10 stouflville suntribune thursday sept 2 2004 yxxxs mckay mortgages call us first no fee mortgage switches discounted bank rates over 25 years of financial experience we specialize in self employed borrowers 100 financing available no income plans bank refusals private funds power of sales tedd pickering mortgage specialist we purchase existing private mortgages serving stouffville and area cell 416 9972200 fax 905 6406923 emailteddmckaymortgagescom rates are subject to change without notice oac the regionalmunicipalityofyork notice of second public consultation centre class environmental assessment vivian road yr 74 from highway 48 to yorkdurham line yr 30 town of whitchurchstouffville the regional municipality of york is undertaking a class environmental assessment study to examine potential longterm improvements to vivian road yr 74 between highway 48 and yorkdurham line yr 30 in the town of whitchurch- stouffville the project is being planned under schedule c of the municipal class environmental assessment june 2000 under the ontario environmental assessment act public and review agencies are invited to provide input and comment for incorporation into the overall planning and design of improvements to vivian road to provide details on the study and alternatives being considered as well as to receive input and comment from interested parties a public consultation centre will beheld date wednesday september 8 2004 time 630 pm to 900 pm location york region forest headquarters 16389 highway 48 10 km south of vivian road whitchurchstouffville the public will have the opportunity to review information on the problem study processes and objectives and to discuss the study with staff from york region and their consultants comments received at this public consultation centre will be considered in the assessment of design alternatives recommended improvements resulting from the conclusions of this study would be tentatively scheduled in the regions capital road program for the year 2009 in the meantime urgently needed repairs to the driving surface are scheduled for thisyear 2004 subject to the comments received as a result of this notice the region will prepare the environmental study report to be placed on the public record for a minimum 30- day review period for further information or if you are unable to attend the consultation centre and wish to provide your views please contact cynthia martin p eng project manager regionalmunicipalityofyork transportation and works dept 17250 yonge street po box 147 newmarket on l3y6z1 phone 905 7646345 ext 5134 fax 505 8364590 cynthiamartinregionvorkonca gordon murray p eng consultant project manager stantec consulting ltd 7270 woodbine ave suite 300 markham on l3r 4b9 phone 5054740455 ext 4035 fax 9054749889 gmurravstanteccom bill fisch regional chair kees schipper commissioner of transportation and works thank you for your participation in this study community calendar community nonprofit groups in whftchurchstouffville are welcome to place their coming events in this column at no charge please send your notice to cbmmunitycalendar at the stouflville suntribune box 154 stouflville l4a 7z5 fax number 9056408778 or drop it off at the offfce34 gvk ave 3rd floor deadline is mondays at 6 pm publication cannot be guaranteed but we will make every effort to ensure it is included please be brief wednesday september 8 guides registration new registrations only are being accepted from 630 to 730 pm for stoufmearea brownies guides sparks and pathfinders at latcham hall 8 park dr south in stouffville leaders needed womens institute the bethesda womens institute will meet at 1 pm at the home of isobel nigh suite 111 parkview village visitors welcome show signings music mania stouffvilles annual spring variety show holds its annual signup meeting at stouffville united church at 730 pm looking for lots of new mem bers call 9053185 saturday september 11 gormley fun fair heise hill brethren in christ church is hosting the gormley corn roast and fun fair from 3 to 8 pm there will be bouncing domes a petting 200 food clowns face painting pony rides and more the church is on woodbine avenue one km south of stouffville road call 9058875489 for more information legion dinner the stouffville royal canadian legion branch 459 is hosting a barbecue steak dinner followed by music by randy skelcher starting 6 pm at the legion hall on ninth line north of main street tickets are 15 per person and have to be purchased by sept 4 at the bar family fun day willowgrove primary school will host a family fun day barbecue and concert the event includes stouffville recording artist bryan mover suderman fun day begins at 3 pm the barbecue dinner is at 5 pm while the concert gets underway at 6 pm willowgrove is located at 11737 mccowan rd south of stouffville road for more information call 9056402127 sunday sept 12 memorial gathering trustees of the altona mennonite meeting house will host a commemorative service at 3 pm guest speaker will be martha smith good for more information call 9056401536 monday september 13 speak out stouffville toastmasters offer training in communication leadership and personal development every monday at 7 pm at stouffville district secondary school for more information call 9054725367 tuesday september 14 traveling along with a song the stouflville christian womens club will present a spe cial feature by kerr travel and speaker and singer linda clark at the the village square at 36 eastern gate on at 930 am tickets are 6 call 9056400791 thursday september 16 show time the york durham academy of the performing arts holds an informa tion night for the coming season at orchard park public school at 7 pm the school is at 276 sunset blvd in stouffville adults are being cast this sea son as well as children eight years and older and young adults ydapa presents five musicals the academy childrens choir bell choir conceit band and senior and beginning band call 9056400823 ext 3 or email to wwwydapacom memory project a workshop for war vet erans or those currently engaged in con flicts or peacekeeping missions who want to share their memories with school chil dren starts at 10 am at the stouffville royal canadian legion hall on ninth line call 88661867 for more information and to register saturday september 18 rabies clinic the ballantrae and district lions club holds its annual rabies clinic at the ballantrae community centre from 1 to 3 pm shots are 15 each the centre is on aurora road east of hwy 48 motorfest 2004 the stouffville missionary church will host motorfest 2004 on the lawn of novopharm ltd main street 18 beginning at 930 am hundreds of cars on display proceeds to teen challenge car wash for terry the stouffville spirit jr a hockey club hosts its third annual terry fox run car wash from 11 am to 2 pm at houston ford all proceeds to the terry fox run fund 2iy sftnnwersary secefiration come and help us celebrate 25 years of service to the comrnunity sunday september 12 2004 from 200 400 pm elgin mills cemetery in front of the new mausoleum of the heavens 1591 elgin mills road east richmond hill spectacular white dove release art show light refreshments giveaways m elgin mills cemetery visitation chapel and reception centre