tklaf y- il economist sunlsuntribune total home saturday aug 20 2005 tips to maintain yourfumace from page 8 obstructions away from the furnace area keep cold air returns and heat distri bution vents free and clear of obstructions to allow proper airflow v ensure an adequate supply of com bustion air is available for the appliance to function properly combustion air mixes with fuel to allow combustion to occur inside the furnace hire a professional to dean the duct- ing once every three to five years contact a licensedqualified heating contractor each year- to perform routine service and maintenance according to the manufacturers specifications firi addition consider replacing your forced gas furnace with a high efficien cy model for every one dollar that is spent on gas for a conventional forcedair gas furnace approximately 30 cents goes up the chimney while every dollar that is spent on gas for a high efficiency furnace results in the loss of 1 0 cents or less upgrading to a highefficiency furnace can generate substantial cost savings a heating contractor or your local amerispec home inspector can help decide whether an upgrade is a worth while investment a celebrity tribute to a great canadian sieok viue fine furiirjre vne simmons cameron aiggjsjwjsssags tho most advanced indcpondorit1yrc5ppndirigpaciet coil pver developed citothl of sleeping cpnvdri with indepertdentiyrespondipgcp motibrrrahjsfe so when your partner rnpvesryouid6ntirhe simmonsexdusiye offers yoirtbe benefitvpf hevsr having to flip your mattres -again- non-fur- nchm nceoa tumumot frorti f he kitqheiis of fjj to the world stage tribute binnerand altstar gqngert jo beheld qi- lenrc mmksijhonm mki september i from 2wjwi- llmpm dinner iiiympm v ron sale now free delivery and setup we pay gst this septembers the nonflip docket coil patentrpgfiding technology specifically engineered and crafted iot simniqns bcoutyrvst non-flip- mattresses v silpks the bowling bali mattrcss- aisal ifirraaekttotima irasnfbsfc jsswksr v jtv y v fm city style vri special git walter gretzkv joe bowen ron mclean glen heal y michael bursess- v and mux more xpcaciipcrformuiimbx urit 1uulu tom cochrane leahy natalie mcmaster robert pilon graslilest dummies scottish country dancers mil minx more create your own l ticket- dll corporate tables vi5 472m4 i don clirkei lmfi idnal tidei lor tribute dinner md alnttr concert iontact centre ellmiioii clumber of commerce i ls77242fv53 o to w ohiiiiiiicimeroiitrihuiea nrikwii inivivv i hail cxih v fur john mln cum iillaii a aaa i aaa aaa nhl old timers hpckeygamel walter gretzky and the 7 yo v don cherry and the nhl old timers music wqrld all stars honourarv chairman rick johnson pickcrinu regional counsellor suniniay siphmha hih from jfiopm pidcrin rcrnainn cam w7 ilc- iunn rotulpu vidihonl 1110 stpuffville fine furniturb 6immona fliecp centre mjk6 gallery for all your furniture seeds in the heart of stouffville 6327 main st 905 6426774 monday l nesday isatukday gundayf 10ami700pm ww