toinette in her golden carriage looked a garish symbol of pride and vanity in the streets of paris before the french revolution and so does garfield wright in the town of newmarket in the year 1971 it really hurts when mayor laushway warns us that we must be prepared for a considerable increase in taxes in 1971 and we discover that early in january our mayor and council voted themselves substantial salaries 3600 for each of our six councilmen and 7000 for our mayor who as a regional councillor received an additional 6000 in the region we have nine mayors and fiftyfive councillors all receiving similar salaries then there are seven regional councillors who average 9000 each on top of this we have chairman wright at a rumored 22500 an administrator a clerk etc and now the regional police have settled on a new salary scale higher of course the story undoubtedly will be the same for other more than 200 dogs and cats were vaccinated march 17 at the antirabies clinic held in the uxbridge township garage near goodwood here dr grant elliot of uxbridge prepares to administer a shot while gerald knapp claremont rr i comforts his pet departments our elected officials have established york region as the place to pick pockets with impunity it would seem unless your department does something about it in my opinion we dont have the industry to support so much officialdom at such salaries and if we did it wouldnt be suf ficient justification for so much government at such high prices before the next election lets have the salaries printed on the ballot lets have a fewer highpaid offices nine mayors and 55 councillors fewer clerks and treasurers in affect a little less pork in york several rural schools likely to close thursday april 1st monthly dairy type cattle auction sale to be held at stouffville salesbar n stouffville ont selling fresh and springing cows and heifers both pure bred and grade open heifers if you have cattle that will insure buyer satisfaction and wish to turn to a cash transaction contact the sales manag ers sale at 730 pm norm faulkner 6403813 frank bennett 8875570 sales managers and auctioneers 423 lost black ladies shoes on main st- stouffville on wednesday ph 6403340 saturday april 3 i30 auction sale of farm machinery equipment feed the properly of the estate of the late john c mcconkey peterboro selling at the lifloc farm lot 23 con 12 otonabee twp 1 mile south of wednesday april 7 clearing farm auction oi angus cattle good tractors and implements hay straw grain etc at cold spring farm for claude s foote located 114 miles north of stouffville on 9th con complete details lat er farm sold sale 1 pm atkinson and wilson sales mgrs and auctioneers 422 wed april 7 clearing farm auction of angus cattle home grown 2 tractors combine baler power mower trip beam plow side rake spreader seed drill rt wagon and rack grain auger fb disc ihc cultivator bale buncher stone boat lum ber fanning mill quantity baled hay straw grain etc numerous other small ar ticles the property of claude s foote farm lo cated li miles north of stouffville on 9th con or 20 miles ne of toronto note this is an exwa good lot of angus cattle ali home grown with good im plements farm sold sale i pm atkinson wilson- sale mgrs and auctioneers 432 york region boundary alterations that will drastically effect students in the stouffville whitchurch area have been proposed by the york county board of education the recommended changes have resulted from the anticipated opening of rogers public school in newmarket the new aurora high school and wimpey elimentary school also in aurora the new facilities will make it possible to close seven small country schools in the stouffville area while complete details are not available it is thought that many students attending pine or chard vivian and shrubmount schools will be bussed into the newmarket area next september vandorf and ringwood are slated to be closed lloyd will close soon after when lake wilcox school is completed while hillcrest school will become part of whitchurch highlands in sept 1972 those students in grades twelve and thirteen attending stouffville district however will remain unaffected by the proposals at a meeting of the board march 22 steven bacsalmasi head of planning and development pre dicted that if the schools were closed operating costs could be slashed he told trustees that a recent study of j operating costs for eleven small schools in the stouffville area revealed that per pupil costs for teachers caretakers supplies telephone and maintenance totalled 41836 for each pupil enrolled by bussing students to larger centres the board could reduce the per pupil cost to 32726 he calculated in short it costs the york county board of education at least 8000 per pupil to keep the small rural schools open mr bacsalmasi felt that the goals of equalized opportunity throughout the rnunicipality would also be furthered by tlftfboundary changes classes in special education could be offered to every child in the minicipality under the new program he said also the new changes would cut down on the number of schools students in the area have to attend from kindergarten to grade 13 before the new program is approved however trustees have agreed to discuss the changes with ratepayers and parents new car salesman for canadas most modern volkswagen dealership applicant must be aggressive neat in appearance and have a desire to make above average income excellent commission and bonus plan demonstrator and other company benefits all applica tions held in strictest confidence markham volkswagen highway 7 at laidlaw markham 2944141 yt wood for sale dry long slabs from the old mill must be moved these slabs are bundled and will cut into approximately three single cords 300 per bundle fill your car trunk 150 i lumber 2x4 economy 5c per lineal foot 1 x 6 economy 4c per lineal foot vt x 6 industrial 3c per lineal foot two truck loads of shavings at ratcliffs industrial yard 4 miles west of stouffville open friday evening till 9 pm ratcliff lumber limited lumber and builders supplies 4 ml west of stouffville 6402351 j cl0sii1g out sam timors store goodwood 20 off all items including groceries friday and saturday march 2627 10 am till 6 pm everything must go equipment is to he only even the sold