2 stouffville suntribune tliursday june 22 2006 publication mail agreement 40007673 towns to get new powers new advancements in jrieajring riifi technolgy jhave ntaije tt pqssibiejfr provide quality digital hearing aids that are nearly undetectable to others letting i yuenjoya i variety of environments without missing a sound m mm dmmmmed bmemeti no charge no charge 35 day all inclusive full manufacturers satisfaction guarantee fimmihs how available pay no merest for 12 mohwsu camtkctdiiatdwttisbjeqittjtmsssiteife every day is semsors day discount off all accessories batteries free hearing aid cleaning j l etobicoke 4162333581 wost end hearing established 1991 1243 islington ave suite 711 lea0lngedcie care for sowtlonsltvufseek byjoefantauzzi staff writer with the passage last week of the city of toronto act new details have emerged about additional powers the province plans to extend to other municipalities including york region under the changes municipal coun cils would be able to set speed limits up to 100 krhh on local roads provide new powers to license businesses and auto matically suspend a business licence where public safety or health is at risk uppertier municipalities such as york region as well as lowertier municipalities such as whitchurch- stouffville would have access to the new powers under the municipal statute law amendment act 2006 regional chairperson bill fisch said the changes are fine with him even though municipalities would not get the powers toronto will receive to tax tobac co alcohol and sports or entertainment tickets were going to find most if not all of the powers the city of toronto act pro vides mr fisch said adding he sup ported the passage of the city of toron to act last week i was ok with it as long as the other act came forward however the association of canadi an municipalities criticized the province for failing to extend taxation authority arguing while additional tax tools would not offset provincial downloading costs they would give struggling municipali ties another revenue option the municipal lobby group which represents most ontario munici palities says ontario uses property tax to fund health and social services more than any other province pulling 3-bil- lion per year from core municipal serv ices for the past 10 years info session tonight on medical waste facility a public information session on a medical waste recycling facility pro posed for 4 cardico dr in gormley is at 7 pm tonight representatives from octagon medical services inc will make a presentation followed by a question and answer session for the public the meeting is in the council chambers on the 4th floor of 37 sandi- ford dr in stouffville for more information contact the manager of planning services andrew mcneely at 9056401910 ext 270 or email to andrewmcneelytownofwscom markham 9054714327 markham stouffville hearing services established 1990 377 church st stiites 203 north york 41649841 51 the audiology centre established 1986 1333 sheppard avo b sciite340 correction graduation date wrong the story sdss graduate off to england in the june 15 suntribune should have said commencement will be held june 29 melissa mellorhius name was spelled incorrectly the suntribune regrets the errors the stouffville country market will be closing at the end of 2007 for the next 19 months we will be offering four weekly vendor specials this is our way of saying thankyou to the stouffville residents who have supported us for the past 54 years just4fuh refurbished phillishave electric mmm razors mw off re i retail adidas ladies workout pants wmwi all diecast cars largest selection ft besl prices for diecasts anywhere mmtiiiiam pulsating lawn sprinklers 12 4d0 for only 4 12555 10th line stouffville ontario 9056403813 wwwstiiffvillemarketconi