stouffville suntribune thursday june 12006 5 chrome divas riding in for elvisfest fundraiser by hannelore volpe staff writer the chrome divas and judges transplanted from collingwood are joining elvises of every era at stouffvilles annu al elvisfest june 9 toll in memo- rial park the chrome divas are sur vivors of breast cancer or close to someone who has grappled with the disease they ride specialty chrome motorcycles of every design visitors can have their pic tures taken with the divas and their bikes for a small fee at stouffvilles skatepark june 10 proceeds go to breast cancer research elvis tribute artists compete the same day from 11 am to 530 pm inthicketwood park in downtown stouffville headliner anthony von along with other elvis tribute artists is performing from 7 pm to 1 am at latcham hall which is open to those 19 and older other elvises including robin kelly and jesse aron will be in thicketwood bowl from 7 to 9 pm the semifinals and finals are on june 1 1 from 1 1 am to 5 pm at thicketwood bowl proceeds from the allday barbecue will go to the autism society of ontario new this year is the dance card for 5 you can have a dance with or be serenaded by the elvis of your choice elvisfest is sponsored by the stouffville business improve ment area for more information call the stouf fville bia at 9056400749 backstage pen hoijsbimvtiation june 102006 330 rm5q0pm wm eatre s3 backstage location 935q higliwa new music series kicks off with presley slicked back hair and sideburns that sneer and sequined bell bottoms can mean only one thing no you havent entered a stouffville time warp youre at the summers first music in the square a new concert series happening june 10 it runs from 1 to 4 pm near the clock tower in the centre of town the concert features elvis tribute artists who are per forming in the square in conjunction with elvisfest it takes over downtown stouf fville june 9 10 and 11 future music in the square events july 28 and aug 17 will showcase a vari ety of local musicians instrumentalists and bands music in the square is hosted by local resident don quarles the stouffville busi ness improvement area and the towns leisure services department mr quarles of melody- man productions is emcee for the june concert rogers cable tv will be on hand with prizes and giveaways for visitors hannelore volpe 9 7 2 3 3 6 5 1 4 6 7 3 5 7 8 8 2 i 9 1 8 4 i 1 4 5 6 i 4 8 2 5 8 2 3 the rubiks cube of the 2 1 st century ttof t faeu yorkregi ion com it clicks home come and enjoy markhams foremost community theatre group town of vhfltcijmcmstouffviille ac erfjestfle close to the city wwwtownofwscom notice of public meeting tuesday june 1 3 2006 700 pm council chambers 37 sandiford drive 4th floor vandorf preston lake secondary plan lands north of moraine take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville will convene a public meeting under the authority of sections 17 and 21 of the planning act to consider a proposed official plan amendment this amendment deajs with lands within the vandorfpreston lake secondary plan study area and more specifically those lands sit uated north of the oak ridges moraine physiographic region this is a town initiated amendment the public meeting will be convened on tuesday june 13th 2006 at 700 pm in the council chambers town municipal offices 37 sandiford drive 4th floor background in october 2003 town council adopted official plan amendment 113 opa 1 13 which created land use designations and associ ated policies for those lands situated with the vandorfpreston lake study area that are within the oak ridges moraine essentially opa 113 was a conformity exercise to bring these lands into compliance with the provinces oak ridges moraine conservation plan opa 1 13 is still before the province awaiting approval the remainder of the study area was not dealt with at that time this portion applies to lands outside of the moraine boundary in the vicinity of the intersection of aurora road and woodbine avenue the proposed amendment which is the subject of the june 13th meeting will focus exclusively on these lands purpose effect of the proposed amendment the purpose of the proposed amendment is to incorporate the rec ommendations conclusions arising from the background analysis that has been completed for this area new land use policies and land use designations will be considered which are designed to guide and direct development redevelopment proposals for the next twenty year period the amendment will establish policies to identify and protect environmentally sensitive areas establish comprehensive area wide infrastructure water and san itary sewer improvement policies which are designed to facilitate future development establish a hierarchy of designations to guide future residential mixed use and employment land use activities and establish urban design and community development principles location the amendment applies to those lands situated to the north of the oak ridges moraine boundary within the vandorfpreston lake secondary plan study area the lands subject to the amendment are noted on the map which forms part of this notice public participation any person may attend the public meeting to make written or oral submissions on the proposed official plan amendment should you be unable to attend the public meeting your written submis sion will be received up to the time of the meeting written sub missions should be addressed to the town clerk town of whitchurchstouffville 37 sandiford drive 4th floor stouffville ontario l4a 7x5 if you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed official plan amendment you must make a written request to the town clerk at the mailing address noted in the preceding paragraph if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a deci sion of the town of whitchurchstouffville in respect of the pro posed official plan amendment does make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the town of whitchurchstouffville before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted the ontario municipal board may dismiss all or part of the appeal additional information a copy of the proposed official plan amendment and the adden dum background report will be available for review by interested members of the public by tuesday may 23rd 2006 at the follow ing locations towns website wwwtownofwscom in the development services section special studies whitchurch- stouffville library 30 burkholder street whitchurchstouffville museum 14732 woodbine ave or the development services department 37 sandiford drive 4th floor if you have any questions about the proposed official plan amendment or the public meeting process please contact the development services dept telephone nos 905 6401900 or 8952423 dated at the town of whitchurchstouffville this j 8th day of may 2006 michele kennedy clerk