32 markham economist sun saturday june 11 2005 1i gme mk srfsa i3g g jstikv r agyaj ttfjy v- r 4- 1 c fr i imvr friday rwgh- the music tastes and culture f 6f the manhnic oups ff thatmaketupcmarkham chijdrs fides sram6ban park i capstone communications 9r for more information call 9054722022 or visit waavmarkhamfestivalorc we personally guarantee your satisfaction joanne unique alendel equus caya lubotex maxwell duralee off california plantation excalibur fabric pvc vertical blinds executive valances available on all verticals 1 6 main st north markham 9052946160 june 3005 tucs sat hours frl 12pm6pm 12pm5pm closed sunday mornings ancf mondays by appointment free shop at- home service 16th ave robinson hwy 7 ssssi tv york regions longest established bike shop bicycle tuneups start at 2999 29 main street n markham hwy 48 just north of hwy 7 9052948955 dont miss the markhctm formers market every saturday may 7 october 8 800 am to 100 pm robinson and markham main street kshmiws leedslvqjunteei sfonj marknrnjfaereiivratjce r satsmay oct -j- markham village music festival june 1719 i2 tfu jtssfe imf s js pre eafliers day speeialg get a gift certificate for markham sportshome hardware j or a free memory foam pillow with purchase of over 400 aivd lwi6firlyoffc a isincledqublefeoueen orthopebri llqiueenset i 3 free b choice i i with any mattress set purchased b bed frame slip stick floor protector b setup comforter disposal of old set mattress pad set of sheets bed ralls pillow local delivery no pst no gst orf h0pract if- llllvlimar idekeicqiil gsueensei ifoftmf iiiensii cbunkcomplete iiliillli0i mmu metal futon complete free imvavvavpo mot pay for t yer markham 74 main st north tl sleiep factory 16th ave hwy 17 407 9054727504 viluqb shoppes plaza maln8thwy4s canadas mattress superstore hours a a 1mw am 700 pm lass hhz thuri frl 1000 am 800 pm i sun 11am500pm vaughanvb maj mackenzie dr j vlsrt our website orsleepfactorys j huge selection at c yihiw stccpfactgmt 1905170606 r fc ptmq pno cbopptn im t t tiiysagssssgggbffsg