stouffviue suntribune saturday nov 3 2007 9 filmmaker screening nine of his productions during show by hannelore volpe staff writer dogs how not to conduct an inter view ifs one of nine films being shown in stouffville at the love of joe coffee house tomorrow they are the latest creations direct ed by paul plett a young stouffville filmmaker he recently completed his studies at the toronto film school and is a famil iar face at for the love of jo where he works the movie night which runs from 7 to 9 pm highlights the art of directing mr plett directed all the films and has written and acted in a number of them the films are the first productions from mr pletts new company ode pro ductions mr plett made sure each of the films were very different from each other in style and subject matter they range from cinema verite capturing life as it occurs to stylized pieces there is a sis arsw5ses mm visffi rill t 1 st e ml your gently used donations support oodwiirsmissib barriers to employment 2f 8 donation drive at hillcreslb saturday november 10th 930 am to 530 pm 1 in the mall parking lot next to carrville road vlsg v games toys sports equipment v 111 sl ousewaresr dishsglasafeihhhb -w- collectables asgamefet c v knickknacks giftware wm bi sih tls p9 t0 r iwrhb m milllill to find out more information pieasevgoto 7 ilafiraoos li fjlillill gton hillcrest community at work romantic comedy and a film dealing with the issues sur- roundingfreedom one of the longest films at 20 minutes is a mockumentary about a fake rock band the films will also be shown at for the love of jo in port perry near the end of november and at the whitchurchstouflviile pub lic library early next year also a musician mr plett hosts the open mike nights saturdays at the coffee house and is working on a cd there will be live music with mr plett as one of the performers tomorrow from 3to6pm for the love of jo is at 6308 main st paul plett stouffville filmmak er shows nine of his films at main street coffee house tomorrow leave anonymous tips by phone or online cash rewards for anonymous tips that lead to an arrest i 1800222tips or wwwcrimestoppersyrca this message brought to you as a community service of the economistsuntribune premier sponsor akylemorf r communities purchase your tickets now tickets araiipw on sale for hoxiies for the holidays ual daytime tour clay november 17 am 40l xpm life tezna i tirkot m iwfdiipurchase individual tickets s visit wwwmarkhamca liiil j av siav frocks prfrets please call 9054775530 ipresenting sponsor j scotiabank print sponsor tiv mark work ujeorhoue clothes that work i tsmxmmj sunday november 11 stouffville only m 4w 1090 hoover park dr stouffville