whitchurchslotiffville public librar saturday oct 5 2005 serving the community of whitchurchstouffville 48 pagessi including gst 24 bocce supporters aiming game at new generation of players editorial 6 total home 18 sports 20 classified 26 cerebral palsy cant keep youth football player down allowed to play tackle confidence skyrockets by simone joseph staff writer born with cerebral palsy nothing ever came easy for christian filtsos not crawling not standing not walking i he has to work three times as hard everything is a struggle his mother elizabeth said still the eightyearold boy who doctors said would never be able to walk or talk has always managed to reach his goals through aggressive physi cal therapy but there was one dream his parents were skeptical about especially for a boy struck with a disease mat wreaks havoc with motor skills christian had always wanted to play football not just touch football in the backyard but real tackle football with pads hel mets and cleats the works christian had liked the game since he was a little boy playing around with his cousins and uncle at family get togethers but when he mentioned the idea of joining a real football team his mother was worried i was taken aback because it is football what happens if he gets hurt his recuperating time would be more drawn out christian persisted asking his mother if any elementary schools see football page 16 loose ball get it staff photosjoerd witteveen stouffville district secondary school senior spartans brad whitingstall from left jeff gibson and justin brugger set upon a mitchell district high school player during a tour nament thursday at fletchers field in markham sdss prevailed 105 york municipalities want intertown commuting by roy green staff writer as a transportation option in york region cycling ranks right up there with other a survey prepared for the regions 2002 transportation master plan reveals the num ber of cyclists is so small it is combined with walkers and even then only 7 per cent of 300000 daily trips by residents fell in the cyclewalk category that compares to 79 per cent by auto and 6 per cent in the catchall classification other the region hopes to change that by estab lishing a regional network of bicycle paths and walkways linking all nine area munici palities the planning committee last week approved a 150000 study designed to co ordinate local cycling and pedestrian plans and look at the possibility of paths along regional road allowances most area municipalities have proper cycle master plans or some sort of trail sys tem said loy cheah manager of transporta tion planning we hope to take their plans and stitch them together for a connected system across the region mr cheah saidi the local municipalities have asked us to assist with a plan for longer to middledistance commut ing between communities the plan could include some provision for see dedicate page 3 oi8 hot tubs 27 heritage rd markham 2948030 becchcomber mot mil 8220 kennedy rd markham 905 477t2451 wwwmarkhamhondacom mwhwwmtmiwtfl f fall performance package honda j genuine for peak performance this summer dont open your hood to strangers bring your vehicle home to honda for a comprehensive multipoint inspection plus a genuine honda oil and filter change bring it home to honda available for most honda models taxes not included provincial environmental fees if my excluded towvand country itoiifylfd 6400888