2 economist sunsuntribune diversions saturday april 102004 outdoors unsafe for pet rabbit from page 21 house rabbit can be fun and rewarding rabbits can be excellent pets ms warriner said they seldom bite rabbits are very social and intelli gent companion animals they do however need daily attention and care they need their cages cleaned they need to be fed and they need clean water every day ms warriner said the ontario rabbit education organization is recommending rabbits have a minimum of three to five hours of outofcage exercise daily in addi tion to pellets rabbits must have hay and vegetables daily to remain healthy and happy on title good news front rabbits can be litterbox trained much like a cat the bigger the cage the better since rabbits dont have fingers to explore they use their teeth rabbit owners should make sure their pets have toys to keep them entertained anywhere the house rabbit might be playing indoors needs to be bunny- proofed a smart bunny owner seldom forgets to cover the electrical cords outdoors is unsafe for the domestic rabbit meanwhile rabbits should be spayed or neutered since rabbits live about a decade owners should expect to keep them for a long time i leon decaire cpga head teaching professional find your golf game s at buttonville fairways offering for 2004 eric hui golf professional jumbo pail of new spalding balls washed daily 50 tee all grass no mats 9 hole chip putt 18 hole putting green kept in the same conditioning as your championship courses all for 1 soo inc tax buttonville fairways 9054724235 major mackenzie hwy7 m44ibjr ml saul ft ie43ue ie45ue stouffville amateur hockey league womens division invites you if you are a woman to hockey night in stouffville sunday april 18 810pm stouffville arena 9th line just north of stouffville rd open to women 18yrs come and try out our league for a night all you need hockey equipment its free no cost questions lj bartle 905 6428103 or ljbarderogerscom t 1 r f i 4 h controlling pests possible from page 21 pings watch for a few seconds though and youll see them wig gle and move definitely not bird droppings the droppings part isnt so offbase though since the larvae cover themselves with their own excrement to deter predators disgusting but effective adults overwinter in the soils surface and emerge in spring right in sync with new lily foliage to immediately feed and mate within a few days females lay their eggs in irregular lines on the undersides of foliage they hatch within four to eight days this brings us to early june when youll see young larvae feeding on the undersides of foliage as larvae mature youll find them munching on all parts of the plant including stems and flowers this larval feeding period is the most destructive and lasts for 16 to 24 days they then drop to the soil to pupate pupae are fluorescent orange and 16 to 22 days later new adults emerge this brings us to more or less early august and these new adults can be seen feeding for the rest of the season these are the ones that will tuck in over winter just under the soil surface and begin the cycle again next year if you focus on the life cycle its easy to see when you can be most effective in controlling this pest in late fall scratch around the soil surface to search for new adults bedding down for winter in spring just as lily foliage is emerging the beetles will too be vigilant for a couple of weeks in hunting down overwintered adults before theymate in a week or two start anoth er search and destroy mission this time looking for eggs and hatched larvae in early august watch for new adults as with any garden pest with the ability to over- win ter once youve got them youve gotthem but if you focus on an insects life cycle and make search and destroy missions a part of your gardening routine controlling any garden pest is possible with a watchful eye and a gloved hand youll be able to keep populations down to grow lilies successfully if you dont have lily beetles in your garden dont be smug that can change with just one new uninspected purchase when buying new lily bulbs or accepting a gift from a neigh bour rinse them thoroughly before nearing your garden remember youre looking for bright red adults or sluglike lar vae in the soil not eggs so they should easily rinse away if pres ent in the case of potted bulbs already growing rinse them washing away all soil among the roots in room temperature water before planting and inspect stems and foliage for eggs even one beetle that makes it into your beds can begin the rav aging cycle evelyn wolf is a freelance garden writer and owner of garden possabilities bookstore in newmarket call 905-830- 9693 or visit wwwgardenpossibilitiescom we are proud to honour outstanding women from each of our municipalities throughout york region not just because of their personal achievements but for the effect their contributions have hadon the lives of others founder director fldriorajryfldst susan hay global television susannecappuccrrri administation coodinator the celebration supports the ontario breast screening program operated by cancer care ontario there is only one screening clinic serving york region located at southlake regional health centre rbu 7h tune int0 r television sunday may 30th 5 pm for a fie cpsattrk i special broadcast of this prestigious event l cuzkri f llrv visit wwwrogerstelevisioncom for additional airtimes media rogers ipj rbc partner wjejevijjn j r bank premier event sponsor event sponsors redken bh ffllpartylmrjbb kpmg bazil developments inc event sponsors sigma promotions bald eagle consulting inc outrageous creations abovo decorating event planning east side marios newmarket east side marios aurora mail boxes etc yonge st nmkt dmn photo art studio irwin nelson computer services food home magazine hostcd at le patc hvvy7 leslie st marmiam for info tickets vwwwyofioiegkrivwqmensanflrartjsxorn 905 8936499058987803fax 90595674 1 4 tettv r m iwtoflbkref newspaper graif