Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 1, 1951, p. 4

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the tribune stouffvule ont thursday february 1 1951 the stouffville tribune established 1888 membber of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments forbidding prospect toronto is considering a law which will make it a pun ishable offence to smoke in any city store employing more than 25 persons that will be a terrible blow to the heavy smoker who has to accompany his wife on shopping tours fort william timesjournal canadianism canadianism at its best is the way the abbotsford sumas and matsqui bc new describes this recent de velopment in mission a canadian of east indian descent was elected to the village commission in lillooet a japan ese doctor was honored in similar fashion by ratepayers in a world so torn by racial strife and intolerance these acts by two british columbia communities are import ant they indicate that there is increasing recognition of the democratic principle that men of brain and good will regardless of color merit the public trust of their fellows what they did is an example to other communities every where they hardly a conversation lasting more than a few minutes in our town is complete without some reference to they they should do this that or the other thing to improve the community this is a situation that is by no means confined to our town it is common throughout the province and the nation just who they are we are not sure we suspect however that governments municipal provincial or fed eral are involved somehow by taking the attitude that they should be respons ible for everything we shuffle off any feeling that we personally are responsible in any way to see to it that things are accomplished in our town we hear such questions as why dont they bring more industries to town why dont they keep the streets clean why dont they do something about the cost of living the housing situation the roads the appearance of the town why dont they build more sidewalks provide better street lighting develop sports among the young people organize a drama society the list could go on ad nauseum this they business we believe is symptomatic of the leave it to george attitude that is prevalent all over the country isnt it about time we realized that instead of they we should say we and then go ahead and get things done nothing is impossible if we really want it and go after- it how by thinking and planning and working to gether by putting our best effort into any project we want carried out what our town and indeed all canada needs is more we a lot more and less they a few suggestions frequently in rapidly growing towns a survey has been made to get ideas for local improvement there are several ways of doing this but one of the most popular is through the press it is not that anyone doubts the ability or intent of the council but everyone realizes that the council is composed of very busy men and sometimes incidents occur of which they may not be aware but which might suggest an idea for some addition or change that would add to the towns safety and attractiveness several such incidents have happened in stouffville in recent weeks one as late as friday jan 19 when a minor accident in front of queens court created a traffic hazard that might easily on the icy street have been more disas- trous when one considers that the traffic on main street has been by actual count on several occasions an average of twenty cars per minute and that main is the only through street and that there is only one railway crossing in town the conclusion is obvious and should be remedied without delay again it is no reflection on the local constable to suggest that he either should be on full time duty or have a deputy on call in cases of emergency when he is of neces sity out of town then that parking problem prohibiting parking on one side of the street is only an irritating partial solution persons who get fined for illegal parking will very shortly be taking their business elsewhere as also they will if there is no place to leave a car while they shop take in a show or hockey game the boulevards are nice but would it not be wise to sacrifice some of their at present doubtful beauty to the march of progress a few feet off each side would provide some of that muchneeded parking space and still leave plenty of width for a good safe street we believe that the present council has some of these projects in mind but we believe also that they would feel their position strengthened if some citizens were to express themselves about the urgency of the need it will cost money but after all what is money compared with lives that are endangered every time there is a traffic accident contributed the old home town by stanley for parents only by nancy cleaver aids to learning i wish i knew just what are the steps to learning an anxious mother exclaimed to a friend my husband is determined that our work but may be in the a class in the woodwork class or have an exceptional knack in working with machines although the capacity for learn inflation daughter mary shall play the ling is fixed the two other factor violin she seemed mildly enthus- the desire to learn and the repeti- iastic about it when she started i tion of the lesson can vary greatly her lessons over a year ago nowia child with medium capacity she is neglecting practising rid to know her and i am at my wits en what to do with her have you ever felt like marys mother have you been puzzled as to what to do because you are not sure just what are the steps in learning how does a child learn to begin with he must want to learn himself mother or dad desiring him to learn is no sub stitute for his own inner urge it is doubtful whether any kind of music lessons forced on an unwill ing pupil will ever be very success ful no matter how keen a father may be for his childs musical training children desire to learn about the world in which they live most of the questions they ask all day long are prompted by a genuine replace a worn washer in the tap by a new one but not until he him self has done this can he claim that he has learned this small plumbing task u ll young and old are thrilled by a thirst for knowledge it is a great sense of achievement by learning who is on fire to learn and will ing to go over and over a lesson until he has mastered it will equal if he does not surpass the perform ance of a more gifted child with no such eagerness to x learn in the honour group in any school may be found pupils not only with high i qs but with exceptional powers of persistence in studying their lessons never forget the old axiom learn to do by doing a child learns through activity not what mother or teacher savs but what he him self does counts john may often watch dad turn off the water and services they render the farmers by r j deachman inflation everybody is talking about it explanations are appear ing every day if people read them they might know more about it possibly they wouldnt there is one simple explanation too little production too much money its good business to blame the govern ment for it somebody has to carry the load lets put it on the broadest shoulders the ccf has a simple solution clap on con trols fix prices and listen to the cheers of the simple as they go down to work in the morning feel ing that wages can go up and up indefinitely without having the slightest effect upon the cost of living there are many workers who earn a living by their toil but are paid neither salaries or wages they are paid directly out of the products they produce or for the pity when parents or teachers are too busy or too weary to satisfy this quest for information learning is dependent on three something worthwhile everyone likes warm and sincere praise this pride in accomplishment and enjoyment of commendation are main factors the desire to learn j two important incentives to learn- the capacity of the individual andi the repetition of the lesson capac- mother and dad know their ity to learn is the ability which the child is born with certain capaci- child has within himself this j ties they recognize that he himself something inherent in him a i must desire to know and he him- fixed thing either a child is born j self must concentrate on his own with or without special kinds of i lesson but parents can set a good ability thus it is of great import- example by being eager for new ance that parents and teachers as i knowledge themselves 1 hey can far as possible look on each child provide opportunities for learn- as a separate individual a little j bv doing and be generous different from any other person with honest praise understanding the wise parent does not label js so important in a home mother her children as quick or slow and dad can be aid son or daugh- by the yardstick of their standing ter because they know what are in school reports john may only the steps in all true learning rate a b or c in his written copyright east york member writes are a perfect example of this form of payment then we have those wno are paid by fees doctors lawyers and sundry others with similar functions they charge what the service will bear they seem to do fairly well at it as everybody knows inflation is not unpleasant we all seek higher prices we know or should know it has been driven into our minds even in nursery rhymes that what is right it tried it before la the depression of 1931 32 and 38 while others suffered labor got the highest percentage of the product produced of all the different groups in he army of production yet all is not gold that glitters in the mind of a labor leader there was in these years a sharp decrease ia employment funny isnt it one touch of fact should stop the circu lation of that first story in 199 net national income amounted to 12917 millions out of this labor took 7682 millions if it bad taken 9 billions instead of 7 billions would there have been enough left to pay the other coats labor thinks there would it received close to g0 of the national income try raising wag rates 10 and then ask yourself where the money is to come from if prices are not to be raised inflation is a disease we try to treat the symptoms the oidy remedy is to remove the cause it is caused by too much money or purchasing power accompanied by an insufficient quantity of goods right here the government may begin to function or fail to func tion what can the government do it can face the problem do it at the start when the trouble begins it may cut expenditures did you ever hear of that it was goes up must come down then the political slogan of opposition dear people of york east we can be happier about train ing schools and reformatories for girls in ontario than ever before things are moving and in the right direction up until now the girls and the women have had a raw deal during the second world war the girls were put out of the institution which was built for them in gait and it was turned over to the wrens but when the war ended the girls didnt get back to their own institutions which had good buildings a school- house a skating rink a reception house etc etc instead the smaller boys from bowmanville training school were put at gait bowmanville has several hun dred acres of land and could easily have accommodated more build ings both the older and younger boys making common use of school rooms gymnasiums rink etc though at different times the good news now is that the girls are going home to gait you will be wondering where they were in the meantime they were in two posh houses that wealthy americans built on the shore of lake ontario at cobourg bought by the ontario government these houses with their imposing pillars looked beautiful from the highway and photographs but they are utterly unsuitable for the use to which they were put the school rooms were just originally bed rooms as were the hobby rooms sewing rooms etc the corridors in the place were wide but useless the girls had to travel a quarter mile or so along the highway to go from one house to the other which made the task of the staff much greater in fact the conditions were so trying that the excellent pro fessional staff at cobourg were resigning one by one every time i talked to officials of the department or to the super- intendant at bowmanville and gait they waxed eloquent over the beauty of the houses at cobourg and i said if they are so wonder ful it was time the boys and men had them for awhile but i could not interest anybody until mr foote became minister of reform atories and now it is a very differ ent story john foote vc was a prisoner of war for three years which gives him knowledge of the inside and now the girls are going back to gait and i venture to say the professional staff will be remaining isobel mcneil ope superin- tendant for the girls school has under the supervision a psychia trist instituted a counselling ser vice in an endeavour to find the root cause of each girls problem and stait her on the right road it seems to have worked recidivism has greatly reduced and that is the test of any training school or reformatory if the boy or girl man or woman do not return to an institution they have been cured of their antisocial thoughts and actions in a lecture given by alex kdmison kc at don mills united church last fall he gave out of his experience the causes of crime he has been the chief official of the john howard society for many years 1 lawbreakers come from un satisfactory homes whore the parents are divorced or immoral drunkards etc eleven out of four teen cases out of the very many he has handled came from such homes 2 lawbreakers come from slum or depressed nousing areas crowd ing lack of privacy etc s 3 unsatisfactory school life law breakers did not go beyond fifth and sixth grade did not like school and did not learn a trade 1 lawbreakers are usually without church affiliation did not attend a ymca had not been a boy scout or a member of any socially conscious group the public interest in this question of the reform of law breakers should be keen since practically ali return to society at some time even the lifers if they return in the same frame of mind they were when they left society there is no safety for persons or property then too the cost of crime is enormous i remember hearing that it was estimated that convictions on the average cost 1200 and then there is the keep ing of the lawbreakers the build ings the food clothes the staff it amounts to a pretty pile of money and unless the reformation is accomplished the whole expendi ture fails in us objective the problem of the reformation of women lawbreakers is the prob lem of the mercer and so far not much has been accomplished but i am very hopeful that mr foote will tackle even that agnes macphail mpp for york fast follows this word of warning let everyone look out for his crown with all these admonitions this sage advice still goes unheeded if for instance every farmer when he sells his products at an inflated price put aside in a savings account a sum equivalent to the excess price it would bea very pleasant help in dark days and lower prices he doesnt he buys a car and when the crash comes vents his spleen against the wick edness of the speculator who in his opinion kicked down the temple of high prices for his own benefit organized labor bless its simple heart has a pet theory its con tention is that labor can raise its parties half a century ago now they promise more expenditures isnt that difficult yes it may even be impossible in a period of war or threat of war the government can if it has parliamentary support cut down the expansion of social services family allowances old age pen sions are definitely inflationaiy unless they are paid for out of taxes at a time like this there is a limit to social services it may be doubted if the beneficiaries o these services have gained front their application inflation may have devoured the benefits the fact is that the total purchasing power of the poor taken as a whole is greater than the pur- wage rates hi industry in transj chasing power of the rich and any portation and in any other form of attempt to restrict inflation must effort nothing happens if on the be done by construction of buying other hand prices of farm products power so that existing production go up there must be a correspond- can satisfy reasonable demands ing increase m wages in order to no one need envy a democratic take care of the increased cost of j government in time of war or in living they therefore with a time of inflation if it does right thoughtfulness horn out of the it will probably be defeated if it opportunity bring forward the takes the wrong course it will be claim that nothing should be done defeated so the way is difficult to check the upward movement of scylla looms on one side chary- wages and salaries but price conhdis on the other between the trol should be imposed on other two the best of men may hesitate products so that labor might eat there are times when the govern- its cake and pie and sell it too while it profited from inflation what a dream historically labor occasion ed live a happier life than the governors this may be such an last thursday for the annual mrs meeting of the markham town- wag ship sunday school convention officers elected were pres don ratcliff stouffville 1st vice e j stiver unionville 2nd vice l rae resident mrs herb secretary mrs n knetchel treasurer 5 years ago pte bob mcconnochie reached stouffer stouffville secytreas gi this tuesday after two l williamson assistant gordon overseas as a member of the reesor argyle and sutherland highlanders vandorf on sunday our pastor overseas two years last septem- rev w a westcott was guest at ber lancecpl murray nendick a hamilton church where he was returned last weekend murray pastor prior to being on our cir- was attached to the provost corps cu and saw active service in italy glasgow miss gertrude slack a headon collision during a spent last week in toronto with j gam of hockey tuesday night days of yore from lie ifllcfij of the stouffville tribune 2i years ago more tangible results on the part of the stouffville baptist church congregation toward the building of a new church was in evidence this week when a quantity of gravel was deposited on the new site at the corner of obrien ave and main street on a lot which has been vacant for many years back the two rinks of local curlers who entered the ontario tankard games in toronto won their first round from mount forest but were knocked out in the second round by brantford the stouff ville rinks were w j mather c armstrong j s dougherty and h w sanders skip also h brill- ingor w r sanders w arm strong and sam armstrong skip mr sam mckuen of mill street is in possession of two fractured ribs as a result of a fall on saturday morning january 31 1874 at eleven thirty just fiftyone years ago the double- headed engine which ran on the toronto and xipissing rr exploded at stouffville station kill ing three men throwing one twentytwo rods and wounding four others 1 1 years ago the uxbridgo choral society of 00 voices under the direction of mr herbert m fletcher conduc tor will render a concert in the united church stouffville under auspices of the steuftville senior institute to aid this organization in their work for the soldiers more than 100 sunday school workers assembled in markham mr and mrs morris hornsby the goodwood war workers met last friday jan 26th at mrs jack raes election of officers was held resulted in david ratcliff and norman butch steckley receiv ing nasty wounds in the head on opposite sides the game was be tween baker hill and bethesda r 7 neve mi4 the money you put into a government annuity s 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