stouffville suntribune thursday july 7 2005 7 praise suggestions for strawberry festival what a wonder ful weekend how else could one describe it exciting events fantastic fel lowship terrific food and wonderful weather all con tributing to a marvellous 21st annual strawberry festival to committee chairperson sandra stronach and her group of dedicated volun teers a tip of my canadiana hat you did a fantastic job with so much going on over a short period of time i found it impossible to fit everything into a cramped schedule but i did attend a host of functions the pros and cons on which i wish to comment if you agree thats fine if you disagree thafs fine too my opinions should be taken only as fodder for discussion when organizers sit down and regurgitate the successes and failures of 2005 the 16th annual music festival played to a large and responsive audience in stouffville united church would you believe a standing ovation such was the accept- ance accorded our own men of note the 25voice german harmonie choir was also enthusiastically received as were other participants in the program the stouffville lions beef barbecue was excellent with more than 1000 served the event marked a fitting con clusion to don richards term as president his successor is joe cote to set the record straight i didnt help myself to two servings my second time around was a takeout for our son congratulations to 10- monthold alivia virdirano daughter of john and lori virdirano of stouffville beautiful alivia was crowned grand champion at the 2005 baby show hosted by childrens house child care of stouffville and sponsored by tim hortons of stouffville and the stouffville ida sundays ecumenical church service had its inspir ing moments including a meaningful message by rev kathryn strachan of st james presbyterian church and two beautiful vocal selections by tina weidelich of springvale baptist church instrumental music was too loud and long and why i ask was the samesex marriage issue made part of the service prayer format especially with several samesex couples seated v in the congregation even worse despite what conservative leader steven harper may say the issues a done deal the other miscue in my opinion was not hav ing mayor sue sherban bring greetings on behalf of the town a muchappreciated gesture in years past the championship game in die peewee softball tourna ment sunday was as exciting roaming around with jim thomas a contest as one will ever see less than exciting however was the physical endurance forced on fans seated in our ageold grandstand while the towns heritage advisory committee fuses and fumes over the future of that awful coop grain elevator our his toric grandstand is allowed to go to rack and ruin lets get our priorities straight gladys clarkson did it again she scored a first in both the strawberry pie and jam categories saturday the competition was hosted marilyn lee marjorie smith and dorothy turner of the stouffville legion ladies auxiliary the judges were sarah marsala and susan reesor runnerup in the pie division was sandy stronach karen elliotts jam entry placed second why does stouffville have a library lane where theres no library on it or anywhere near it for those who dont know and i didnt this road extends west from mill street past what is now the care share shoppe and latcham gallery the spelling bee was held there saturday hosted by kumon categorywinners were libby marlatt mattea pike taylor mcgourman john coscarella connor hawey cherise friesen and erin shanahan thanks to anne pride saturdays festival parade was a tremendous success question why were ven dors allowed to sell bottled water from main street booths but churches werent why were megaphones not permitted but microphones were just asking mp lui tamelkovski missed last years festival opening and was criticized this year he attended not only the ceremony but also the parade but where oh where were our members of council some were notice able by their absence with thousands of strangers in town additional information booths would have helped on the positive side thanks to the efficiency of cleanup crews for won derful work jim thomas is a stouffville resident who has written for area newspapers for more than 50 years this as jgreatjettucemtfs available mmanyjtypes from redbostoivto oak xeaf to kcmain it comes with the f rdotjspthat ittays freslitvotitftiiafgood amount bffflavblttvwuisllnusljf6r wmmerciat lettuce its prgamcly grown in weve got a deal hpimseitotoauiisoff youll notice weve moved 6salad dressmgsection to one of my-hitecrf- shelves adjacent top the lettuce section when we were done we took acpunt of the varieties of dressings tliat bur- little store sells it wouldbe more thanvlloi types lots to cfioose from were going to give yptf a free muskoka leltrucewkbn you purchase pne of ow drsihgs which would have a retail of 399 ormor t5ivethis lettuce and maybe a neat dressing a ry this week r j mortgage feepvpf theserpye madea study of tiianlwj v undthat if you weficontamfmfbig- bowl of ice cream tneiastiewr tend to freeze up a bit its best- y to temper the ice cream a bit- mk c first mfetens fog full pints f week f well be making copiousamountsof our fresh chicken burgers and sausages for this weeks feature they are the same size as our beef burgers 13 lb each and the seasoning is with mild herbs sausages will be in two flavours mfld herb as well as 7 sage and onion both have very minimalat and maximum flavour reg 499 lb im never sure of the name of these mushf oomsrsomecall them portabellq some porta bellaim going withthe latter for reasons of translation portico me means c big while bella means beautiful so big beautiful sounds hke a good description of these h now since its barbequeseason youll want to bbjthese buthow i c firsts remove the stem v- actually we7wiu and then brush thenrwith a seasoning we- use olive7oiirhalsamic vinegar saltandpepperand just put them on a inediuni heat on your grill have one piqq wine and wf 7 theyre done stemless thereare main types of mangoes and haddensare the best weve got mem this week in a 9 size which is reallylarge theyve gotgood flavour and l jffa jk theyre ready to enjoy lli wp from mexico awaw doreens oidrfashioned risrf andju jmjv -0- itsspxherfyweek in die bakery and well be making v sotoht cheesecakes a- sinmeredjsour cherry tonpihg with an ayajancfie wedpift do n z aymmgkaifwaybf wlutechbcolatesliavirigsy- l- mojr r n rv andw sbur cherryble pffi with sojif cherries and apples jwfed with brdwii sugksbiucrealiicmnam6ii4utmeg andj- 5 ahint of vanilla ttice topandieep dish vv s14fea- somcffl theserk iare fdomtemp aridgreatatbodyiemp iv ea this is- perfect for moeievehuigs whehi your family is busy andhungryj s yet want a wholesome homecooked meal macaroni and cheese a- perennial favourite with everyone is one of bur hottstrseumg ainners we use extra- old cheddar the older the better elbows and buttered crumbs all you need to do is pop it in theoven for about an hour the kids w love it and you will too r- j j q refc10i95ea m i serves 3 4 ohf this week gream carrot this is if not the bestselling soups we make we- start by making our own chicken stock use local carrots whde theyre available which are nice and svyeet we use cream and its spiced just right 4 jmtq reg549 ea serves 3 4 off this week sourgherbyckeme brulr madewith lots of fcherfies andwhitechbcolafthowbad isjhjft hvv eaf rwhichmcta sour cherry turnovers in my opinion these are the bestjhing thatwev do a word of caution though if thehumidity persists it may be difficult to make enough putf pastry butwell suretryk vel sour crffirby mon muffins t t w x s sour cherry custard cakes withbakedin sourherries and topped with even more of those sour litde morsels of goodness rf two sizes v lo and lo sour cherry flans these are made with sliced pears and an almond v cheesecake base topped with sour cherries whichhave oeen simmered s j in brandy u v v and all of the above items will ber i while supplies last j v l village grocer quality foods specialsin efeect until closing sundattoly 10 i mbnll0070tuesthursi90000fri 9i00800 h 548smtbnm6adtni6iiville v