stouffville suntribune thursday march 30 2006 11 will third attempt finally establish cultural policy we need youth senior input councillor says by hannelore volpe staff writer a plan suggesting among other things looking into establishing a cultural centre in downtown stouf fville has been sent back to the drawing board whitchurchstouffville council is hoping its third swing at a draft cultural policy in june will hit the sweet spot for the second time since november councillors last week sent a draft policy back to commit tee for review meant as a guide for municipal cultural endeavours the draft rec ommends establishing a cultural advisory committee undertaking a feasibility study for a cultural com plex recognizing the latcham gallery as worthy of longterm municipal support and establishing a cultural grant policy there is 150000 in the 2006 capital budget for downtown stouf fville strategic plan initiatives including funding for a cultural complex feasibility study and busi ness plan this implies a massive funding commitment on behalf of the community having a cultural policy in place was recommended in 2003 the municipality has to make clear it supports culture said coun cillor susanne hilton a member of the cultural policy task force in working on the policy the task force sought comments from more than 35 cultural organizations and the public even so councillor phil bannon charged youth and seniors werent wellrepresented which led to fur ther review the underlying theme of the cultural policy is the town should act as a leader by encouraging cul tural services this could be done by through municipally operated services act ing as facilitator or coordinator or through partnerships with the pri vate sector the town currently provides cul tural services through the leisure services department whitchurch- stouffville museum and whit churchstouffville public library resident stephen sword told council the town shouldnt have an initiating and coordinating role because culture should percolate up from the grassroots level councillors bannon ken ferdi nands and clyde smith agreed culture in the community needs to be enhanced but this implies a massive funding commitment on behalf of the community mr fer dinands said after more input is gathered the draft document is to come back to council in june after it is reviewed by culture committee members 6425111 rujri2i2zi 85267 11 loose rugs br0adl00m wrtrngr upholstery 3m scotchquard stguffvitle physiotherapy clinic is grateful to be accredited as teaching facility with the department of physical therapy faculty of medicine university of toronto serving whitchurch stouffville markham since 1970 imo waiting list physiotherapy covered by ohip wsib auto insurance extended health plans call 9056401813 its natural to feel this good lose your weight for 1 a day limiied time offer based on full program excludes mandatory product 1 st war amps programs are a timehonoured tradition today there are programs like champ matching mothers and jumpstart tomorrow champ graduates will carry on the war amps legacy of amputees helping amputees for more information or to order your 2006 key tags contact the war amps ezee access tel 18002503030 fax18002198988 or visit our web site at wwwwarariipsca charitable registration no 13196 9628 rh0001 are you having a baby join us at the abc all babies count prenatal nutrition program prepare eat a healthy meal learn about healthy eating for yourself your baby meet other prenatal women in a supportive jmbtojaa relaxed environment call 18775163715 for information about a program near you this message brought to you as a community service of the economistsuntribune